Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The notion exactly, are they really the, has been, that we would all think to be or is there something sinister lurking behind that no one can second guess. Why was there very little concern among the members, when they, were admitted, amidst the loudhailers blaring all over. Only a vice president voiced his reservations albeit after the fact denoting his- person, was not at all, consulted, prior to the event.
If saying that Pak Lah could receive some sort of boost to his popularity by readmitting Ezam into the grouping may be a bit of straining on the grey matter considering the overly tumultuous situation the party is now. Much suspicion, could be surmised, as the general agreement amongst members and non- members alike should Ezam’s past situation not be brushed aside. How is it, that Ezam be can be utilized so gainfully by Pak Lah and company.
Alas! This post has been, so long kept in draft form that the Ezam rejoins Ameno issue has been revoltingly stale by now. However if readers could bear with papalados for a while longer he could in a turnabout kind of way reflect upon all the current happenings and link them all together into a peculiar dangdut explication of sorts.
As have been stated, the High Council will only give confirmation on Ezam and gang membership status in about two weeks from now. It just goes to show that not everyone, who is someone in the consociation, was privy, to the questionable event. There are talks of the party becoming fractious as of late and the indecisiveness of the upper echelons of the organization just goes to show the extent of the breakup. Rightly, the members should be concerned as the newly arrived were the firebrands from an opposing coalition, in all probabilities they could be Trojan horses or potential enemy operatives implanted by their adversaries.
At any rate, Ezam did mention of his overwhelming interest in Pak Lah’s much earnest ‘reform agenda’, what is with weeding out unyielding corruption throughout the administration being number one on the list. Coincidentally he had made fighting graft his new- found interest upon leaving PKR by setting up Gerak an NGO that put its concern wholly on eradicating and fighting profligacy at the country level. There was some mention that a parliamentary committee, be announced with Ezam the one helming it. Pak lah’s enemies within and without the party would have lost a little bit of sleep together with being wobbly at the knees should that eventuality came into place but for the all encompassing ‘praxis’ quaintly speaking, the likes of such wanton wastefulness entails albeit ruinously and has been tolerated throughout, they would not even bat an eyelid. TDM must have been fuming since he is the one most vociferous in wanting to kick Pak Lah out. A few of the higher- ups, would also, be targeted, for being such pain in the necks for the PM.
By, and large, Ezam must only be viewed as someone new in the organization thus not party to all the sophistries inherent in the union, subsequent to which, he would not be in the least burdened, by any leftover baggage. He can quite zestfully at that, undertake such momentous enterprises.
His friends joining him amalgamating with Ameno, could only be construed as his auxiliaries in the true sense of the word. They were with him in PKR and they stick to him whence he was in the wilderness the short while before healing the breach with the ruling party. They all hold quite important posts in PKR would much have bore the irony but they were already out whence they rejoined the governing coalition that glaringly wise could somehow reduced the evocativeness of the occasion. They are has been and nothing could placate the fact. They would know a thing or two but most should only be trite with only a miniscule bit of pertinence left. What good then can they bring the party or rather Pak Lah’s faction within the consociation then.
Most were quite pressed for a semblance of life that would resemble the circumstances they are quite at ease with prior to them being out in the cold. So all the talk about bundles being- waved in full view could not be dismissed as hearsay as oft enunciated by the powers that be, particularly so whence ‘trivial’ questions were asked in respect of a ‘niggling’ thing or two. In this case howbeit Ezam did admit to his friends having some financial problems and they would all be better prepared facing the same if they so favor to station themselves inside Ameno. Just goes to show that money, one way or another- still talks, being so, in the ruling party.
Also in his blog Ezam weaved prodigiously about his concerns- if not everybody in Keadilan or the country as a whole- during those painful times, in respect of, Anwar’s much poorly state whilst still incarcerated. Bedridden and wheelchair bound, should he need be mobilized, Anwar was in constant pain due to the ignominious beatings he received on the very evening he was detained. Meeting up with more than a few personages in Ameno just to get DSAI appropriate treatment to rectify his serious back problem, they, all, in all, could not, help him. Anwar wanted outside or rather overseas therapy in order to set right his dislocated spine problem and he was very suspicious, agreeably so, of the authorities, bearing in mind the arsenic affair a while before. Local hospitals then do not offer such procedures as any of the likes would only involve massive invasive surgery and the encompassing risks could be astronomical should Anwar so chooses to opt for the facilities available. Unequivocally speaking, his very life could be in jeopardy.
Ezam or from what he had stipulated in his blog was quite in wanting for efforts until someone suggested meeting up with Khairi- PakLah’s son in law. This, he did and not soon after Dr Wan Azizah- Anwar’s better half and President of PKR got to see Pak Lah. It must, be said that Pak Lah would really like to put closure on the Anwar saga but saw none that can actually assist him in moving towards that direction concurrent then. The meeting with Datin Azizah somewhat prodded him into realizing the conclusion of this niggling bit in his administration. TDM’s cruel stroke, that need not, be perennially burdensome, to him.
Much agreeable to what Datin had to say, Pak Lah assured her that he would attend the soonest possible to that matter, the AG however cautioned him to not be too hasty as the law lacked in a clear manner the proviso that Anwar still a prisoner at that time be allowed treatment overseas. On the other hand, his appeal hearing of which is just around corner was the opportune moment that Pak lah seized, to see the final scene of the ‘black eye’ epic. He saw to that by reminding the judges to follow the law to its logical end- legally and not so much otherwise.
Ezam’s little narration in his blog showed all the more he was the one and quite single handedly instrumental in Anwar’s release not soon after but to all intents and purposes DSAI did get to be free and flew the immediate after for non invasive spinal cord surgery in Germany. To what extent was Ezam’s part in the entire process, God knows best.
That one clear mission, being, accomplished, in a poignant way put to test Ezam’s position in PKR, for his contention if surmised at this juncture could be to forward his standing in the organization as a persona a perfect second only to the truly charismatic number one- DSAI himself if not for Azmin the quiet but studious fellow. Playing factional Politics, he found things, the little bit unfavorable to this particular albeit quaint- joust of his. Coming from Ameno and familiar with the underlying philosophy governing the association, PKR’s moral code, is literally quite the opposite- to the more than half a century in solar years old party. Azmin is there to stay and will always be a hurdle to him, he cannot push him aside no matter how.
Ezam thus decided to leave, along with, his people, imagine that- he has his followers. Just what was his objective if one might ask- to station his friends in every nook and cranny in the- consociation: perchance. Once a party animal will always be a party animal so much so that Ameno’s nauseatingly crony cum patronizing methods did not really leave him. He actually strives on them.
The pump prices shot up, an increase of nearly eighty cents per liter for petrol and one ringgit for diesel. The ordinary rakyat finds it difficult to manage any more, the monthly allocation, could not be, flexed, either way, they even have to consider cutting short their daily meals to only two times instead of the globally recommended three square meals a day. To add salt to the wound the announcement was made on the afternoon after whence the afternoon before a Minister reiterated that any hike in prices would accompany a thorough examination of all underlying factors along with undesirable effects and any increase would only be considered in about two months time i.e. in August. However on June4th the bombshell dropped.
People were actually, lost, for words, they did not know what to say, everybody was too shocked. How can an administration be too callous, so uncaring of its subjects to the point of being overly presumptuous that the majority of the populace would quiescently accept the new prices as being a world wide phenomenon. All would have acquiesced if not for the fact that Malaysia is an Oil producing nation, and there are not the numerous tolls and cars are, sold at market prices.
Come, to think of it, something strange happened quite of late. Khairy the PM’s son in law, out of nowhere called for Petronas- the country’s petroleum company to make manifest their financial accounts for perusal of Malaysians all over as compared to what has been going on all along that is, all pertinent documents would be for the eyes of the number one only that being the Prime Minister. Much as what, has been, demanded by the opposition for more than twenty years. Lo and behold for whatever magical mantra that Khairy was uttering, Petronas agreed. They would gladly do the full Monty next week. Wow! Such headiness, and only two weeks before he asked for tolls, to, be abolished or reviewed or whatever. Even the unending motorway tolls could be seeing the penultimate to their running days should Khairy’s little battle call: be acknowledged.
Many would amusingly view his sudden vociferations as just asides from a comedy act gone bad but for the latest inclusions into the play being Ezam and gang- some theorems may be applicable. Perhaps Pak Lah’s finally getting his payback, upping the ante against his ardent critics and his former boss. TDM’s lately being made to be on the defensive what were with the roles he played in determining the fall of the judiciary during his tenure and the rakyat or vehement critics amongst them having to pay through their nose for the high price of fuel. He is already the PM, what would he care would not he.
Having said that just what characterizations, would Khairy and Ezam be portraying in the consociation as of now, mere questing for popularity possibly but surely more than that. Howsoever the moment being, they would be Pak Lah’s agents for revenge. Whatever, that were, in the often quipped, six boxes that Ezam has hidden would be fully utilized to unravel much of TDM’s masterful achievements for the 22 years he was premier- Toll concessions and all.
Meanwhile Anwar took it upon him compellingly to seize the point in time. In a speech a few days after the price hike, he called in question the rakyat’s choice for government. How have their votes rewarded them whence what they received were just hardship and desperation thus far from the betterments that they were promised. He further added the ruling party’s lack of focus in helming the confederation due to unresolved power play within the organization and a dismal lack of cohesion in its rank post elections. The upper echelons were only luxuriating in internal bickering among themselves instead of effectively piloting the country into stormy weathers ahead. He reiterated upon the figures he has to take over the entire administration, all, the more biding for time lest mayhem and unrest be the aftermath of a transition unprepared and haste fully executed.
Consequently, pump prices must only reduce as oil revenues would only increase, in as much, exorbitantly high prices dictate the world market. What is just a little more on subsidy but alleviating much, the rakyat’s; sufferings.
DSAI enunciated that political chicaneries could not befit him if for a rather quaint story he recalled towards the end of his long discourse. It took place soon after a ceramah he was, invited as speaker, three days before the last elections, that of a mature Chinese Lady forty odd in years who clasped his hands for sometime refusing to let go. She said of how sorry she was for the cruel things that were, inflicted upon him, mentioning the same words a couple of times. DSAI soothingly, assured her that, it was OK, only that Malaysians should all work together for a better times ahead, still not releasing his hands she just stood there looking forlornly, at him, it was only when tears were streaming down her cheeks that she earnestly beseeched DSAI albeit poignantly so- to take care of her children. Immediately after, she stood away from him, freeing his arms.
Dumbstruck, DSAI became quiet, for more than an instant, he was somehow fortuitously acquainted with something that was beyond comprehension, a divine like epiphany perhaps that somewhat revealed to him the deepness of his chosen vocation. Outside the limitation of the accepted norms that govern his actions along with inactions if the case may be, aspirations alone would not sufficed, his, consciousness had actually gone over and above what he thought was fitting for an opposition leader de facto or otherwise. Veritably, all perspectives, have changed, it is beyond politics but a spiritual quest nevertheless.
How melodramatic, Ha! Ha! Ha! One would laugh but not papalados, for he truly believes the little narrative. Even though a seedy dangdut character, he is very passionate inside. He too cries with the dear Lady for who could not.
Hidup! Anwar Ibrahim..Hidup! Pakatan Rakyat..Hidup! Malaysia

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