Friday, April 11, 2014


The Girl,The Dancer or The Dance?

Somewhat out of the usual I took Mazween's number and even did a missed call on her handset so that she would know that I was the one calling her should I ever called. And I never did and the phone number too was lost in my inexpensive,prepaid and basic function hand phone. She cannot dance the full dangdut cum chacha but should be able to, given a little bit of time but I wasn't going to give lessons or little tips for I would only dance when situation permits and when this dangdut blog needs updating. For such to happen I would only need to dance the few steps and two or three dance tones. I wouldn't be staying for long also,innermost the dangdut establishment therefore I would not be doing long bookings as per night outs. The session would always be short and not costly,the beverages mineral water and iced lychees or the girls would be sipping the fruity drinks. The lychees were visible and they would also munch on the tinned fruits. That's why a phone number to keep and one belonging to any dangdut girl is irrelevant. Not the girl's inconsequential but the thingy with dangdut and as I see it or the entire being ness of dangdut dancing and in perspective to mine only. What then can be so important to me? Maybe important only to what one thinks but then what can be so important all in all. Unless knowing and dating the particular girl, often, would give immense pleasure. Sex perhaps, but what can sex be when youth isn't any more. Money will always be money with naked evil forever clutching at its identity and nature. Or that money ontologically can only be wicked and dastardly. Money has benefits too but too much isn't always good and volatile also. Thenceforth money is non issue and for this post the only concern is dance,the dancer but not the girl. The girl dances without doubt but she will be the dancer and the person and the person: subjectively or objectively is deep. Yet no depth required only dance and art - for what its worth...