Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The opposition head was wont to say that the methods of old just could not sync with newer and latest procedures all the more consequential juxtaposed alongside a universe ever evolving into a configuration quite anyone finds impossible to second guess. Seemingly the system of old is not custom to stay for long adapting exceedingly so along the line in order to stay relevant and to market itself positively in tandem with changes much visible within its own albeit consequential milieu. Howsoever there are players being planted or reactionary to the core that will insinuatingly by commission or omission oppose every way possible any enterprise to interact wholesomely with the transformation that in any wise must only be mutually benefiting particularly so a multicultural or even a multilateral society such as the beloved motherland. And they portray their despicable selves as heroes to their communities but undermining nauseatingly at that the very philosophy that brought them up at the pinnacle in the first place. But enough as it is, since everything that is fast moving forwards needs a breather from time to time so as to replenish be it so. And the same can be said to the little occurrences as regards our cherished Bolehland. After 50 plus- plus lunar years most mindsets could not really fathom the implications or intimations of a much palpable albeit very revolutionary episode in our transitory existence and in real time at that, and the unprogressives cum conservatives may yet hold sway in that the Islamic party is recalcitrant enough to still maintain the rightists high up in the pecking order but given time they too will fall along with their massive turbans and their unbridled egos. The progressives may sulk now but soon enough it will be their time. The State plenipotentiary a single or a double comprador in or out of one coalition or the other will end up a lonely and bitter man. And a state wide head honcho position may evade him at all times, yet the Grand Murshid, ever a gentle but erudite Senior Statesman will always find a tender spot in the hearts of every Malaysian. A sage or a dervish status could not elude his charitable being. All in all the change that need only arrives at the most opportune moment and very soon if not only an instant from now. Since nobody reads this blog anyway, papalados takes it at liberty to remain as vague as possible. HoHoHoHoHoHoHo!

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