oh yes His Excellency The Don Diego, it does humbles us all, only in him we seek protection for there are many evils in this world and perilous particularly so towards the end of time..Masyaallah!
An inconsequential
middle aged romanti
c albeit hopeless- of whom is as mediocre as one can be. A graying, has-been individua
l that had actually gone now
here.Relentlessly looking for
a pretty young thing to dang
dut with.Howsoever,never yet
suceeding but still hoping t
hat one fine day a jelitawan will be found along with shar
ing his love for the infernal
dangdut musical genre.
Mashaallah...ماشاءالله . The nazam allahu allahu brings the essence of humility in one self.
oh yes His Excellency The Don Diego, it does humbles us all, only in him we seek protection for there are many evils in this world and perilous particularly so towards the end of time..Masyaallah!
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