Monday, April 7, 2008


Exactly, is that all that it all boils down to, a question of doing, one’s- mathematics. 14 parliament and 22 state seats, lacking those we could have gotten our two- thirds majority and things would be as per usual. Pak Lah in what must have the country’s book of records: understatement of the year, what about ‘Bersih’, Hindraf and the lawyers’ rallies. Do they, not come, to anything? All, to, be swept under, the proverbial carpet, none of the lessons, to be, heeded.
Perchance also, the grievances, even though, very much genuine, of the ‘lesser’ Malaysians other than bumis, might, be, left, as they, are: the perennial, cans, of worms, that come with the package. Well the counterparts in the two faraway states are all hot and bothered now, how is that for an unending dilemma. They being bumis too, just add all, the more, quaintly like, to the ‘overly contentious’ equation.
Howsoever, it must be said that Pak Lah was playing to the party audience instead of the nation as a whole, henceforth the reliance on the ‘irrelevant’ crunching of numbers, obviously very pleasing to the crowd, gullible, possibly so, but then again perhaps not.
A what if but did not become so situation. Placebos all the way, with any remedies, if ever there should be, not at all within sight. A, what, could be situation, if not for the saboteurs, precisely the stand, of what is going to happen to these ‘despicable’ traitors.
Oh! One could not really rely on hearsays said Dato Seri Najib, there must at least be written complaints substantiated with hard evidence, undoubtedly trite as ever, or just being politically expedient for reason of not further exacerbating the fragmentation of the party.
On the other hand, the number two was not unlike a tried and tested Statesman whence addressing, as shown on TV, a few hours ago, the all critical question of the erosion of the public’s confidence in the BN.
Paraphrasing pretty much what Ku Li had quoted in Gua Musang the few, days, back, Dato Seri Najib is quite on track rather than avoiding the issues, as the BN leaders, were thought, to be doing albeit until just, recently. By, and large, quite well said, and better now, rather than never.
Considering that he is, given, that bit extra coverage as of concurrently, Dato Najib had really hit it strong that without doubt him being the successor to Pak Lah, and vouched- ever more- by the number one himself.
All very well, if there were not the destructive infighting within the party, but as things had come to be and never could be resolved unless a drastic course, of action, be, set, in motion. The resistance to that must never be underestimated. Do not think Pak Lah would ever relent and with Najib strongly behind him now, the battle could only get worse.
Making concerned Malaysians, papalados being one, hedging their bets on Aun Wah, to be the personage best to take lead the country, when the full effects of the sub prime mess hit our shores, mid- year onwards.
Taking into account, that investors, are beginning to avoid the country due to political uncertainties together with neighboring ASEAN nations irked by the frustratingly stalemated power play in Malaysia.
We better be doing something quick lest our beloved nation be regarded the economic outcast or pariah (forgive the term) within the region.


Anonymous said...

tak mau au wah, tak mau pak lah, tak mau najib, kita mau dato papalados aka zul gagap jadi ketua partai rakyat dandut kami. kalau dato papa jadi PM, lagu negara ku mesti tukar rentak dandut dan semua dandut dan karaoke lounge mesti beri masuk percume kepada kite semua.

hidup raja dandut!
hidup partai rakyat dandut!!
hidup YAB PM Dato Seri Papalados aka zul gagap!!!


Anonymous said...

partai rakyat dangdut? partai dangdut ala islam? partai dangdut kebangsaan se malaya? bes gak?

Yang penting, puteri dangdut kena duduk gesel gesel ngan aku dulu.

Anonymous said...

words of Prince,

My dear Dato Papa..

Maka setelah disarankan oleh para2 penyokong...( baru dua orang..he3)..maka eloklah dato papa meneruskan hasrat penyokong yg sudahh..kebobrokkan dangdut itu...
Hingga mereka mau lagu Negara Ku...edisi Danggdut..

Teruskan Perjuangan Dangdut mu..!! a trully Malaysian who loved this Country ...your sensivity toward current politic is highly comendable...

BUT..Just dont shake hand with all the Dang dut being done by the most "YB to be".. during their election campaign...he3..