Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Zack Goes Dating

A surprised Prince Wale-wale after an urgent call from Zack vociferating that he just received a call from Priscilla and the subject matter being:Priscilla's invitation to Zack to go see a movie. Zack mentioned that he was in a situation and one he is at a difficulty to fathom since he has never been invited as such and a movie to watch all the more. Zack the honest chap was ne'er successful in the dating game whence each relationship just simmers into insignificance. Yet the effort he puts through every time to woo the girl was too much and too hard. And as a result he could not believe whenever a girl says yes or agrees to his calls for a date. But this time a girl asks him instead. He was lost for words,even, flabbergasted for an instant but he knows the invitation was sincere and not at all for a favor like, or, condescending to an extent. As the call was from Priscilla how could he surmised that there could be consternation on his part as Priscilla was the one asking. He was in a state of disbelief that he called Wale-wale. Wale wale quipped that it could be love in the making and the idea of a movie date in the first was quite unthinkable this day and age that it could only be sincere. The girl is opening up to him and its only fair that he says yes. Two lonely souls in search of each other inside a maze of emotions and they eventually meet. Why not a movie date to start the ball rolling. Wale wale insisted on Zack accept Priscilla's invitation and just ride the wave without any care and any inhibitions and if things do roll fast and quick then there will be nothing left but to make honest cum decent their lives. Wedding bells are ringing. Tears are welling! Tears are welling. Congrats all!

Zack The Wonder Boy

                            Upon entering room no 7 and as per messaged by Wale-Wale,papalados noticed a dejected looking Zack The Wonder Boy. And that he wasn't enjoying the situation was apparent as there was only one girl to the two other members including him, in the singalong chamber from the two hostesses available that prince wale wale had planned beforehand. The girl alone was Priscilla and she was the one meant for Zack. Whatever happened to Wendy papa wondered? Wendy was a bit late the fact was but not late as in really late but late only that wale-wale and Zack had arrived early. Proper dangduting actually starts near the witching hour plus the bit later and not ten half past when papa entered the no 7 singing chamber. Coincidentally Priscilla emerged early as asked by Wendy the few days before when prince arranged for them to join the friday last niteout. Wendy even insisted in prince not calling Mummy to reserve prior as the minimum hours booked will be a rather high figure of five if he did so. Since Zack was the one who wanted to go dangduting and at Extravaganza the dangdut club and the one also insisting upon wale-wale making the arrangement - he had to agree to be the Towkay or the Banker and of whom will underwrite the whole costs of the evening out. Everyone had to chip in of course but Zack must be the one to add the odd ringgit to even the figures. Papa agreed to 100rm with wale-wale of the same,Mike and Alan 150 to 200 and the balance and quite often the sum higher than the rest would be Zack. However Zack was not elated as he should be when Priscilla did not seem to be making merry with him but singing joyfully with wale-wale. Zack on the other hand only enjoys a cozy chat with a hostess without nothing else added since he did not really enjoy singing and stepping to the dance. Extravaganza is not Hard Rock Cafe,in fact far from it but there will be girls if called yet the culture and ambiance will be like different as one at the other end of another. Howsoever Extravaganza can be really pleasant if one earnestly plays its unique circumstances. Zack ever the bachelor boy only wants to talk and with a girl who wants to listen and reciprocate, and of topics and issues not deep but not superficial either but just interesting to Zack and the girl even though the girl - always the professional is only playing along. Zack would not be trying to cavort all the time alongside asking for sex but just a nice conversation will do. He would not also implore upon acquiring the girl's number and calling her later every ten minutes but the chat if ever and much only the chat! Papa was eager to do his four step that he quickly pulled Priscilla to the constrained tiled floor that was at hand within the confines of the no 7 singalong chamber but enough to prance the four step. Priscilla can only be new to the steps but she cleverly followed what was cued. For so long that papa hadn't wiggled that he was swirling and whirling energetically and joyously. Zack in turn looked even more dejected that the palpable tension was more than felt and in turn must be drastically reduced. Papa rushed downstairs to ask for one more girl to add so that the overall stickiness be lessened. Margy appeared and so did Wendy. Wendy the veteran sensed outright what wasn't uttered that she placed herself the second later beside Priscilla upon the cushioned seats and whispered short but compact. The impact was immediate,Priscilla quickly stationed herself to the right of Zack,broke ice with some tender murmured to his ears and Zack was instantly relaxed and chirpy. Papa cognitive of all dissonances then became wholly tense free and the bit later pulled Margy to the floor for some four step relief, but Margy only execute what she knew and that was the five step cha cha but not the improved and more versatile four that can respond to most types of Latin or hybrid Latin dances. As if the steps she knows work for her up the to the current and not exceeding that. Any that can evolve artistically pertaining to such is not relevant and dangdut and dances ala Old KL are only purposeful to an extent. Dangdut is no more the entire philosophy of dangdut joints but only an add on. Karaoke and its permutations have taken over. The landscape is now karaoke and what ever that will evolved after. Dangdut is lost in insignificance. No more Seni,no more art but corporate karaokeing when Alan and Mike appeared and the girls all shrieked because Alan has for more than half a year been bringing his corporate buddies to Extravaganza. Best for the girls and for overall business yet very poorly for dangdut! huhuhu 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dangdut ala Twist

As always and on cue the band played the evergreen Hindi song and in it's original twist configuration. The girls all lined up in rows started to sync with the beat with the more experienced teaching the new comers the basic steps. Twist can never be much difficult as one has only to gyrate but in tune with the rhythm and not carelessly flailing away. Zul gagap being one who will always be present regardless the days separating apart was present among the rows of dancing girls. He tuned in with one of the veterans and he was laughing away with the novices looking forlorn like since they had only arrived and were quite desperate to literally know the steps to the dance. However as per normal it will take the most a few weeks when they can accomplish every wiggle to every ditty and would become veterans of dangdut concourses and in turn will teach the even newer newcomers. Such was the intensity of dangdut then with every dancing girl a true dangdut exponent. But even then, a score years ago dangdut has passed its prime and only for a short period of a year a bit more or a bit less that it was revived. The time of Amelina and her aah - aah number. Zul gagap was well known then not as a Notable from the Aristocracy nor the Glitterati but an ordinary Joe who loves dangdut. Never was he a heavy too, only an insignificant dangdut and dangdut club fan. He was in a dangdut groupie always available from 5pm happy hours to about nearly midnight when proper dangdut prancing starts and the open karaoke patrons leave the short while after open singalongs ends. Tired and sometimes if not most of times inebriated they go back to sleep to come another day. The girls only knew them for a short while before the hardcore dangduters cum cavorting customers arrived, usually, just before the witching hour. But can say that the karaokers are the ones the girls are most comfortable to be with for they are mostly punctual when the girls are fresh and sober and not sort of, forced at about the minutes prior to the graveyard shift to join the most important - midnight prancers cum hardcore patrons - and also the ones bringing in the most business/money to the girls and the club.