Monday, January 14, 2008


Having the moralistic valorousness to concur with one’s miscalculation is, in essence, meritorious. Verily the inexorable vestiges of an implacable psyche, bottom lining a conscious collective, that, veritably, dictate the minimum standards, still prevailing in a mindful consociation albeit the inherent cynicism pervading- across the citizenry.
Kudos, to, the, afflicted, person or persons: for, having, the ethical valiancy, to yield passage to, their oversights. All, in all a commendable act, considering, the furtherance to the malefaction, whence, they decided to give up their lofty posts, and literally disappear into the woodworks. Could these be the precursors to the ‘illustrious- times ahead’, should the multitudinous cynics, be pushed aside? Highly- unlikely, taking into account, the, near half- century, of a peculiarly, ‘injurious statecraft’ being exercised throughout the realm. However, earnest, hopes and aspirations; must, never be disparaged for history is replete with, the arrogant and boastful being brought down by the unostentatious, yet all, the more- righteous. Lending credence to the insuppressible adage: ‘the meek- shall inherit the earth’, and, in turn, the malevolent notables will perish with their intransigent yet ‘overblown egos’. A fitting end to the ‘autocrats of the cosmos’, the anachronisms- in a universe buffeted by the uncertainties of depleting fossil fuels and imperiled food sources, threatened by the ineluctable, but, as yet, adverse, effects of global warming. How, in heavens can one wallow in the comforts of an expiring ‘petroleum economy’ when a ‘hydrogen based one’ is, literally, ‘lingering’ in the pipeline.
Papa could say just anything, could not he, for he still has ‘Skull Hill’ to skedaddle to, along with his ‘infernal dangdut dance floors, to, prance on. A ‘wretched’ pastime that equally befits a ‘seedy’ degenerate albeit ‘graying’ character that rightly should not be given any ‘space’ to pen his irrelevant ‘postulations’. F…..k you papa, just keep your thoughts to your self and what do you know about the intricate- ‘inner workings’ of the world. You stammering village idiot you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prince said....

Dear Dato Papa Lados.....

Whatever Zigzgging your mind......please rest assure that....if you need me to acompany you....I shall always make my self available...

provided ample notice is given....

even as Prince ,,i have to report to the QUEEN...hehehe....