Friday, April 3, 2009


The might of the recently arrived as things goes or that is just how it would come to be, the new replacing the old, bringing with him or her, a new sense of going about things. No matter how the littlest mental holds surrounding the coming in grasp quite anyone, the paraphernalia and splendiferousness have already been primed, awaiting, with greater aplomb the new Boss Man. The show must go- on, the motherland needs a path ahead even if the conveyor is really quite similar if not a few of cosmetic changes being effected. The proverbial money trail would have the quintessential new players yet hoped earnestly that they are comprised of better knowledge equipped personages albeit sagacious authorities in their chosen fields. Democrats as we are all supposed to be will have to play the game even though the conventions: be made be more stringent compared to before, also having to contend with issues much sensitive. Howsoever we must always take things in stride as the quintessential jollity proceeds as it were to whatever destination it is aphoristically bespoken for. No other monkey business quite invokes the psyche as such the civil tomfoolery but we are all serious cum somber against each other’s strategies and tactics alongside wanting to make manifest our commonplace philosophies in the eventual. Hope and pray we all must inasmuch The Almighty God bestows upon us the old country we are all proud of..Insyallah..

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