Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Pak Engku refuses to settle bail: we can all be perfectly emphatic with that as much has his three score years of body endured but the mind would always be intact and all the more defiant. Incarcerate him and leave him be for he has suffered so, no more of the quaint calls in the wee hours and the Lord of Lords summonses along with the blatant taking away of treasured possessions. He has had enough of the Administration, just do unto him, what, the devil, would pleases. Be it not in you, you ignominious hypocrites any sense of propriety lest you partook upon the righteous path and set in motion your very own extinction. For you and your or ilk are only buying time but only for an infinitesimally brief period- days and nights wise, perchance even hours to the score. Oh The: Great Pretender- Pretend no more and sweep what is there to sweep inasmuch as thirty with two in the winning side for we could not any more endure a fraction further to the heartaches. Much have our tears, fell and like Pak Engku, we too have had enough.


Anonymous said...

Words of Prince

Bila yang membongkar kene tahan dan yang di bongkar masih teguh berkuasa....
Itulah kuasa politik....

Aper2 pun kita masih di sini... setia menanti ku ader aweks2 jelita sanggup menjadi teman menyanyi dan menari...

Bak kata seorang teman yg memang kuat menyokong ameno dari dulu kini dan selama nyer....
hanya ameno yg boleh menyatukan org melayu.....mungkin tidak..

aper aper pun..juak juak peminat tarian dan nyanyian tetap dengan hobi yg tak kacau duit orang dan harta orang..masih tetap melawat kengkawan yg masih disinun....

bagi para pemimpin..arahan agar rakyat mengubah cara hidup bagai melepaskan tempias dibibir..nak ubah cam ner kalau sebelum ubah nie pun... dah tercungap cungap nak BAYAR dan SARA kehidupann..

apaer aper pun ...bagi kengkawan yg masih mahu dan mampu melihat kengkawan2 mummies dan gilrs...rase terhibur ala kadar ..bila disambut mesra tanpa tiada udang disebalik sambal..ikhlas menyambut kengkawan yg ingin berbelanja...sekadar yg ader...

Untuk RPK..yg amat berani dan yakin akan perjuangan menegakkan keadilan...teruskan perjuangan MU...

Untuk Dato Papa..dan kengkawan yg masih berupaya menaiki anak tangga kecil...untuk melihat mummies dan Gilrs2....teruskan minat kamu....


Anonymous said...

yoo! bro, JinAir~ quite awhile here been bz... so as to show and be present, alive and kicking decide to drop by to say hallo to all. Sure as JinAir~'s of the schedules for the months of may and june plus july, be away from the realm... as past week JinAir~ was on the 'middle eagle island'... try will as possible to drop by again at this here ramblings of a middle-aged b****** blog. JinAir~ presence will be feel in the land below the wind sabah... the visit terengganu year 2008 and the land of the hornbills sarawak kekekekekeke ...adios :)