Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Andre Goh & Ija - Pertarungan


Everything, is ready, the players have been named if only for the centrally ruled component still unsure of the game or whether to participate at all essentially citing reason of throwing good money down the drain, all the more. Fatigued perhaps having had the previous sessions that they are much in want of a proverbial win but are not quite everybody else also are tired out yet we all have to proceed whence we are all peace loving and this monkey business, quintessentially is the most efficient particularly so in terms of fairness or fair play rather and not to do without the oft berated jolly good sportsmanship constituent. Well the good TDM wanted above anything else for BN to partake so that he can also go campaign, of which, everyone is agreeable to, along with gleeful to the maximum. Win or lose does not matter as yet the merriment will be absolutely mesmeric and the Greats making their presence felt or a mother of all competitions as a folk hero would say. As the voters can never be taken for granted alongside profound cum discerning in their deliberations it pays if the incumbent does not become complacent and the opponent walking the commonplace talk, maybe not for Penanti but the ones ahead.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Engelbert Humperdinck & Tom Jones sing TOGETHER!!Rare!1970


How, is it, that one finds excuses to not continue with the game whence the odds are quite stacked against the proverbial win at the end of- which. Sportsmanship must always be apparent: be the quintessential playing field lopsided and cannot be corrected further to that. A player must not concede defeat even though the opponent seems imperturbable to any studied tactics. But veritably indeed the game is fast becoming real, the façade that it seemingly was did not hold to its intended function, it reprises its unfictitious purpose over and over again or it gave life to itself. The monkey business can never be false or pseudo in whatever way for it is, an- altruism: all the more and verily less of a platitude but a: praxis in its entire makeup. Much that had been done to support its ‘feigned’ persona throughout the civic landscape what with the more than the few glittering embellishments but the unswerving disposition thats its inborn attribute quite makes it impervious to any unseemly machinations. Its grandness in that it plies the route of impartiality rather than fractiousness gave it its much celebrated milieu. In other words democracy will always be a force of its own and we all should approach it accordingly.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bapisah Bukan Bacarai - Tiar Ramon & Elly K


Quite so the partitioning of the main organs of governing a specific or a morass of a supposedly well defined components of statecraft, should the conventions be invoked that the subdivisions be made to have their own particular realms. So, much so, that, they must, have in each, their midst, their: own covenants, nor, one may if ever overstep the other. Overzealous even to the extent of rabidly protecting their territories thenceforth putting into existence a veritable cum efficient plus effective system of restrain and counterpoise, However so what is transpiring does not reflect the ideal yet sophistry being activated ever more. Only goes to show the quintessential machinations of a procedure gone berserk. How stark and blatant the lofty principles being maneuvered to no end. A: machinery at a lost to reality or a behemoth left without an anchoring grasp, by and large a charade of sorts nonetheless but the supreme penmanship of the founding fathers must never be ridiculed and one of the other just could not falter.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Water Margin


Whatever one thinks that a certain enterprise being wholesomely activated would bring the desired results perchance one could arrive at the much hoped for conclusion but then again the outcome may just be academic and a pathetic ‘given’, depending largely quite of course, upon the recipient’s intellectual level. He or she may be pleased with just the glaring aspect of the result but probably than most will not further analyze the event. The hidden apart from the starkly apparent quite makes the petty imbroglios that would ne’er any doubts, be effected further to the vainglorious circumstances. A folk hero may invoke quite a bit of controversy later on in the narrative but there are minutiae nuances in respect of his true albeit veritable lofty objectives. There as always will be the multifarious interest groups with a certain protagonist much central to the ongoing fairy tale. The assembling and disassembling and rearranging again of celestial ideals even if a few extenuating occurrences threatening to derail the entire epic like storyline, pretty much exercises of potent ness but played exceedingly so by the elites. The rest of the citizenry or the rakyat may be made to be pleased and at most times they really are- ironically speaking, with any leftover crumbs but as The Supreme Entity be witness there are decent personages who have even loftier intentions what with the oft played down civil society praxis as their heaven sent management philosophy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lagu kahwin - Sekapur Sireh Seulas Pinang


Perhaps to prepare the motherland to defend: herself should a terrible- enemy, comes a plundering or the ones having a say over things are actually doing the pillaging. For there is verily no need to postulate such adverse stances of belligerency as the homeland is always peaceful and safe except for the instances of increased criminal activities but those are mostly the ones persisting upon the civilian areas not warlike postures that could be perceived to be veritable threats from the country’s virtual or indubitable opponents and militaristic as they seemingly are. Most definitely the fortresses need be manned and they are numerous or a couple times the total sum of the defense forces in parallel with most personnel being voluntary all the more. It does not matter if the provinces are lost civically but the cantons must be fortified since real power emanates from these locations. The quintessential votes where even one matters should it definitively albeit aphoristically determines the one who holds sway over the territory. The troops can also vote you know as they are rightly empowered to, along with the little pieces of paper upon which they make their choices all in all are ultimately albeit determinedly couriered in. The tomfoolery ensues indefinitely.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ahmad Jais - Sedarah Sedenyut Nadi


It is as good as saying that the place you won has not got you anything else and you stay stuck at the location, the higher ups would not do anything lest you take it upon yourself to do the right thing. Leave and not take anything with you except for the occasion in history when you did win but received absolutely nothing beyond that. Just the colossal victory yet the all important spoils avoid you. And without the proverbial attendances that go with the conquest your commonplace triumph becomes an end unto itself leaving you worst off than where you were before. The powers that be had actually played a very cruel joke on you. Theirs or a certain respectable albeit stately notable’s vindictiveness knows no bounds that insofar persecuted you without respite. To all intents and purposes there are avenues but may not be the ones you are familiar and comfortable with as they may be located, aphoristically, over the yonder, right upon the other side of the spectrum. Your erstwhile consociation buddies veritably emitted their wicked smirks daring you at the same time to fully realize, external to the association, your self proclaimed potentials, those being your high intellect, learned disposition and over zealous ambitions. You were in the machinery prior and no one is blaming you for that. They quite understand your littlest predicaments for you had to play along or else you would not reach the circumstances you were luxuriating into, before you were ignominiously immobilized. Howsoever the methods will be completely different along with downright revolutionary compared to the procedures much practiced in your beloved yet exceedingly thankless organization. No, need to think too much Young Sir just go where your heart leads. You still have your youth with you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Glenn Miller -In The Mood


What a swing really, in the ten K configuration, dominating any whatsoever post mortems that are going to be held in the aftermath of the just concluded referendums excepting the faraway state quite of course. Seemingly, makes the littlest rakyat, the veritable monarchs in their miniscule dominions but perchance at microcosmic level indications of what are inherent, innermost, the bellies of the rest of the citizenry, gargantuan so as to depict what is actually transpiring on the ground. Yet again perhaps also the bright eyed members, erecting prominent their aphoristic declarations. Transformation without compromise, bringing with it, the revolutionary methods, starkly in tandem with the much apparent globally persisting advancements, the inexorable pace of change unalterable every which way, information swirling too fast to elevate any sort of bulwark- with intention to suppress. What could be ahead if not evolution all the way, anything apart from the fact would only be the oft mentioned: proverbial exercises in futility or carpe diem any which way but loose.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Brahmachari (1968) Aaj Kal Tere Mere Pyar Ke Charche


The might of the recently arrived as things goes or that is just how it would come to be, the new replacing the old, bringing with him or her, a new sense of going about things. No matter how the littlest mental holds surrounding the coming in grasp quite anyone, the paraphernalia and splendiferousness have already been primed, awaiting, with greater aplomb the new Boss Man. The show must go- on, the motherland needs a path ahead even if the conveyor is really quite similar if not a few of cosmetic changes being effected. The proverbial money trail would have the quintessential new players yet hoped earnestly that they are comprised of better knowledge equipped personages albeit sagacious authorities in their chosen fields. Democrats as we are all supposed to be will have to play the game even though the conventions: be made be more stringent compared to before, also having to contend with issues much sensitive. Howsoever we must always take things in stride as the quintessential jollity proceeds as it were to whatever destination it is aphoristically bespoken for. No other monkey business quite invokes the psyche as such the civil tomfoolery but we are all serious cum somber against each other’s strategies and tactics alongside wanting to make manifest our commonplace philosophies in the eventual. Hope and pray we all must inasmuch The Almighty God bestows upon us the old country we are all proud of..Insyallah..