Monday, December 17, 2007


The imbroglios that do not favor attempts to truncate their consequences, a jumbled heap that was pre concerted, yet, never really, volitional. However so, they were the insuperable imperilments, whence sojourning in potent ness was cardinal. The blatant utilization of nefarious commandments that flippantly, did not need extraneous circumstances to, wholesomely, justify; their flagrant manipulations. The concerns, that were projected, from all over, however so, did not budge the potentate, to yield even though a miniscule into the much decorous and verily; laudable concourse. A meandering enterprise that does not dictate a seriousness much sought, wherein all channels for effective dissemination of positive pointers are impudently and efficaciously overseen by a malcontented demagogue. Added to the entire gamut, there is the existence of a Citizenry, that is, either too myopic or too comfortable- to collectively voice- genuine concerns. Howsoever their numbers are fast decreasing as days turn forward, as, a result of an inexorable albeit distending awareness, as regard the possibilities, of a better polity that could be categorically effectuated should a World class Democracy be cultivated. Veritably, a populace that is mature and sentient, thus having, the proclivity to, courageously demand such sublimed praxis in respect of their off springs- time ahead, as against, a much jaded and ossified, yet, predominantly- ‘injurious statecraft’. True to everything that is sacred, it is the young and the impressionable that are, sincerely and earnestly responsive to their environs and the inherent capableness, should a superior methodology be accomplished. Meanwhile the degenerate papa and his ilk would only be contented with their ‘wretched’ dangdut and the so called- entailing ‘seni’ configuration, verily a much ‘inconsequential’- exercise, in futility. An, insignificant dot, on the Nation’s civil landscape, contributing: none whatsoever to its impending ‘reconstruction’ and imminent rebuilding, not unlike a purposeless pile of chaff that is better be cast to the rubbish heap and into oblivion. Nevertheless, do battle on, Oh, bright- eyed ones- papa’s heart, tears and hopes will always be with you!

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