Saturday, December 27, 2008

Give Thanks to Allah Muslim Song sounds like Michael Jackson!


Exactly the words, none additional to the little statement above or no appendages necessary, all the while talking about dangdut makes papalados more of a lecherous character whence what is really happening is despite the little narratives told. He is actually stuck at home mostly, resulting from the adverse direct spiraling downwards prices of commodities worldwide mainly sawit- being the case. Per se the dangdut stories are all stale, conjured up from nocturnal outings at least six months or a year old. Even then they were sporadic and not frequent- the ramblings that were. Loneliness can be gripping yet one can not really complain for it just came to be, inexorably that is, the quaint effects of living in the urban jungle along with its infamous covenants, calloused and unfeeling, unlike kampong or village life where genuine neighborliness and kinship are still pretty much palpable. Within a housing area- itself, has its minutiae aberrations where double storey link dwellers could not really mix with the semi detached occupants, the quintessential notions of ‘class’ that actually separates them. Not actually asked the conceptions were but they just happened. And people, mysteriously, just act accordingly not that they want to but that was how things are or so it seems. Similarly, old schoolmates too are infected with the same affliction, before everybody wears the same clothes, the ubiquitous school uniform now some are donning potent corporate suits while a good number dresses down to earth displaying cheap off the shelves casio watches around their wrists. They are all wallowing in their little niches in life having arrived at their respective spots from their own ephemeral life journeys, their given ‘classes’ in life. Some may dispute the term ‘given’ since they had actually exhausted more of their ‘all’ to reach where they are but if God may be invoked due to his ‘miniscule’ assistance along the way, it could be a bit more politically correct perhaps to concur that The Almighty had quite ordained everything had not he. On the other hand substantial interplays between classes of people have only been more, token- like than significant. Most like what they are seeing and would not want to rock the proverbial boats even though at times they are in collusion with whatever’s that can be construed as being unwitting partners to acts of petty tyranny by the untoothsome Big Bro. We all know our places or so it seems and things that were before should stay where they are, if not for reasons of nostalgia only. Howbeit papalados is in a class of his own- the dangdut class- where life’s insignificant interactions albeit microcosmically are being worked out all the more. Where the more money you have the more desirable GROs you can dance with, who needs be lonely then, even so, he is quite broke but who cares anyway. Only The Mightiest and The Grandest Entity in the universe is not all swayed by ‘class’, alongside positively discriminating the most virtuous among his subjects specifically. Subhaanallah.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tembok derita


Convenient as it may seem, having the contrivance, to, totally hinder a person, so, as to immobilize him or her particularly so in respect of seeking any legal redress with regards to their peculiar predicaments as the cases, were, premised to be. The law itself encompassing the optimum in terms of all avenues preventing the indicted person from slipping through if not for a much capable counsel at his or her side expounding wholesomely so that a miniscule of provision in the books be intelligently yet correctly interpreted, and a much wise cum respectable judge who duly hears the argument in its entirety thus adjudged adroitly. The antagonist was released on the same day as the good judge decreed so, a bewildered OKT but not so then, soon after he is reunited with his better half and a joyous one at that. All the more prisoners of conscience being held exceedingly so under a terrible clause- a handy instrument no doubt. Terrorists abound but none as terrifying as the ones totally unarmed and absolutely non combative yet salubriously dare quite quaintly so- speak against tyranny.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Saloma ft Pak Maon - Pesta Muda mudi


Bro Badd was very much noticeable standing right in the middle of the private car park, somewhat positioning himself in the most well lit segment of the area. He seemed quite cheerful considering he had to wait for a good half an hour when papa’s Proton Iswara pulled into the other parking lot right next to the one he was, situated, in. Bro Badd was quite nonplussed the where about of his vehicle as the parking lot he had chosen was right beside the main Jalan Raja Laut thoroughfare and much visible should kin or neighbors happened to forward that little bit of circumspect in respect of the plate numbers attached to the cars prominently displayed within that particular enclosure.
Ostensibly not at all bothered about the niggling bits, Bro Badd had already endeared his, much welcomed company to that particular night out karaokeing with papalados and The Good Prince. They were only a few meters away from Seri Mutiara’s back- entrance when customary handshakes were partaken, so much so for The Prince as it was the first time he makes acquaintance with Bro Badd. Papa found something a little bit amiss with prince’s quite demure disposition specific to that nocturnal ramble, as he was not really talking much and less of his usual cheery self. In addition to his out of the usual, dressing style- a little bit oversized collared T- shirt and work slacks whence a jet- black round neck top with the best denim would always be the attire his evening out entails the prince’s out of the ordinary demeanor begs query. Howbeit papa must only keep quiet and let things roll for the night, as probably than most he must have had a slight tiff with the missus, and that, is just for him to know not at all for others to find out unless he wants to tell about it. Men too sometimes can be very curious even to the point of being gossipy. Tsk! Tsk!
The miniscule concerned that karaoke rooms might be fully booked as the particular night dated early in the month papa implored everybody to go straight up to the singing hall part of the establishment. Having entered the club, the scene awaiting the three hombres was quite out of the usual, there was not the ambience normally associated with karaoke joints. Instead of a rather laid- back temperament that was usually conspicuous, a rather busy and hurried mood were much noticeable. The place was in the midst of a massive expansion Program, the management has rented or bought the entire floor adjacent to the one they are currently occupying. The very least the bosses were very sensitive to the little vagaries of the clubbing business, not discounting the availability of a multifold numbers of karaoke rooms to exult in, patrons would more than welcome the recent developments as regard the Seri Mutiara dangdut and karaoke lounge.
Even though an industrious atmosphere permeated throughout the hall, there were still more than a few rooms unoccupied in that the three friends just sort of- pick, and choose- which of the chambers seemed the most comfortable. Nonchalantly, the three simultaneously sauntered into the singing room nearest to where they were standing and one that was the most brightly lit. The fact that their eyes were time tested in that they could not, really be- relied upon, as compared twenty years ago when the chaps still much youthful and energetic would not be at a loss of any of their sensory potentialities. In other words, they prefer the brighter karaoke rooms since they can see better in it, obviously.
The room which name papa has quite forgotten but aptly coinciding with one of the zodiacal entities was ample that sitting six or seven people comfortably, would not, seem unconventional. Since they, were not, ushered in by any of the staff, the three chaps were somewhat just lazing in for a good five to ten minutes when a waitress who happened to notice their unattended arrival whisked inside that particular singing chamber and inquired about their orders. Without even asking whether the room was to their liking the rather energetic young Lady diligently but systematically jotted down papa and friends initial orders. Papa must admit that he was quite elated observing her much methodical way of going about doing her job. The little notebook that she always has, in her person, was neatly, tucked inside her topmost pocket however so deftly extracted whence she initiated her wonted yet very much dutiful task of noting down the refreshments the newly arrived patrons preferred. Considering that the particular jotting pad would only last a very short time along with being only one of numerous utilized during her tenure in SM, the amount of care she accorded to the little notepad she currently has on hand somewhat depicted her unusual dedication to the little tools of her vocation.
The level of professionalism emanating from her person must only qualify her for a post in any prestigious hotel’s Food and beverage division if only she moves from her present Waitress position in SM to any four or five star lodging houses around Kuala Lumpur. The fact that promotions, career wise, would have been, better guaranteed in respect of her peculiar assiduousness pertaining to work ethics, by stationing herself in Hotel Mutiara K.L. rather than Seri Mutiara dangdut and karaoke lounge, undeniably so. Strange as it may seem, in the dangdut realm very seldom does one hear of a Waitress opting for a GRO job, perhaps due to different sets of people satisfying dissimilar sets of criteria that aptly coincide with, quite quaintly so, contra distinct job specifications. The proverbial stigma that glues itself to any person courageous enough to actively partake in the dangdut arena begs disbelief, so much so that any right thinking young woman would not even entertain the idea, if ever whimsically, however if it is truly rewarding to be adventurous, why on earth not. Be it exceedingly should everything remains on its perceived course, it is papa’s contention that the young lady, who serves everybody well in SM would not be in the singing hall in the not too distant future, for she will definitely leave the establishment to work somewhere else. A five star hotel to be exact as she quite realizes her unbounded potential would be tested to the full in the prestigious inn, insofar her progression in terms of salary and job position would not in any way be dead ended waiting up for dangdut and karaoke patrons mostly. But she did accord the sweetest of smile when she left the sing along compartment along with words informing of mummy Ani’s impending arrival in a short while plus an off the cuff yet totally disarming “enjoy yourselves” parting wish. It does not take much to please one or two old farts, a kind gesture, the- such of that just mentioned, is more than adequate.
Surely enough not five minutes later mummy Ani’s a bit rotund figure stood in front of the room, nearly blocking the entrance if not for the door being closely shut. The huge glass plane permanently affixed to the door or making up the very door itself allows only albeit much minimally little of any outside light into the singing chamber. Should the lighting inside not be set on the maximum, the room could be totally dark. But of course papa must only be exaggerating as the mummy was not really humongous, a little bit hefty maybe, quite normal really considering her age and supervisory disposition. It must be said that a dangdut mummy, at times does need to be a bit assertive and her miniscule bigger than normal persona should have helped, particularly so when dealing with one or a few recalcitrant girls. However not all mummies are fierce or ferocious come any situation, they do also listen and would always lend their shoulders and utter kind words to the GROs’ sometimes; woeful circumstances. The fairer sex, do have their issues and the mummies being women too, can more than sympathize with the Hostesses’ predicaments.
The sprightly young waitress did activate the karaoke machine when she first entered the room, resulting in the Good Prince immediately after giving full attention to the TV sized VDU monitor displaying all manner of songs that can be sung sing along style. Out of the normal, Prince had been quite wordless ever since the three of them were comfortably seated in the room, what was with, papa and Bro Badd having their quiet conversation yet he only interjected a few words mostly confirming or negating any negligible little queries from papa or one or two from Bro Badd almost all the time resulting from whatever inconsequential topics, the two of them were talking about; unfailingly after emitting the necessary albeit very short remarks, prince would return to his intently fixing a gaze on the monitor screen pose- each time. Could be he just wanted to sing whatever’s playing in his mind away and not really wanting to bother with any small talk but without being in any way offensive. He was not and we all enjoyed his company even though he was out of his usual self that particular evening what was with his out of the blue rather not so talkative posture. He did choose a few songs that are favorites for starting the night, singing that was and his choices were quite liked by Bro Badd since he eagerly positioned the mike to his lips when papa passed it to him the moment the second song made its intro onto the system. However the odd ten to fifteen minutes before everything started seemingly was the actual time that some bit conversation would make its entrance as anything apart from the fact was hard singing interspersed with a few dances perhaps so. The usual boisterous singing plus upward turning of the volume knob accompanying the sing along would have drowned any exercitations towards conversing- just about anything- should that be the case.
Mummy Ani made her entrance but crashed on the sofa the fraction of a second later, yet not without positioning herself right next to papa. Then again crash should not have been the word, exceedingly so if the manner in which she took the load from her feet needed depicting. The fact was papa did not even notice she was already seated beside him during that particular instance. Mummy did not accord any customary welcoming truncated chat but suggested upon seated, calling in a GRO, papa could not gave a straight answer right at the moment as he was still contemplating whether to ask for someone older yet can dance or a younger albeit little bit more desirable so as to set the evening to be an iota more livelier particularly so for Bro Badd as it was his first time being inside SM. However Bro Badd ended papa’s little predicament by suggesting the required hostess to be ‘gedik- gedik’. It is really quite complicated if the words need to be translated directly into English the reason being there is none really a specific term that comes to mind but gedik- gedik may mean something that in one way or another describe a youngish member of the fairer sex of whom is a little bit sexy, kind of daring yet not so easy, to some extent teasing but desirable in every which way, in spite of the fact that she would not so easily relent to whatever forms of temptations- as to what those ‘enticements’ connote to- papa must only speculate. He has this niggling thing about young GROs, he would usually find them raw and inflexible, raw in the sense that they still need a little bit of time to gain experience and inflexible meaning they need to learn the multifarious steps to dance the dangdut eclectically the Kay El way. Nevertheless the locution randy could in a large way, connotes aptly to gedik- gedik. Mummy Ani just the while back prominently elicited a subtle smirk whence papa introduced her to Bro Badd as Mummy Ani Rock was the like of being jolted out of her comfortable seating position on the sofa upon hearing the gedik- gedik word. Standing upright instantly she bolted out of the room mentioning in a huff about somebody that came to her mind along with having to dash in order to get her before someone else does.
Having mentioned the enigmatic smirk evoked by the mummy, the main reason it came into being could be that mummy ani having been calloused a little too much by the stark realities much visible concurrently in dangdut and karaoke halls all across the city where most patrons distinctly would refer the younger hostesses instead of the near abundant thirty to early forties age wise- GROs. Somehow comically perhaps gravity and the quaint effects of time did not also impinge their aphoristic consequences upon the very mortal forms of the ‘dirty old men’ wherein each and every evening, religiously but fulsomely in bunches would the proverbial old fools be arriving- to solely yet solemnly patronize the said establishments, their grizzled countenances copiously conspicuous in the halls.
Quite rightly also the rock declaration partnering her good name must only inflict a condescending undertone if keenly observed, particularly so, considering her seniority alongside her peculiar circumstances- presumably being the case. On the other hand, it is hoped that mummy ani did not at all hold to be that papalados wreaked a kind of cruel joke on her by associating her character with rock music and a late eighties Malay experience at that, the fact being papa did not at all belittle her character or neither was the epithet intentionally called forth but if truth be told he still remembers her affectionately- veritably at that as the bright eyed young girl fiercely rock music genre attired taking her first steps into a dangdut club and a one sinisterly named Mascano or Teratak the Hut- papa just was not sure. Late eighty eight to mid eighty nine should be the undisputable setting if one need to extend his or her curiosity the little bit more. Honestly speaking though papa must only surmise that the good mummy would not at all bear any grudges against him and friends reasons being she knows papa long enough to deem him an old hand and enormously also an essential component gearing up the entire dangdut configuration. Further to that, the salient albeit imperturbable fact pointing towards the girls or the dangdut folks altogether: inaudible regards for people like him as the quintessential dangdut elders. All in all associates of the same dangdut fraternity. And members just do not disparage each other let alone the seniors among them. Anyway being considered an ageing rocker is much more globally acceptable if compared to a certain someone of whom pathetically at that tries to attach to his inconsequential figure a nom de guerre of a dangdut king. What on earth is a dangdut king: anyway. HAHAHA
A just finished singing his favorite ditty and looking extremely pleased at that, Bro Badd evinced a kind of a smiling look whence Sheila entered the room, howsoever his eyes was not fixed upon her but actually half looking at the TV screen. Perchance the unquantifiable bit of euphoria discerned having sung a song full length along with experiencing some form of self satisfaction doing that he was quite oblivious to anything extra to his gleeful state of mind then. Papa on the other hand could not stop ogling her. She was young and adding to that she was not unlike a pretty maiden, no drooping downwards whatsoever of any vital segments of her well built physique- papa could dare vouch that she has not gone through any betrothal service for she is yet to be married. He took a gaze at Mummy Ani who was standing immediately behind Sheila but could not ask her anything as the music, was still loud, even so papa did direct the young Sheila to a vacant spot right next to Bro Badd. Following Mummy to the door he undertook to ask her about the particular GRO by near yelling like; the words “she is very young- Mummy- and totally not a divorcee if my observation is correct”. Mummy Ani gave a nod together with the message that she had just joined the club a few weeks back and rightly also that she is still ‘anak dara’ or an unmarried: young lass. As to whether she is a virgin or not, sadly one can never know but nonetheless could make some intelligent guesses. Anyhow the relevance to that particular notion should not be overestimated. In other words papa dare not speculate. In spite of everything else Sheila was very pretty leading to papa shaking mummy’s hand vigorously thanking her for forwarding that fraction of circumspect in respect of the Hostess she had chosen.
Mummy was about to make her exit but not without suggesting engaging at least one more girl for the group, Bro Badd, who was silent right to the moment, gestured at The Prince, of whom waved his hands gesticulating no need for him but would share with papa should he take one. Fully understood and without asking to confirm Mummy Ani disappeared not a microsecond after that. She arrived back a couple of minutes later with a more mature than Sheila, GRO in tow. Thirty odd she looked the stereotype yet consisting of the majority of girls much available in SM. Physique wise, one would not be politically incorrect to assume that she is a divorcee having school going children. She shook hands with papa and the prince, acknowledging him by curtly voicing the words “long time no see” yet it was not a few weeks ago that she sat with him, unkel and lanchapap in the same or any other comparable of karaoke chambers in SM. The prince took the opportunity by stepping closer in order to whisper something in her ear. She gave a very soothing smile in return. As to what message he put forth, the very phrases papa can only guess because he did not join their little outing back then but it could be something like the prince arrival in SM that evening was not preplanned together with his body and soul beholden to a different set of friends now, in spite of the fact that prince could have mentioned the venue of their next secret rendezvous or perhaps not. However papa knows the prince and he is just not the furtive type. Just a thought though but- wildly nevertheless. But it is worth mentioning the salient facts that all the more are associated with mature girls not unlike Mira: that was her lovely name. Firstly they are very pleasant to converse with, mainly due to the peculiar circumstances they are in, what are with being married and divorced, having to juggle everything: work, a school mum and the likes, they have in them a level of maturity that could never be learned but acquired if only through experience. That is to say they are well salted and totally not to be taken for granted. Secondly albeit most importantly they are nice to talk with, at times even therapeutic if papa may say so, a bit like having a meaningful conversation between someone of the opposite sex apart from the missus that is, the phrases that do not need further explaining as they are well understood in the first place. The subtle jokes but none overly suggestive, a once and only second time dating howsoever without the subsequent ‘perks’. Inasmuch a few calming words exchanged notwithstanding that everything stops short at that, in parallel with none further to be discussed, short but sweet not unlike the meeting of two near neighbors. If coupled with their well grasped skills in dancing, these girls are heaven sent.
To all intents and purposes, a comment must be forwarded that their special conditions may be said came to be from their own choosing and a prime advantage could be the better budget to delve in. Howbeit to voice out that they have to be single mothers or a divorcee or a widow for that matter as a most important a priori is a little too uncouth and extremely distasteful in the minimal. No right thinking woman would want to become one alongside most cases regarding divorces having arrived after decidedly genuine grievances had been highlighted and they were mostly quite tragic. Veritably no sane person would want to experience such, if not for its impending eventuality of which nothing mitigating could solicit an amicable solution i. e. to rectify things back to what they were before.
Sheila who has been placed beside Bro Badd all the while was instructed by Mummy Ani to change her restful position to an available spot at the rightmost side of papa. Instead Mira was asked to take her place, papa much surprised was quite lost for words, he just did not expect mummy to do the unthinkable or that was his line of thinking then. He took a peek at Bro Badd, enough to see his reaction but surprisingly he was quite nonchalant about the sudden exchange. Sheila too just followed as to what was commanded by the good mummy by slumping herself beside papa less than an instant later. Nonetheless there was still the considerable gap between them, about one or two feet breach and not unlike the circumstances dictating the setting she was posed only before, when sitting next to Bro Badd. All or just the same, Mira snuggled up to Bro Badd, their shoulders met and it was like both of them sort of took off from there, not unlike two distanced lovers meeting after some time apart. Quite of course, there were, the exchange of words but quaintly so they were very romantic like or that was the outlook much prominent then. Strangely not once papa witnessed, in fact right through the evening Bro Badd placing his arms around Mira, yet they were all the while talking intermittently albeit hush- hush like, akin to pillow talk, tsk- tsk, in spite of the at times blaring music. Questioningly, have they met before, even though Bro Badd mentioning this was his first ever time spent inside- SM.
Meanwhile the prince oblivious to everything else was much too engrossed picking songs from the machine. Papa having his bemused look much noticeable was jolted out of his astonished state by a sudden loud exclamation from The Prince, he had just noticed the unceremonious exchange but the instant later papa fully understands the reason mummy ani does what she did whence prince followed his unannounced yelling by bellowing the quaint fact that Mira could not dance and mummy must have anticipated the possibility that papa would want to try out his four step formula. That was why she substituted the GROs. It was at this juncture that Bro Badd implored papa to flaunt his dancing prowess by getting up to do the boogie there and then, he complied by inviting Sheila as his partner in executing the much said four step. She was quite reluctant at first saying she is actually not adept at dancing having mostly worked in karaoke clubs prior to SM but papa kept on insisting putting forth that the wiggle would be only for show of which the duration would only lasts one half vocalization subsequent to another considering there was not really the space for really serious steps to the dance. Grudgingly she went along but not without reminding papa that she totally, leave it to him to take the extra care so as either one of them would not fall down due to any hastened missteps. Papa assured her that he has been dancing for the good part of twenty years and by so admitting she would only be in safe hands. Since the song being played was a woeful ballad about lost love papa initiated the slow cha- cha procedure and lo and behold she was able to conform to his cue albeit quite gracefully. Could it be that she was being a bit too modest saying she lacks proficiency observing the art form or something happened that in a way invoked a latent aptitude within her person- a natural talent perhaps. But the possibility that she was already exposed to that very archetype of gyrating to the music what was with her time spent in girlie singing halls beforehand compulsorily as yet quaintly the underlying notion particularly so needs be conjectured. An elated papa quickened the tempo when the music turned to be more Latin infused in parallel with The Prince and Mira interpreting the all time favorite Kharisma Cinta, the ditty that was chosen by the prince especially for the next number showcasing papa’s four step or its subtle intrigues for Bro Badd’s purview. This time however, Sheila faltered a bit, her legs could not follow the upbeat tone, she, was not used to quicken her steps in tandem with the changed music. Papa whispered softly to her that the maneuver was actually the same only that the pace must be hurried a fraction more but she spotted a rather worried look in return. Papa assuaged her to not fret if only to follow closely his movements and exceedingly so assuring her comfortingly that he would not be letting her go yet hold her safely all the time. Miraculously she was able to reciprocate his sudden dash like motions only that her legs were still a modicum lethargic for lack of necessary practice. All in all in total the outlook can be said to be impressive in view of the hearty clapping of hands by Bro Badd instantly upon the song finishing its course.
Nearly out of breath papa took a seat along with gulping some mineral water directly from the bottle, his favorite refreshment whilst karaokeing or even dangduting. It was when he was about to slump onto the sofa that he noticed an apprehensive albeit bemoaning grimace on Mira’s face. It could be somehow that she was quite intimidated by the show of steps recently illustrated by Sheila and him. Still having to learn the multifarious moves in consideration of her peculiar vocation as a dancer, Mira as the case may be lacks the all important motivation but she must comprehend regardless as the particular ability would have helped her enormously considering her unique- profession.
Sheila having been twirled and swirled by papa and flushed, the very effects from the bout of prancing the while back was beginning to loosen her guard. She cuddled up to him, clasping his arms even caressing them from time to time while putting forth impertinent questions the likes of how long he has been dancing, how did he get to know mummy Ani, did he often go visit SM and since he had already highlighted his longtime presence in the Dangdut sphere, is he an old hand or the proverbial dangdut elder for want of a better term should papa be allowed to embellish a little here and an iota there. Lacking any mutually fathomable topics to discuss unlike prattling with mature GROs, papa was actually lost for words whence chatting with Sheila, however the moment she touches on the dangdut elder issue, papa could not stop jabbering, mentioning a few names not society’s notables but dangdut personages mostly, he brags about his past exploits interspersed with some uncalled for history lessons on dangdut spanning twenty years until the present day. Listening intently at first Sheila quickly lost interest after that, when steadfastly fixing her gaze at papa at the beginning of the discourse her eyes moves waywardly spanning the room an instant later. Even though papa realizes that Sheila was not at all paying attention together with acknowledging his useless chatter albeit token like, he did not stop short his prattling. Somehow out of the corner of his eyes he spied upon her and she was eyeing Bro Badd.
Admittedly papa was truly ecstatic being treated the extra kindly by Sheila, it was quite sometime that he experienced the very sentiments much elicited from her caring touches. Emotions that had been suppressed all along yet unabashedly- resurface by the insuppressible warmth brought forth by her. Her soft words coupled with youthful inquisitiveness somewhat thrashes all of the bulwarks he erected and primarily designed to shield him from any unwanted albeit emotive responses that could easily decimate his fragile ego. A psyche, passionate beyond control if not for the safeguards he installed within his consciousness, a conscience that could not bear the embarrassment of falling helplessly one more time into the abyss of unreasonable trains of thought. In other words he does not want to chase after girls again bearing in mind his anomalistic situation. In all likelihood the spectacle would only be pathetic and ugly.
Another thing and a crucial element, particularly against this rather lengthy irrelevant dangdut discourse of his is the dangdut elder contention, seemingly an old hand in the sphere, perchance someone not unlike papalados. He is actually an anachronism, if juxtaposed especially so alongside dangdut’s present realities. Dangdut, much like any other business enterprises has in its wholesome existence a certain imploration and that must only be its bottom line contingency being profits- blatant and glaring its much anticipated outcome- come what may. The girls too by and large needed their compulsory incomes if only to put food on the table- essentially, along with the proverbial excess bundles in extra, their guiding principles much set, to satisfy extensively the numerous other, quintessential- requirements- be they so.
With that in mind what purposeful capacities would the old farts serve other than becoming flower pots ornamenting any or another dangdut joints, more so, for reasons of aesthetics as compared, functional components: Dangdut Dinosaurs no doubt. Most of times they would be accorded some form of respect due mainly to their senior status in addition to their ‘Dangdut- Institutional’ like stature but that is about the optimum the entire charade goes. The seniors would in some instances allocate a nominal amount in their monthly budget for dangdut purposes and that constitute the extent their spending prowess ordains. No matter how should a few make merry thus spend indeterminately night in and night out their levels of acceptance by dangdut subjects would only increase- multifold. Howsoever Sheila was correct to accord papa a modicum of respect but largely ignore him beside the fact, hurtful, maybe so but nothing else could digress more from the unrelenting certitudes. Further to that a senior GRO must have earlier briefed her. Ultimately as ABBA would sing Money, Money, Money, it’s a rich man’s world. .
On the other hand Bro Badd is not a dangdut elder, the girls could see to that, he has not the repressed but transparent over eagerness in him, Dangdut pundits especially the capable dancers amongst them would inescapably let loose their desirous disposition very early in the occasion, they just could not hold back their over anxious propensity. They would shuffle their feet at the earliest opportunity leading to the girls calling their bluff immediately. The old hands would only reveal themselves eventually. As the hostesses are mostly disinclined to immoderately contend with the old timers due to their rather debatable reputability, they absolutely love the newcomers.
Bro Bad whose looks belies his age what are with his washboard abs, presumably quite of course since papa has never seen him without his tops has that certain outlook in which the image portrayed does not veer the short distance away from him being considered and rightly also the mannerly man of means. A keen golfer and a hard hitter at that, Bro Badd keeps his temperament even keeled most of times, his quiet deportment resulting from his predator or buaya status on the fairways somewhat transgresses all other venues beside the golf courses on which he would be found to be perennially blissful. The very reason his demeanor inside the singing chamber was so like leading Sheila to earnestly sizing him up and reaching inevitably the conclusion that he would be worth the seduce.
Not knowing how to rid of papa of whom was her company for the night Sheila took sneak peeks at Bro Badd. Papa noticed albeit surreptitiously but pretended not to by focusing his eyes upon the TV screen only. Her chance arrived when a duet number turned up, since Bro Badd was already holding a microphone, Sheila asked for the other piece from Mira who eagerly handed it her as she had sung a number of songs continuously with both Prince and Bro Badd before the catchy ballad reaches its turn. She sang beautifully, even stood up and inched herself beside Bro Badd whence vocalizing compared to her few flop attempts prior to that. But she was singing with papa then and his, choice of song was apparently not her cup of tea assumingly. Papa wholeheartedly knew that Sheila was only trying to ensnare Bro Badd into her clutches, to devilishly include him into her client base so that she would not be pressed for ready customers, to conveniently call to come visit her specifically so on bleak days or nights rather when there is a dearth of willing patrons to book her. All or just the same he could not help feeling utterly dejected upon viewing that particular woeful spectacle happening right in front of his eyes. Trying hard to appear nonplussed about the entire pantomime in view, papa felt something queer about to burst out from within him, the ogre inside: the green eyed monster. He was actually jealous, of Bro Badd, even though, he very well comprehends, the irony of the situation, there was still the niggling doubt that Sheila might want to go further than just including Bro Badd into her easily accessible client base, she, could want to make him her life partner. Someone who could extricate her from dangdut’s unrelenting- stranglehold, rid her of its ignominious stigma and at the same time making an honest woman out of her. Questions swirling in his head, none bearing any logic, everything getting to be absurd, that made papa took stock: contiguously after the fact. He relaxes himself, drink some more mineral water and laughed it all off. He did not know that he still has the emotions in him but he was happy though because he did feel young again, thanks to Sheila that was. All because of a silly young girl of whom did nothing wrong if only to act her age. Without doubt persons in her sub group could not help to be such, the very traits inescapable all the more and they are Young, Beautiful and Aspiring- nothing more nothing less.
Considering that papa was nearly at keris or daggers end with Bro Badd for something so ridiculous, he must be losing his mind during that time. Everything said papa must only conclude that Bro Badd did not realize of Sheila’s advancement towards him all along, and rightly so that was, as a of couple weeks later he put forth the notion that the girl in SM having an eye on him, Bro Badd thought she was Mira. When papa said that Sheila the one sitting beside him too has something for Badd, he was quiet for a while then throated Ho Hum and continued by forwarding the “went there just to see you dance- that was all” quaint message. Ho Hum to you too, Bro Badd, HAHAHA
Penultimate to the conclusion of this lengthy post, papa would like to say a few words, in effect the paragraph that has in it the Money, Money, Money line taken from the popular song by ABBA. Regretfully he must only take back what he has written particularly the unfounded fact that dangdut citizens are only concerned with money and much of nothing else. That is just not true for how would papa explain the reason he was doted upon with soft drinks nuts and biscuits on nights when he lacked the allocation for wanton prancing and/or singing inside the dancing halls. Mind you the refreshments are all FOC and passed to him by his dangdut buddies all in all. Another thing the so called old fools that ‘fulsomely’ make their way to dangdut joints night in and night out or so the contention was. Again not so correct inasmuch most customers are middle aged men with only a few of the dangdut old hands amongst them. The, majority, are the ones spending but not really intensely exulting all the time but their numbers are quite considerable adding to the fact that they help boost up the dangdut business all along. In other words dangduts existence is pretty much contingent upon their earnest customs. Papalados’s: sincerest apologies. Good Night. Cheers.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hail Amir & Uji Rashid - Seloka Hari Raya (MTV)


It is with utmost delight that papalados wishes to impart the most serene of greetings especially so to readers of this inconsequential blog of his. He has not anything of wisdom together with a niggling bit or two solemn words, that could be, construed as tranquilly illuminating except to convey his sincerest apology inasmuch a few hurtful utterances unintentionally emitted or blatantly highlighted in any wise whatsoever. Do drive carefully folks for balik kampong.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The 5th Dimension - Aquarius/Let the Sunshine in


Why must very this date be so important? Maybe it has everything to do with the vociferations of a certain individual, of whom, has in the entire span of nearly half a lunar year much announced the unforgettable day whence a sea or a sky change- even, materialized. A, veritably momentous occasion harking a never before phenomenon, whence a deeply ingrained methodology be supplanted by a down to earth procedure that has perfectly none of the intrigues of the former much Machiavellian machinery. The protagonist amongst the few and remarkable throughout the ages weaving his insuppressible narrative interwoven alongside the mundane ness of any day in and day out happenings, as yet all the more protruding when his incandescent proclamations, unrelenting as they seemingly were however so exceedingly invoking the fragile confidence of all and sundry. Thus the very day arrived but nothing untoward, happened but could it be just so or the beachhead of his much vociferated transformation albeit such softly- softly along with enormously disarming in its approach. Quite of, course- that was the way the ‘change’ was purported to be- inexorable yet forceful plus very difficult to dislodge, even though a bit shaken the incumbent was, The Honorable Premier bids for time saying the sitting would come if only in a few weeks time. No matter how or what time is still the essence notwithstanding that it could be quite shortly if viewed in the current ‘elemental’ context- come rain come shine.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Menunggu Nasi Minyak - Uji Rashid & Hail Amir


By saying so, there is veritably no wise whatsoever that a seedy dangdut rat the likes of papalados has the credibility let alone credulity in respect of his interminable vociferations particularly those that touches much on the aspects of the nation’s statecraft as evidenced, very recently. Beneath the veneer of excitable albeit unequalled excitation, there is a seemingly palpable undercurrent of consternation, intermingling profoundly alongside the inner thoughts of some personages still ill at ease with the current happenings to date. A management philosophy that they had got used to perhaps that somewhat left, undeniably so, its miniscule fragments, even though a few of the personalities were in the receiving end of the much dated, procedure’s brutal actions. Saying that, they were, at the outset, actually planted to be on the other side may be quite an understatement now that nearly everybody has seen to the fact yet had in a way forgiven them for the little roles they were supposed to be players: for. All factuality, lain bare, they are verily anachronisms that had become redundant and superfluous to the extent of mellowing into a state of utter helplessness against an inexorable forward motion for change or transformation never before encountered. The late summer date of mid September only has about a week to come about making everyone jittery as to its eventual arrival. None of which helped whence the most prominent figure amidst the controversial grouping being the Mustapha Ali fellow saying he has no confidence at all that An Hwa could pull the jumping MPs’ caper. Wow! Talk about being excited.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wind of Change - Scorpions


The subtle breeze, what was with the day being a bit wet in succession with the subsequent night- time, still reeling, from the after effects of the previous daylight hours sporadic; downpours. The entire time reaching towards the very day was quite bleak in the sense that showers heralded much the chronology of events. Yet the mission is all, the more succinct, clear and not a niggling bit befuddled. To: effectuate an entire sea change of things, to do away with an antiquated methodology that do not allow even a trickle of new ideas to uplift its near devilish arrangement. There is actually no way that the coalition could change only that its actions becoming more desperate and remorseless. The rakyat must take the initiative, there is veritably none of any remaining choice left except for a wholesome metamorphosis, from a decadently corrupt racialist procedure to a rakyat or citizenry based egalitarian approach. The person to lead is already there so what is more to do except to continue marching from Permatang Pauh ( Peoples Power ) to Putrajaya.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nujum Pak Belalang

Alvin and The Chipmunks - Witchdoctor


It seems everybody has a particular someone to see to or to consult with particularly so when whatever that is going to happen to his or her immediate future, could not, be ascertained- the outcome of which being quite in line, with what they; hoped to be. Geomancers: are especially sought but the mathematics plus the massive refurbishment, renovation and even relocation of dwelling along with work places involved would have put off most except for the die hard believers. Soothsayers may be preferred as the designation, quite aptly imply are soothing in what they have to say, a promotion in the pipeline perhaps. Inasmuch a rewarding contract notwithstanding the lowest price quoted, in a judicious manner that being so without any of the profligate element, the best team, together with, the foremost in work exposition- the criteria above and over everything else that is. People holding high positions would utilize much that comes to hand even though the said enterprise could very well involve things that quintessentially lie in the realm of the extraordinary or the supernatural as the case may be. After all, they do need advisors of all sorts. Their careers would have demanded that. An election down the line or a popularity contest that is overly vicious if one does not play the same game. A matchmaker that insists on the parents seeking the opinion of a special person of whom is well versed in what the stars and constellation have to say in respect of the, would- be young couple suitability. Also a worried misfit too engrossed with a strange dream he experienced the night before, a pious personnage that he desperately wants to refer to or just the mind playing tricks on him. Last, but not, least one or two inept bearers of high office much exhausted of all the Machiavellian procedures they can muster except putting into commission the most expensive and the extremely menacing of Witchdoctors.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joget Malaysia (P. Ramlee)


The figures are quite staggering but not, really so perhaps, nine thousand here and another two there. The littlest of whispers that was amplified, so, as, to make every ear drum burst, the objective primarily to induce some form of panic situations that the ones still unsure would be petrified. They could all along lose the few things that should be theirs and none of the others must ever covet. Institutions that bear their marks along with their identity, even though the mere suggesting of a miniscule opening in order to allow a fraction of the minutest of real world experience. To interplay with their arcane albeit regimented training modules, the resulting effect would only be to encourage beneficial review of dated mindsets and activate wholesome paradigm shifts perfectly attuned to the vagaries of global realities. Refusing in totality the necessary recommendations would inexorably eventuate in their collective awareness being all, the, more cocooned in its own pitiable irrelevance. The fact that change is the most constant of all circumstances belies their debilitating inactions. The young ones were brainwashed into blindly concurring with their conniving elders, of whom, fanned their fragile presentiments of congenital birthrights threatened without due recourse. The superiors having formalized guilds indoctrinating their bright- eyed members goes to show their preponderance towards political survivability at whatever costs. They do not care that their much myopic viewpoints produce only unflinching narrow mindedness and base parochialism in the young initiates, very fragile collective consciousness. The onus upon an undisturbed perpetuation of unholy pillage, along with, a remorseless yet veritably- gross mismanagement of the nation’s economy restricted any inclinations of lofty idealisms if ever seeing any light of day. The far- reaching notions, being, fast discarded by the policy makers into the surreal domains of intellectual dementia makes nation building, a praxis morphed into a polymorphous figuration of short- sighted ethnocentricity. By, the same token the ruling coalition’s time attested but chronologically faulted race based methodology, must distinctively, be subverted in that a synergetic arrangement would arrive in replacement. Instead of a race, in supremacy- jaded battle cry the insuppressible catch- word should instinctively be the citizenry or the rakyat in superiority thus transcending all racialist inklings inherent throughout the homeland. Too high sounding perhaps but the euphoria of a hundred or more thousand people accompanying Anwar’s nomination last Saturday bears testimony to exactly that. Merdeka3! And how appropriate.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Black ( Dark ) Eyes Russian song English Subtitles


Finally, the bear has had enough. Its mind losing all elements of reasonableness, it, must strike, its primordial instincts could not contain themselves. It is the alpha figure, the sole male, the strong one that he must make his mark. His territory or that he perceives to be his after all others have been lost, must be, returned to him. How insolent of the lesser creatures to intrude onto what is rightfully his, even though he acquiesced to some of his stomping ground, being, returned to ones who were already there before him. Howbeit, there are still that are actually his region, his marks, are, all there to be seen and felt but in their obstinacy and covetousness the minions still have the audacity to rebel thus encroach upon his jurisdiction. Whatever he had willingly, give, they are in want of more. To add salt to the wound they dare conspire with his archenemies along with acquiring weapon from them presenting to all and sundry their latent belligerency. His silent guns would not remain as they were for they should fire all the way. His people descending from the Vikings of old would not at all be the effeminate majority coerced into complacency. He had started what he can finished, his canons ready plus weapons of all sorts cocked, his infantry in the thousand most willing to march onwards anywhere. They were a superpower before and still- is. They too have the mother of all bombs just to try for size, perennially shortchanged they have felt and now they do not care any more. Darn you NATO and AMERICA just engage us if you are not ill at ease. We just want to protect our own and not see what is, little left, for them being, taken away, still not pleased with that then meet us all the way. You Dare!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dia Datang


How is it that a component of the country’s security apparatus is now into calling up counsels for questioning, just what ever that’s little to be collected information or the like that can in one way or another assist in their crucial quest for something or anything in that regard. The case of the missing investigator perhaps, but is not the buggery charge still holding sway or losing steam in its incredulity that pretty much begs disbelief and severely lacking in any redeemable qualities be it so.
Countless times would DSAI vociferate that the entire system being corrupt in that only a fraction could be mobilized in the way of improvements yet as a whole, insubstantially realizable. Only a complete change in methods would subvert everything into a workable and conducive system.
The incumbent along with his named successor must only put up nonchalant expressions the likes of not knowing whatever the particular apparatus is partaking in, being its given vocation, that it, proceed along its way as it is supposed to. The reality being they are very much in control and dictating every single operation that need be activated in order to arrest any advances made by the opposition that they could not circumvent in the first place.
Connotations that somewhat imply both the PM and DPM being cohorts with respect to the machinations being perpetrated upon Anwar and the opposing PR may not be that ‘politically’ correct as Pak Lah in his seemingly ‘innocent’ state would be less likely the overseer throughout the entire purposeful ‘investigation’. Howsoever DS Najib stands to benefit wholesomely should the ‘inquiry’ reaches its intended conclusion making his person the principal player in the thoroughgoing drama or the prime mover behind the theatrics. Impartiality in respect of the bulwark of the state’s instruments remains a fable that everyone believes so.
In the meantime, perceptions swirling inside the citizenry’s, grey matter, could not be mollified no matter how vigorous the efforts put forth. Inasmuch a parody of sorts would be the only outcome should unrelenting exercitations particularly so in repressing the much questionable plastic explosives point at issue. Coupled with the full of holes soodoomee allegations that is currently thrown at DSAI even international observers finds it hard to accept that Anwar could commit such crimes out of his own volition rather than for political reasons that he was conspired against. Timing too would not be contributive to the powers, that, be, as he has made substantial inroads into the country’s political landscape and is currently the de facto leader what is with an unprecedented eighty two lawmakers on his side. Undeniably, he is now the opposition chief and should only, be accorded, the respect that he is wantonly denied. Somehow, the ruling coalition is still in a state of denial, the salient truth has not seeped into them. Much pitiable is their state of mind if only to their detriment should things were to largely move like before without actions being taken to address the anomalies. Pretty much treading as they were onto the path of total ruin.
Fifty odd years of crony capitalism begets much for change, considering the emerging realities yet the ruling bosses find insurmountable the tasks ahead. Kingmakers parading as division heads would still demand their unholy largesse despite rapidly changing attitudes amongst the populace. Perchance the half billion ringgit kickbacks from defense equipment purchases were the appropriate amount needed to placate the heads undiminished appetites for the almighty dollar or ringgit to be precise, two million each, making four hundred plus a bit more for all the leaders and anything in excess, channeled into petty cash. The DPM only wanted to make sure he had thought out every niggling- bits, plus- covering any gaping holes that somewhat could hinder his already confirmed, as of now, pathway to the premiership. Only that coveted position would only be realizable in 2010 i.e. two years ahead, as he had readily agreed to whence suggested by Pak Lah a little while back. Noting that two years is a very long time in politics the little premise he is much agreeable to now may not, be insusceptible to the erraticism that normally would dictate the chronology of events coming forth until the very occasion. In other words, only time will tell and any politician worth his or her salt must not just sit and wait out, quite quaintly so, the entire duration of which for things to be, delivered to him or her, upon reaching the end of the stipulated period.
The level four boys would yet to be resting on their laurels, as their combined greed and avarice must only be ahead of them parallel with their unslackening enterprise to install onto the highest pedestal one of their own and no less the golden boy himself being Kerry in part also, Pak Lah’s famous son in law.
TDM was not at all ,lost for words, when he immediately quipped about DS Najib not going to see the inside of the premier office after the agreed timetable, notably in the instantaneous aftermath of Pak Lah’s eventful announcement. Knowing very well the level four chaps would not in their lives allow such opportunities the likes of the bad perceptions about the deputy premier and the C4 conundrum slip by without taking full advantage of the much questionable issues even though conveniently suppressed for the time being.
Quoting also his disappointment with Najib for easily acquiescing to Pak Lah’s proposal, TDM changes his preference for Najib as his preferred candidate for the next PM to TS Muhyiddin saying, if anything Muhyiddin is all, the, more eligible especially so in terms of experience and seniority. Najib in his newly arrived euphoria, was not, really perturbed with Tun’s, half expected rebuke but he did longingly wish for the old man to rejoin the party in the not too distant future, mostly out of respect for the former PM as the case may be. To all intents and purposes the December date when party elections will be held, could be the aphoristic reality check for everybody since all posts will up for grabs with or without the quintessential albeit mandatory 30% nominations- precondition.
Coincidentally, Anwar too has changed his oft- declared date of takeover from September to the end of the year. Acknowledging the dubitable, sodomy charge, has in a little way derailed his original plans, he, by any means is still adamant that the takeover blueprint is still on track albeit a little later to materialize. Without fail, he reiterated the inexorable adverse decline of the country’s economy, should, nothing substantive, be put into place to fully address the impending disaster. In addition to the portentous eventuality, he predicted an ominously short two months ahead before the nation heads into the abyss. He continued by imploring that the current system in place could not deal with the incoming catastrophe, as its already severely corrupted inner mechanisms would not be able to withstand the unprecedented onslaught. The racially biased cum chauvinistic elements intrinsic to the entire inflexible structure would only implode against a never before multifold cum accelerated increases in global prices for food and fuel in particular, Malaysians would, for the first time ever be faced with an unappeasable situation that to an extent could deprive them of their basic- necessities. Even simple foodstuffs would be hard to come by considering the over inflated costs commensurate with their availabilities. A, good number, would in all likelihood go hungry and the Malays being the majority along with the most in terms of the visible poor will suffer the worst. Never forgetting to cite the calamitous effects of the much recent acute upsurge in pump prices, Anwar: did not, mince his words when he mentioned what wretched conditions that could be further expected should there be more increases in charges coupled with a fully anticipated dwindling economy in the pipeline.
He concluded his fiery discourse on the would be ill effects of an overwhelmingly mismanaged economy by everyone opting for a new machinery, a different organization and a complete system change in amending a totally inept, lackadaisical and rotten methodology that only serve its own interest rather than the nation as a whole. That arrangement must only be the Pakatan Rakyat, what are with its egalitarian outlook alongside the entailing aspects logically emanating from its very basic and unmovable philosophy namely non discriminatory, transparent, impartial, practicable, responsive and adaptable. At the very least, the majority of the elements needed for a forward- looking polity in fully steaming ahead to boldly face unrelenting, as, yet intense competition in tandem with the rest of the world. Anwar has all the right slogans and the appropriate watchwords but mere catchwords they are not as more and more of the rakyat are beginning to believe in his battle cries even though ‘outmoded’ the phrases may be, as his critics would be at ease to call. The rakyat, having to face imminent destitution in line with the prices of the bare- essentials having spiraled upwards without any respite in view may have been the reason Anwar’s indefatigable words imbibed into them. A most recent example being the TV debate between Anwar and The Minister for Information where The De Facto Opposition leader in clear and unequivocal terms put his argument forth without any points, fresh and substantive coming from the Minister in countering the Ex DPM’s much spirited disputations. Even TDM had to conclude that Anwar actually won the debate hands- down but he stopped short at that without making any further comments ensuing his rather abrupt remark.
Howsoever, Anwar did make known during one of his latest ceramahs, that a significant number of voters among the rural Malays still have their hearts strong with UMNO and as a direct consequence the party’s source of its, all important votes. Still having to strive to win more of their hearts and minds, Anwar implores all supporters of the Pakatan Rakyat to not once neglect the rural folks yet continue illuminating PR’s agendas onto their cognitive functions. The fact that the MSM is mostly used for their daily source of vital information makes more and more availability of the alternative media for their frequent viewings much crucial to the opposing- coalition’s, persistently ongoing pronouncements. Howbeit internet penetration is still lacking within the Kinsmen agrarian domains. The younger set of the grouping however has their own set of criteria that they fast apply to whenever questions arises that needed their unbiased critical reasoning and they are turning in droves towards the opposition is an undeniable certitude. It is only the older members that are a bit set in their minds that badly require some form of vigorous reeducation
There is the possibility that it is against this particular setting that moves has been made by the ruling coalition to jumpstart some form conciliatory talks with Pas, the pre eminent conglomeration of the Malay race being top on the list of viable topics to be touched. The story goes that these little discussions, has been pretty much, effectuated: immediately after the poll results, of the, recent general elections, and there were even words circling throughout the grapevines that the first ever meeting being held took place if not a few hours just after the outcome. By and large the story line at that time did not bear any immediacy as they are only taken for what they were worth and that being mere whisperings. On the other hand, the top echelons in PAS did admit to UMNO inviting them joining its side during the nascent period of the opposition rule in the four states taken from the BN, doing this totally in the spirit of the emanating opposing coalition. That was a while later, to be, spearheaded by the much inspiring nomenclature of PAKATAN RAKYAT.
It is only, when Pak Lah as a form of political one-upmanship decided to spill the beans that all hell broke loose, the rakyat, of whom, had voted across racial concerns during the last polls was truly perturbed, some even vowed to totally ostracize Pas’s candidates from their lists of MP’s and State’s representatives comes next GE. It is well worth nothing that Pak Lah admitted to The Dato’ Tuan Guru Nik Aziz not being privy to the secret rendezvous he had with a number of leaders from the Islamic Party makes the much clandestine coming together all the more sinister. So much so, that ordinary members and unwitting voters from both parties were less than impressed with the recent goings- on. The story goes that special preferences would be accorded to Pas’s side with even the DPM’s post being offered to one of its leaders notwithstanding the more than a few Federal, Chief minister, Senators, Excos and elevated positions in GLC’s or government linked companies. As, yet, none of the states already controlled by the BN were included in the overly bountiful proposal. The little thingy with the spuriously concocted soodoomee allegation was somewhat assigned to be the raison det re for The PAS high council to execute a full turnaround. Quaintly a nondescript phone call from Pak Lah to Ustaz Nash confirming Anwar’s involvement in the ‘unnatural’ act was the event designed to set in motion any incipient hesitations in the minds of the party’s top brass. All or just the same, of late the evidence trail just did not succumb to the ‘criminal act’ what are with many leads veering away from the points in contention. A conspiracy, as Dsai would not be in want to say- nonetheless.
Against this backdrop that a peeved Dato’ Tuan Guru Nik Aziz hollered to not discuss anything anymore with UMNO if only casual talks be the norm. Calming his anger with his own boys and Umno’s top leaders the willful Spiritual Teacher throws out a challenge to everyone concerned to largely think out of the box and dissolve both entities, following that a new party should be incorporated having hudud and qisas as its undeterred methodology. Knowing very well that the staunch albeit conniving secularists in UMNO would never in their life concur to any Islamist worldview bar for expedient reasons only- theirs usually, The sagacious Tok Guru is very much calling Pak Lah’s bluff.
Certain personages in UMNO would really stand to lose should lower rank members in the party be given certain Latitudes especially those touching on greater democratic access. For one, they, would not, in all likelihood, be nominated- again if yet asked to step down immediately. The members have had enough of their incompetence and wild intrigues. They want new people at the helm and the names that they now call for are Tengku Razaleigh and Tan Sri Muhyiddin. For lack of democratic- leeway their desperate exclamations stop short at the branches level due to only bloody division heads having the sacrosanct privileges of choosing the entire leadership. The glaring fact that the, Leaders, are very much cautioned by way of projects, money or even threats by the top dogs is an ongoing story.
PAS too has some pertinent reservations in respect of Anwar’s magical formula in his federal takeover narrative, mainly concerning a ‘precarious’ scenario of a newly realized ruling coalition of mostly non- Muslims MPs holding sway over the Federal Administration. Considering its already ‘sensitive’ approximation with the DAP in the PR, it would not bode well for the Islamic based party in having more of the diehards ‘secularists’ to contend with. At any rate, especially when faced with the realization that the rakyat earnestly had voted for change during the last polls alongside casting aside all forms of latent prejudices against the Islamic centered organization whence polling it could not, even once at that betray that trust or AMANAH for an appropriate term in the Malay language that is. To, have transgressed that AMANAH if only for the littlest of excuses would have invoked the mightiest of sins, and God would not in any wise shy away from becoming an irate witness in this case.
Amidst the cacophony, Anwar announced that he will contesting for the Permatang Pauh parliament seat after his lovely and dutiful wife being Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah or Kak Wan decided to vacate the post. The Man from the wilderness is coming back!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Engelbert Humperdinck - Release Me

Ella Fitzgerlald - Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered


There were talks of the blogsphere needing some form of expert and reliable reporting or write-ups, that are fully vindicated by first- rate wordsmiths: totally knowledgeable in their area of interests. Most blog from whatever that comes from their hearts making them passionate all, the, more but a miniscule bit- lacking perhaps- in the regions of objectivity and scholarship. However, there are the journalists and Statesmen that had utilized extensively the net to highlight their apprehensions plus observations make the internet ne’er the lesser of most vehicles for dissemination of determining news releases.
In other words, blogging or anything similar to it is an indisputably effective form of informing, along with its most important adjunct- people can interplay alongside the medium by including their comments at most times immediately after the stories are out.
Much of the discernible after- effects that could, be, ascertained by viewing the numerous commentaries enclosed.
Well and right if one may say so, an academic start to an equally pedantic little discourse that actually had regurgitated what everyone familiar with blogging knew all along. Papalados in actuality is saying things that are of no value to anyone, bearing in mind the pointers swirling around- country wise- nowadays. He has this proclivity of not putting on hold numerous articles in draft form, preferring to fully complete a text and having it duly posted onto his blog before starting a new one.
The result being, his stories are much- out of sync- with the current goings on in the confederation. However, he would in his peculiarly dangdut kind of way, put things in perspective- for whatever they are worth. The fact that he is fast becoming wary of big brother could not belie his much fragile bravado albeit partly hidden, astern to his beloved dangdut girls in their gaudy frocks, particularly so when faced with the administration’s immense machinery. He is just a scared gutter rat, a quintessential dangdut coward, if there ever was one.
Words depicting fatalities and character foul plays have not helped in allaying any perturbations in respect of the happenings, retrospect or real time, even though dismissed entirely as scuttle butt and downright malicious by the powers that be. By the same token would not the steamy buggery charge also be taken wholesale together with the notions mentioned by the DPM the likes of hearsay and consequently darned maleficent should outright thinking no more of questionable issues at hand be the incontrovertible regime.
Having that in mind Pak Lah must only decree that everything should immediately stop and political discourses between contending parties imperatively start on a new slate along with a mutually as, yet, propitiously illuminated consciousness, eliminating at the same time all inklings of the nation becoming the butt of jokes of the world.
On the other hand, the proposition is just an inconsequential vociferation of a dangdut rat, on that note alone must not, at all times, be taken seriously.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yusuf Islam - Taleal bedru aleyna


The notion exactly, are they really the, has been, that we would all think to be or is there something sinister lurking behind that no one can second guess. Why was there very little concern among the members, when they, were admitted, amidst the loudhailers blaring all over. Only a vice president voiced his reservations albeit after the fact denoting his- person, was not at all, consulted, prior to the event.
If saying that Pak Lah could receive some sort of boost to his popularity by readmitting Ezam into the grouping may be a bit of straining on the grey matter considering the overly tumultuous situation the party is now. Much suspicion, could be surmised, as the general agreement amongst members and non- members alike should Ezam’s past situation not be brushed aside. How is it, that Ezam be can be utilized so gainfully by Pak Lah and company.
Alas! This post has been, so long kept in draft form that the Ezam rejoins Ameno issue has been revoltingly stale by now. However if readers could bear with papalados for a while longer he could in a turnabout kind of way reflect upon all the current happenings and link them all together into a peculiar dangdut explication of sorts.
As have been stated, the High Council will only give confirmation on Ezam and gang membership status in about two weeks from now. It just goes to show that not everyone, who is someone in the consociation, was privy, to the questionable event. There are talks of the party becoming fractious as of late and the indecisiveness of the upper echelons of the organization just goes to show the extent of the breakup. Rightly, the members should be concerned as the newly arrived were the firebrands from an opposing coalition, in all probabilities they could be Trojan horses or potential enemy operatives implanted by their adversaries.
At any rate, Ezam did mention of his overwhelming interest in Pak Lah’s much earnest ‘reform agenda’, what is with weeding out unyielding corruption throughout the administration being number one on the list. Coincidentally he had made fighting graft his new- found interest upon leaving PKR by setting up Gerak an NGO that put its concern wholly on eradicating and fighting profligacy at the country level. There was some mention that a parliamentary committee, be announced with Ezam the one helming it. Pak lah’s enemies within and without the party would have lost a little bit of sleep together with being wobbly at the knees should that eventuality came into place but for the all encompassing ‘praxis’ quaintly speaking, the likes of such wanton wastefulness entails albeit ruinously and has been tolerated throughout, they would not even bat an eyelid. TDM must have been fuming since he is the one most vociferous in wanting to kick Pak Lah out. A few of the higher- ups, would also, be targeted, for being such pain in the necks for the PM.
By, and large, Ezam must only be viewed as someone new in the organization thus not party to all the sophistries inherent in the union, subsequent to which, he would not be in the least burdened, by any leftover baggage. He can quite zestfully at that, undertake such momentous enterprises.
His friends joining him amalgamating with Ameno, could only be construed as his auxiliaries in the true sense of the word. They were with him in PKR and they stick to him whence he was in the wilderness the short while before healing the breach with the ruling party. They all hold quite important posts in PKR would much have bore the irony but they were already out whence they rejoined the governing coalition that glaringly wise could somehow reduced the evocativeness of the occasion. They are has been and nothing could placate the fact. They would know a thing or two but most should only be trite with only a miniscule bit of pertinence left. What good then can they bring the party or rather Pak Lah’s faction within the consociation then.
Most were quite pressed for a semblance of life that would resemble the circumstances they are quite at ease with prior to them being out in the cold. So all the talk about bundles being- waved in full view could not be dismissed as hearsay as oft enunciated by the powers that be, particularly so whence ‘trivial’ questions were asked in respect of a ‘niggling’ thing or two. In this case howbeit Ezam did admit to his friends having some financial problems and they would all be better prepared facing the same if they so favor to station themselves inside Ameno. Just goes to show that money, one way or another- still talks, being so, in the ruling party.
Also in his blog Ezam weaved prodigiously about his concerns- if not everybody in Keadilan or the country as a whole- during those painful times, in respect of, Anwar’s much poorly state whilst still incarcerated. Bedridden and wheelchair bound, should he need be mobilized, Anwar was in constant pain due to the ignominious beatings he received on the very evening he was detained. Meeting up with more than a few personages in Ameno just to get DSAI appropriate treatment to rectify his serious back problem, they, all, in all, could not, help him. Anwar wanted outside or rather overseas therapy in order to set right his dislocated spine problem and he was very suspicious, agreeably so, of the authorities, bearing in mind the arsenic affair a while before. Local hospitals then do not offer such procedures as any of the likes would only involve massive invasive surgery and the encompassing risks could be astronomical should Anwar so chooses to opt for the facilities available. Unequivocally speaking, his very life could be in jeopardy.
Ezam or from what he had stipulated in his blog was quite in wanting for efforts until someone suggested meeting up with Khairi- PakLah’s son in law. This, he did and not soon after Dr Wan Azizah- Anwar’s better half and President of PKR got to see Pak Lah. It must, be said that Pak Lah would really like to put closure on the Anwar saga but saw none that can actually assist him in moving towards that direction concurrent then. The meeting with Datin Azizah somewhat prodded him into realizing the conclusion of this niggling bit in his administration. TDM’s cruel stroke, that need not, be perennially burdensome, to him.
Much agreeable to what Datin had to say, Pak Lah assured her that he would attend the soonest possible to that matter, the AG however cautioned him to not be too hasty as the law lacked in a clear manner the proviso that Anwar still a prisoner at that time be allowed treatment overseas. On the other hand, his appeal hearing of which is just around corner was the opportune moment that Pak lah seized, to see the final scene of the ‘black eye’ epic. He saw to that by reminding the judges to follow the law to its logical end- legally and not so much otherwise.
Ezam’s little narration in his blog showed all the more he was the one and quite single handedly instrumental in Anwar’s release not soon after but to all intents and purposes DSAI did get to be free and flew the immediate after for non invasive spinal cord surgery in Germany. To what extent was Ezam’s part in the entire process, God knows best.
That one clear mission, being, accomplished, in a poignant way put to test Ezam’s position in PKR, for his contention if surmised at this juncture could be to forward his standing in the organization as a persona a perfect second only to the truly charismatic number one- DSAI himself if not for Azmin the quiet but studious fellow. Playing factional Politics, he found things, the little bit unfavorable to this particular albeit quaint- joust of his. Coming from Ameno and familiar with the underlying philosophy governing the association, PKR’s moral code, is literally quite the opposite- to the more than half a century in solar years old party. Azmin is there to stay and will always be a hurdle to him, he cannot push him aside no matter how.
Ezam thus decided to leave, along with, his people, imagine that- he has his followers. Just what was his objective if one might ask- to station his friends in every nook and cranny in the- consociation: perchance. Once a party animal will always be a party animal so much so that Ameno’s nauseatingly crony cum patronizing methods did not really leave him. He actually strives on them.
The pump prices shot up, an increase of nearly eighty cents per liter for petrol and one ringgit for diesel. The ordinary rakyat finds it difficult to manage any more, the monthly allocation, could not be, flexed, either way, they even have to consider cutting short their daily meals to only two times instead of the globally recommended three square meals a day. To add salt to the wound the announcement was made on the afternoon after whence the afternoon before a Minister reiterated that any hike in prices would accompany a thorough examination of all underlying factors along with undesirable effects and any increase would only be considered in about two months time i.e. in August. However on June4th the bombshell dropped.
People were actually, lost, for words, they did not know what to say, everybody was too shocked. How can an administration be too callous, so uncaring of its subjects to the point of being overly presumptuous that the majority of the populace would quiescently accept the new prices as being a world wide phenomenon. All would have acquiesced if not for the fact that Malaysia is an Oil producing nation, and there are not the numerous tolls and cars are, sold at market prices.
Come, to think of it, something strange happened quite of late. Khairy the PM’s son in law, out of nowhere called for Petronas- the country’s petroleum company to make manifest their financial accounts for perusal of Malaysians all over as compared to what has been going on all along that is, all pertinent documents would be for the eyes of the number one only that being the Prime Minister. Much as what, has been, demanded by the opposition for more than twenty years. Lo and behold for whatever magical mantra that Khairy was uttering, Petronas agreed. They would gladly do the full Monty next week. Wow! Such headiness, and only two weeks before he asked for tolls, to, be abolished or reviewed or whatever. Even the unending motorway tolls could be seeing the penultimate to their running days should Khairy’s little battle call: be acknowledged.
Many would amusingly view his sudden vociferations as just asides from a comedy act gone bad but for the latest inclusions into the play being Ezam and gang- some theorems may be applicable. Perhaps Pak Lah’s finally getting his payback, upping the ante against his ardent critics and his former boss. TDM’s lately being made to be on the defensive what were with the roles he played in determining the fall of the judiciary during his tenure and the rakyat or vehement critics amongst them having to pay through their nose for the high price of fuel. He is already the PM, what would he care would not he.
Having said that just what characterizations, would Khairy and Ezam be portraying in the consociation as of now, mere questing for popularity possibly but surely more than that. Howsoever the moment being, they would be Pak Lah’s agents for revenge. Whatever, that were, in the often quipped, six boxes that Ezam has hidden would be fully utilized to unravel much of TDM’s masterful achievements for the 22 years he was premier- Toll concessions and all.
Meanwhile Anwar took it upon him compellingly to seize the point in time. In a speech a few days after the price hike, he called in question the rakyat’s choice for government. How have their votes rewarded them whence what they received were just hardship and desperation thus far from the betterments that they were promised. He further added the ruling party’s lack of focus in helming the confederation due to unresolved power play within the organization and a dismal lack of cohesion in its rank post elections. The upper echelons were only luxuriating in internal bickering among themselves instead of effectively piloting the country into stormy weathers ahead. He reiterated upon the figures he has to take over the entire administration, all, the more biding for time lest mayhem and unrest be the aftermath of a transition unprepared and haste fully executed.
Consequently, pump prices must only reduce as oil revenues would only increase, in as much, exorbitantly high prices dictate the world market. What is just a little more on subsidy but alleviating much, the rakyat’s; sufferings.
DSAI enunciated that political chicaneries could not befit him if for a rather quaint story he recalled towards the end of his long discourse. It took place soon after a ceramah he was, invited as speaker, three days before the last elections, that of a mature Chinese Lady forty odd in years who clasped his hands for sometime refusing to let go. She said of how sorry she was for the cruel things that were, inflicted upon him, mentioning the same words a couple of times. DSAI soothingly, assured her that, it was OK, only that Malaysians should all work together for a better times ahead, still not releasing his hands she just stood there looking forlornly, at him, it was only when tears were streaming down her cheeks that she earnestly beseeched DSAI albeit poignantly so- to take care of her children. Immediately after, she stood away from him, freeing his arms.
Dumbstruck, DSAI became quiet, for more than an instant, he was somehow fortuitously acquainted with something that was beyond comprehension, a divine like epiphany perhaps that somewhat revealed to him the deepness of his chosen vocation. Outside the limitation of the accepted norms that govern his actions along with inactions if the case may be, aspirations alone would not sufficed, his, consciousness had actually gone over and above what he thought was fitting for an opposition leader de facto or otherwise. Veritably, all perspectives, have changed, it is beyond politics but a spiritual quest nevertheless.
How melodramatic, Ha! Ha! Ha! One would laugh but not papalados, for he truly believes the little narrative. Even though a seedy dangdut character, he is very passionate inside. He too cries with the dear Lady for who could not.
Hidup! Anwar Ibrahim..Hidup! Pakatan Rakyat..Hidup! Malaysia

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My way (Tom Jones)



Now that Tun has left the party amidst the glaring controversies chiefly being lingam gate, one wonders what course ahead may he charter. Pak Lah may have added the clause supreme of not allowing party leavers joining back so the question persists as what options available to the disgruntled members. Some with vested interests, would never even contemplate that way of action in the first place leaving the lower rung adherents much at liberty to follow their hearts
It must, be said, that the insuppressible Tun has charisma and it is largely on this point that a great many are still spellbound by him, they being all makes of Malaysians, is less, than an inkling, but more of a gospel truth should one care to delve a bit deeper. Just goes to show that this peculiar like, engagingness is a momentous bestowal should the personage having it knows how to go about manipulating its manifold potentialities.
In other words, Tun has charm and he knows how to use it, however charm alone would not have sufficed if not for the salient factors attached to it. Tun was the supreme leader for a good twenty- two years with many a young and impressionable Malaysian growing up having his presence very much at the backs of their minds. Coupled with his benign fatherly disposition, quite numerous of the ordinary subjects, would be hard pressed not to include a somewhat affectionate sensibility in their reflections about him. Be it not for the Anwar affair, his tenure, would not, have been, contentiously stopped, after only three years into the new century.
That was, whence he made out of his own volition the statement that he was going to step down and naming his successor at the same time. The replacement was Pak Lah about eighteen months later much as vociferated in Tun’s dramatic speech the year before.
Well said but Tun all in all is much his own person the reason his deputies could never live up to him, he had four during his premiership with Pak Lah being the last and the one and only succeeding him. Anwar, was perceived by Tun, to be a threat, one who was getting to be too popular thus could be forcing him into a premature retirement.
Along with words uttered that somehow seeped into him that Anwar, his deputy then would be challenging him for the party presidency, pretty much sealed the fate of the Deputy President right about that moment. The ignominious methods that were utilized, to hurl Anwar out of the party and into forced incarceration alongside being beaten whilst blindfolded and handcuffed, all the time still in detention bears the infamy that was Malaysia’s polity during that epoch.
Until this day, Tun could never mention Anwar’s name without a lump in his throat, aggravated all, the more, by the quaint possibility that he could very well be the next Prime Minister in the not too distant future.
Pak lah too was far off the mark that Tun had hoped the current Premier to have easily albeit quiescently reached in satisfying the preconditions that was laid out to him right before his ascension to power. Howsoever the opposite actually happened whence Pak Lah at every opportunity cut down much of Tun’s would be unforgettable legacies.
Being number one Pak Lah’s verily understands the dutiful obligation, that he must instill his newly installed presence into the subconscious of the populace. He must have his own philosophy and his own leadership regardless of any niggling bits.
Alas! That was hard to come by as for the twenty- two years that his predecessor had ruled, a priori, Tun’s management style had pervaded right through the entire spectrum, making things a bit too contentious for Pak Lah should he commence his own ‘moral code’. He could not rock the boat, or it would capsize and be a bit near impossible to put back to order- shipshape and seaworthy more so. In turn, this undue incapableness, seemingly, could be Pak Lah’s unfortunate heritance, should he, be ousted from power later on.
On the other hand, he did initiate greater leeway into the workings of democracy in Malaysia together with releasing Anwar from jail, much to Tun’s chagrin. By saying that the law must run its course Pak Lah’s put it to the judges that he would not interfere with their impending decision. Subsequently, Anwar, was set free and Khairy, Pak Lah’s son in law even went to his house later in the evening to see to it that Anwar would not at all be hindered in him seeking treatment overseas, passport wise or the like.
As things came to be, Anwar is now the de facto leader of Pakatan Rakyat , the alliance of three political parties, parallel with, the biggest ever opposing joint action in Parliament and Pak Lah is the current Prime Minister, helming Barisan Nasional the ruling coalition in Malaysia.
Well and good is it not, a rather fanciful dissertation mimicking an armchair observer’s view of things, trying to end this littlest essay of his by cautioning the ex members to the likelihood that they would not be so soon returning to their beloved party as misunderstood heroes but more of unwitting pioneers into another consociation.
The probability of them becoming pawns in yet another high profile chess game must also not be discounted, particularly so, whence all and sundry that Tun had planned for came to be. What Tun really desired for was 35 Umno Law makers joining him on the periphery, a magic figure that could put a stop to whatever plans his adversaries have in store
He very well knows that Anwar will only set things in motion when he has a greater number of Malay MP’s on his side compared to Pak Lah in order to put at rest any inklings of him bypassing Malay concerns should PR take over the Federal Government
He already has the numbers but he must strive, a fraction more, to effectively, secure a smooth change of power. Peculiarly Malay sentiments are quite perturbed as of now being the minutest afraid that they would lose any semblance of residual power should Anwar gung ho like charges at the pinnacle without any due concern for the composition of his mesmeric procedural dictate. Sixty percent of the country’s population has its inescapable implorations.
All would be unwell for Pak Lah should he looses quite any number of Malay representatives in the coalition making a snap Parliamentary elections not entirely out of the equation. Something that he would really hoped for as on the fence voters- bumiputras or otherwise could possibly swing their votes back to Bee End due to wavering concerns of losing whimsical sons of soil stewardship and lack of direction in forging ahead with pertinent running of government along with taking charge of the confederation’s multifold imperatives. The YDP AGONG has the final say on that course of action, as to how he decides, one can only guess. DAULAT TUANKU!
Apparently all the talk about Ketuanan inadvertently albeit unnecessarily has seeped into the Malay psyche that in some way could lead to substantive discourses on traits that need be, compulsorily affixed, to notions of mature democracies must bide for time for just a little bit more. Meanwhile Tun gleefully waits ever more so.
On the latest as regards lingamgate, Tun challenges to go all the way, he has that many stories to tell and they are trickling out little by little. The wily chap, he does think of everything does not he. However so we may plan all we want, God is still the best of planners. Wallahualam.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Be it for the irrelevant vociferations of a gutter rat the likes of papalados that he would always propounds his favorite musical genre as a peculiar form of metaphorical one up man ship. Ever the sewer music that dangdut is much recognizable with,why should, it, be taken as a weighing scale, much less, into probing the ills of the world as they are. Laughable it may be, all, in all, the archetypes of, him-self, having in them the cure for any sickness. If not for the diabolical side- interests, how would it be in any way acceptable that a nondescript albeit lecherous person like, papalados could be taken seriously.
As the case may be, the allegory of subsisting in a bungalow compared to dwelling in a terrace house, one becoming unconnected to the point of insignificancy residing in a mansion but well- pleased and meaningful albeit exigent anchoring in a mid- sized double storey unit. If not for the most crucial conferment of 54 hot seats could the confederation still ill afford the uncalled for haughtiness. Even so, an attap walled rickety hut- in every sense of the word- may also, be called, a place of stay.
Much like dangdut- that would, exclaim every type of music played in its halls as the ever most danceable melodies or unequivocally speaking the generic dangdut ditties, it would welcome with open arms any new variety. Sumazau would not be out of place alongside cha- cha, zapin, joget, inang, jaipong and ramvong. Music as ever is universal. Each- and every type of vocalizations has its standing in the house of dangdut. Not one, will be, left out, lest the artistic be lost in the harsh and unfeeling musings for unsophisticated cum vulgar bottom line- profits.
Nevertheless, papalados, would like, to reiterate, the fact that dangdut, could never, be equated, with statecraft, it is just his inconsequential way of highlighting about anything that invokes his negligible worldview.
By, and large, it was speculation all the more that the morrow would bring much exciting pointers for the most part indicating the arrival of guests from the other side, indubitably, coming to stay for more than a considerable length of time, in that they would become permanent members of the household. An eventuality much welcomed by this side of the political landscape and dangdut must, be, regarded, as what it should always be, if only, a trifling after thought.