Thursday, May 13, 2010


How is it that a Home Affairs Minister would equate some bad perceptions about the home security force with idle gossip and ones that are casually perpetrated by women and housewives? Or that they would talk in hair saloons and all the negative stories will be out and the fact there they could be quite factual or the rumours must have come about from somewhere or else the trees would not be swaying if there weren’t the winds blowing hard. An old Malaysian saying that goes something to the effect. Of course there were also the trigger itchy gun slingers and one have actually been charged or the crime situation in localities countrywide that made quite everyone edgy. The narratives have been long and old with very little done or the concerns cum consternations of the populace not really pacified of late. Yet Mr. Minister took it upon himself albeit comically to wholly put the blame on gossiping ladies and whilst doing up their hairs. Talk about bad hair days but the ladies did not at all complain and maybe because the issue wasn't that in the first place. The issue is just that crime is at an all time high in Bolehland and the security force is only seen to be wonderful when the opposition parties are trying to hold ceramahs or political talks and they were quick to stop them and all orders were from the ruling political party. However Umno Terengganu wanted to commemorate the thirteen of fifth and in a big way along with inviting ten thousand participants and who else if not the most excited about the event but the Great Tun himself. Abraham Elly is quite strangely not really mentioned but it has come to the fore that Tun himself is the protagonist all along whereas Abraham is the erstwhile comedian and evolved ostensibly into a terrible and dastardly court jester. Never mind the fact that no Sultan wants to even come near him. Good for all His Highnesses for having the better mind to be rational and attentive at all times. Daulat Tuankus!

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