Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wind of Change - Scorpions


The subtle breeze, what was with the day being a bit wet in succession with the subsequent night- time, still reeling, from the after effects of the previous daylight hours sporadic; downpours. The entire time reaching towards the very day was quite bleak in the sense that showers heralded much the chronology of events. Yet the mission is all, the more succinct, clear and not a niggling bit befuddled. To: effectuate an entire sea change of things, to do away with an antiquated methodology that do not allow even a trickle of new ideas to uplift its near devilish arrangement. There is actually no way that the coalition could change only that its actions becoming more desperate and remorseless. The rakyat must take the initiative, there is veritably none of any remaining choice left except for a wholesome metamorphosis, from a decadently corrupt racialist procedure to a rakyat or citizenry based egalitarian approach. The person to lead is already there so what is more to do except to continue marching from Permatang Pauh ( Peoples Power ) to Putrajaya.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nujum Pak Belalang

Alvin and The Chipmunks - Witchdoctor


It seems everybody has a particular someone to see to or to consult with particularly so when whatever that is going to happen to his or her immediate future, could not, be ascertained- the outcome of which being quite in line, with what they; hoped to be. Geomancers: are especially sought but the mathematics plus the massive refurbishment, renovation and even relocation of dwelling along with work places involved would have put off most except for the die hard believers. Soothsayers may be preferred as the designation, quite aptly imply are soothing in what they have to say, a promotion in the pipeline perhaps. Inasmuch a rewarding contract notwithstanding the lowest price quoted, in a judicious manner that being so without any of the profligate element, the best team, together with, the foremost in work exposition- the criteria above and over everything else that is. People holding high positions would utilize much that comes to hand even though the said enterprise could very well involve things that quintessentially lie in the realm of the extraordinary or the supernatural as the case may be. After all, they do need advisors of all sorts. Their careers would have demanded that. An election down the line or a popularity contest that is overly vicious if one does not play the same game. A matchmaker that insists on the parents seeking the opinion of a special person of whom is well versed in what the stars and constellation have to say in respect of the, would- be young couple suitability. Also a worried misfit too engrossed with a strange dream he experienced the night before, a pious personnage that he desperately wants to refer to or just the mind playing tricks on him. Last, but not, least one or two inept bearers of high office much exhausted of all the Machiavellian procedures they can muster except putting into commission the most expensive and the extremely menacing of Witchdoctors.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joget Malaysia (P. Ramlee)


The figures are quite staggering but not, really so perhaps, nine thousand here and another two there. The littlest of whispers that was amplified, so, as, to make every ear drum burst, the objective primarily to induce some form of panic situations that the ones still unsure would be petrified. They could all along lose the few things that should be theirs and none of the others must ever covet. Institutions that bear their marks along with their identity, even though the mere suggesting of a miniscule opening in order to allow a fraction of the minutest of real world experience. To interplay with their arcane albeit regimented training modules, the resulting effect would only be to encourage beneficial review of dated mindsets and activate wholesome paradigm shifts perfectly attuned to the vagaries of global realities. Refusing in totality the necessary recommendations would inexorably eventuate in their collective awareness being all, the, more cocooned in its own pitiable irrelevance. The fact that change is the most constant of all circumstances belies their debilitating inactions. The young ones were brainwashed into blindly concurring with their conniving elders, of whom, fanned their fragile presentiments of congenital birthrights threatened without due recourse. The superiors having formalized guilds indoctrinating their bright- eyed members goes to show their preponderance towards political survivability at whatever costs. They do not care that their much myopic viewpoints produce only unflinching narrow mindedness and base parochialism in the young initiates, very fragile collective consciousness. The onus upon an undisturbed perpetuation of unholy pillage, along with, a remorseless yet veritably- gross mismanagement of the nation’s economy restricted any inclinations of lofty idealisms if ever seeing any light of day. The far- reaching notions, being, fast discarded by the policy makers into the surreal domains of intellectual dementia makes nation building, a praxis morphed into a polymorphous figuration of short- sighted ethnocentricity. By, the same token the ruling coalition’s time attested but chronologically faulted race based methodology, must distinctively, be subverted in that a synergetic arrangement would arrive in replacement. Instead of a race, in supremacy- jaded battle cry the insuppressible catch- word should instinctively be the citizenry or the rakyat in superiority thus transcending all racialist inklings inherent throughout the homeland. Too high sounding perhaps but the euphoria of a hundred or more thousand people accompanying Anwar’s nomination last Saturday bears testimony to exactly that. Merdeka3! And how appropriate.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Black ( Dark ) Eyes Russian song English Subtitles


Finally, the bear has had enough. Its mind losing all elements of reasonableness, it, must strike, its primordial instincts could not contain themselves. It is the alpha figure, the sole male, the strong one that he must make his mark. His territory or that he perceives to be his after all others have been lost, must be, returned to him. How insolent of the lesser creatures to intrude onto what is rightfully his, even though he acquiesced to some of his stomping ground, being, returned to ones who were already there before him. Howbeit, there are still that are actually his region, his marks, are, all there to be seen and felt but in their obstinacy and covetousness the minions still have the audacity to rebel thus encroach upon his jurisdiction. Whatever he had willingly, give, they are in want of more. To add salt to the wound they dare conspire with his archenemies along with acquiring weapon from them presenting to all and sundry their latent belligerency. His silent guns would not remain as they were for they should fire all the way. His people descending from the Vikings of old would not at all be the effeminate majority coerced into complacency. He had started what he can finished, his canons ready plus weapons of all sorts cocked, his infantry in the thousand most willing to march onwards anywhere. They were a superpower before and still- is. They too have the mother of all bombs just to try for size, perennially shortchanged they have felt and now they do not care any more. Darn you NATO and AMERICA just engage us if you are not ill at ease. We just want to protect our own and not see what is, little left, for them being, taken away, still not pleased with that then meet us all the way. You Dare!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dia Datang


How is it that a component of the country’s security apparatus is now into calling up counsels for questioning, just what ever that’s little to be collected information or the like that can in one way or another assist in their crucial quest for something or anything in that regard. The case of the missing investigator perhaps, but is not the buggery charge still holding sway or losing steam in its incredulity that pretty much begs disbelief and severely lacking in any redeemable qualities be it so.
Countless times would DSAI vociferate that the entire system being corrupt in that only a fraction could be mobilized in the way of improvements yet as a whole, insubstantially realizable. Only a complete change in methods would subvert everything into a workable and conducive system.
The incumbent along with his named successor must only put up nonchalant expressions the likes of not knowing whatever the particular apparatus is partaking in, being its given vocation, that it, proceed along its way as it is supposed to. The reality being they are very much in control and dictating every single operation that need be activated in order to arrest any advances made by the opposition that they could not circumvent in the first place.
Connotations that somewhat imply both the PM and DPM being cohorts with respect to the machinations being perpetrated upon Anwar and the opposing PR may not be that ‘politically’ correct as Pak Lah in his seemingly ‘innocent’ state would be less likely the overseer throughout the entire purposeful ‘investigation’. Howsoever DS Najib stands to benefit wholesomely should the ‘inquiry’ reaches its intended conclusion making his person the principal player in the thoroughgoing drama or the prime mover behind the theatrics. Impartiality in respect of the bulwark of the state’s instruments remains a fable that everyone believes so.
In the meantime, perceptions swirling inside the citizenry’s, grey matter, could not be mollified no matter how vigorous the efforts put forth. Inasmuch a parody of sorts would be the only outcome should unrelenting exercitations particularly so in repressing the much questionable plastic explosives point at issue. Coupled with the full of holes soodoomee allegations that is currently thrown at DSAI even international observers finds it hard to accept that Anwar could commit such crimes out of his own volition rather than for political reasons that he was conspired against. Timing too would not be contributive to the powers, that, be, as he has made substantial inroads into the country’s political landscape and is currently the de facto leader what is with an unprecedented eighty two lawmakers on his side. Undeniably, he is now the opposition chief and should only, be accorded, the respect that he is wantonly denied. Somehow, the ruling coalition is still in a state of denial, the salient truth has not seeped into them. Much pitiable is their state of mind if only to their detriment should things were to largely move like before without actions being taken to address the anomalies. Pretty much treading as they were onto the path of total ruin.
Fifty odd years of crony capitalism begets much for change, considering the emerging realities yet the ruling bosses find insurmountable the tasks ahead. Kingmakers parading as division heads would still demand their unholy largesse despite rapidly changing attitudes amongst the populace. Perchance the half billion ringgit kickbacks from defense equipment purchases were the appropriate amount needed to placate the heads undiminished appetites for the almighty dollar or ringgit to be precise, two million each, making four hundred plus a bit more for all the leaders and anything in excess, channeled into petty cash. The DPM only wanted to make sure he had thought out every niggling- bits, plus- covering any gaping holes that somewhat could hinder his already confirmed, as of now, pathway to the premiership. Only that coveted position would only be realizable in 2010 i.e. two years ahead, as he had readily agreed to whence suggested by Pak Lah a little while back. Noting that two years is a very long time in politics the little premise he is much agreeable to now may not, be insusceptible to the erraticism that normally would dictate the chronology of events coming forth until the very occasion. In other words, only time will tell and any politician worth his or her salt must not just sit and wait out, quite quaintly so, the entire duration of which for things to be, delivered to him or her, upon reaching the end of the stipulated period.
The level four boys would yet to be resting on their laurels, as their combined greed and avarice must only be ahead of them parallel with their unslackening enterprise to install onto the highest pedestal one of their own and no less the golden boy himself being Kerry in part also, Pak Lah’s famous son in law.
TDM was not at all ,lost for words, when he immediately quipped about DS Najib not going to see the inside of the premier office after the agreed timetable, notably in the instantaneous aftermath of Pak Lah’s eventful announcement. Knowing very well the level four chaps would not in their lives allow such opportunities the likes of the bad perceptions about the deputy premier and the C4 conundrum slip by without taking full advantage of the much questionable issues even though conveniently suppressed for the time being.
Quoting also his disappointment with Najib for easily acquiescing to Pak Lah’s proposal, TDM changes his preference for Najib as his preferred candidate for the next PM to TS Muhyiddin saying, if anything Muhyiddin is all, the, more eligible especially so in terms of experience and seniority. Najib in his newly arrived euphoria, was not, really perturbed with Tun’s, half expected rebuke but he did longingly wish for the old man to rejoin the party in the not too distant future, mostly out of respect for the former PM as the case may be. To all intents and purposes the December date when party elections will be held, could be the aphoristic reality check for everybody since all posts will up for grabs with or without the quintessential albeit mandatory 30% nominations- precondition.
Coincidentally, Anwar too has changed his oft- declared date of takeover from September to the end of the year. Acknowledging the dubitable, sodomy charge, has in a little way derailed his original plans, he, by any means is still adamant that the takeover blueprint is still on track albeit a little later to materialize. Without fail, he reiterated the inexorable adverse decline of the country’s economy, should, nothing substantive, be put into place to fully address the impending disaster. In addition to the portentous eventuality, he predicted an ominously short two months ahead before the nation heads into the abyss. He continued by imploring that the current system in place could not deal with the incoming catastrophe, as its already severely corrupted inner mechanisms would not be able to withstand the unprecedented onslaught. The racially biased cum chauvinistic elements intrinsic to the entire inflexible structure would only implode against a never before multifold cum accelerated increases in global prices for food and fuel in particular, Malaysians would, for the first time ever be faced with an unappeasable situation that to an extent could deprive them of their basic- necessities. Even simple foodstuffs would be hard to come by considering the over inflated costs commensurate with their availabilities. A, good number, would in all likelihood go hungry and the Malays being the majority along with the most in terms of the visible poor will suffer the worst. Never forgetting to cite the calamitous effects of the much recent acute upsurge in pump prices, Anwar: did not, mince his words when he mentioned what wretched conditions that could be further expected should there be more increases in charges coupled with a fully anticipated dwindling economy in the pipeline.
He concluded his fiery discourse on the would be ill effects of an overwhelmingly mismanaged economy by everyone opting for a new machinery, a different organization and a complete system change in amending a totally inept, lackadaisical and rotten methodology that only serve its own interest rather than the nation as a whole. That arrangement must only be the Pakatan Rakyat, what are with its egalitarian outlook alongside the entailing aspects logically emanating from its very basic and unmovable philosophy namely non discriminatory, transparent, impartial, practicable, responsive and adaptable. At the very least, the majority of the elements needed for a forward- looking polity in fully steaming ahead to boldly face unrelenting, as, yet intense competition in tandem with the rest of the world. Anwar has all the right slogans and the appropriate watchwords but mere catchwords they are not as more and more of the rakyat are beginning to believe in his battle cries even though ‘outmoded’ the phrases may be, as his critics would be at ease to call. The rakyat, having to face imminent destitution in line with the prices of the bare- essentials having spiraled upwards without any respite in view may have been the reason Anwar’s indefatigable words imbibed into them. A most recent example being the TV debate between Anwar and The Minister for Information where The De Facto Opposition leader in clear and unequivocal terms put his argument forth without any points, fresh and substantive coming from the Minister in countering the Ex DPM’s much spirited disputations. Even TDM had to conclude that Anwar actually won the debate hands- down but he stopped short at that without making any further comments ensuing his rather abrupt remark.
Howsoever, Anwar did make known during one of his latest ceramahs, that a significant number of voters among the rural Malays still have their hearts strong with UMNO and as a direct consequence the party’s source of its, all important votes. Still having to strive to win more of their hearts and minds, Anwar implores all supporters of the Pakatan Rakyat to not once neglect the rural folks yet continue illuminating PR’s agendas onto their cognitive functions. The fact that the MSM is mostly used for their daily source of vital information makes more and more availability of the alternative media for their frequent viewings much crucial to the opposing- coalition’s, persistently ongoing pronouncements. Howbeit internet penetration is still lacking within the Kinsmen agrarian domains. The younger set of the grouping however has their own set of criteria that they fast apply to whenever questions arises that needed their unbiased critical reasoning and they are turning in droves towards the opposition is an undeniable certitude. It is only the older members that are a bit set in their minds that badly require some form of vigorous reeducation
There is the possibility that it is against this particular setting that moves has been made by the ruling coalition to jumpstart some form conciliatory talks with Pas, the pre eminent conglomeration of the Malay race being top on the list of viable topics to be touched. The story goes that these little discussions, has been pretty much, effectuated: immediately after the poll results, of the, recent general elections, and there were even words circling throughout the grapevines that the first ever meeting being held took place if not a few hours just after the outcome. By and large the story line at that time did not bear any immediacy as they are only taken for what they were worth and that being mere whisperings. On the other hand, the top echelons in PAS did admit to UMNO inviting them joining its side during the nascent period of the opposition rule in the four states taken from the BN, doing this totally in the spirit of the emanating opposing coalition. That was a while later, to be, spearheaded by the much inspiring nomenclature of PAKATAN RAKYAT.
It is only, when Pak Lah as a form of political one-upmanship decided to spill the beans that all hell broke loose, the rakyat, of whom, had voted across racial concerns during the last polls was truly perturbed, some even vowed to totally ostracize Pas’s candidates from their lists of MP’s and State’s representatives comes next GE. It is well worth nothing that Pak Lah admitted to The Dato’ Tuan Guru Nik Aziz not being privy to the secret rendezvous he had with a number of leaders from the Islamic Party makes the much clandestine coming together all the more sinister. So much so, that ordinary members and unwitting voters from both parties were less than impressed with the recent goings- on. The story goes that special preferences would be accorded to Pas’s side with even the DPM’s post being offered to one of its leaders notwithstanding the more than a few Federal, Chief minister, Senators, Excos and elevated positions in GLC’s or government linked companies. As, yet, none of the states already controlled by the BN were included in the overly bountiful proposal. The little thingy with the spuriously concocted soodoomee allegation was somewhat assigned to be the raison det re for The PAS high council to execute a full turnaround. Quaintly a nondescript phone call from Pak Lah to Ustaz Nash confirming Anwar’s involvement in the ‘unnatural’ act was the event designed to set in motion any incipient hesitations in the minds of the party’s top brass. All or just the same, of late the evidence trail just did not succumb to the ‘criminal act’ what are with many leads veering away from the points in contention. A conspiracy, as Dsai would not be in want to say- nonetheless.
Against this backdrop that a peeved Dato’ Tuan Guru Nik Aziz hollered to not discuss anything anymore with UMNO if only casual talks be the norm. Calming his anger with his own boys and Umno’s top leaders the willful Spiritual Teacher throws out a challenge to everyone concerned to largely think out of the box and dissolve both entities, following that a new party should be incorporated having hudud and qisas as its undeterred methodology. Knowing very well that the staunch albeit conniving secularists in UMNO would never in their life concur to any Islamist worldview bar for expedient reasons only- theirs usually, The sagacious Tok Guru is very much calling Pak Lah’s bluff.
Certain personages in UMNO would really stand to lose should lower rank members in the party be given certain Latitudes especially those touching on greater democratic access. For one, they, would not, in all likelihood, be nominated- again if yet asked to step down immediately. The members have had enough of their incompetence and wild intrigues. They want new people at the helm and the names that they now call for are Tengku Razaleigh and Tan Sri Muhyiddin. For lack of democratic- leeway their desperate exclamations stop short at the branches level due to only bloody division heads having the sacrosanct privileges of choosing the entire leadership. The glaring fact that the, Leaders, are very much cautioned by way of projects, money or even threats by the top dogs is an ongoing story.
PAS too has some pertinent reservations in respect of Anwar’s magical formula in his federal takeover narrative, mainly concerning a ‘precarious’ scenario of a newly realized ruling coalition of mostly non- Muslims MPs holding sway over the Federal Administration. Considering its already ‘sensitive’ approximation with the DAP in the PR, it would not bode well for the Islamic based party in having more of the diehards ‘secularists’ to contend with. At any rate, especially when faced with the realization that the rakyat earnestly had voted for change during the last polls alongside casting aside all forms of latent prejudices against the Islamic centered organization whence polling it could not, even once at that betray that trust or AMANAH for an appropriate term in the Malay language that is. To, have transgressed that AMANAH if only for the littlest of excuses would have invoked the mightiest of sins, and God would not in any wise shy away from becoming an irate witness in this case.
Amidst the cacophony, Anwar announced that he will contesting for the Permatang Pauh parliament seat after his lovely and dutiful wife being Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah or Kak Wan decided to vacate the post. The Man from the wilderness is coming back!