Monday, March 18, 2013

Auf Weidersehen(Till We Meet Again) Dangdut! But only per se dangdut and not all that's dangdut or Philological Dangdut! HoHo

Dangdut must only be dangdut in itself and as of KayEl experience - a quaint little place to exult if only to dance the quintessential but universal four steps to the boogie. It is old if taken upon the KayEl perspective and unmoving whence time and of which is perenially young for young people to celebrate - rolls. Decades ago dangdut was young and trendy but now out of place and out of time. Passionate followers are also old and dancers too have become mature girls spotting beer bellies! An anachronism that doesn't know till when it'll lasts! Thenceforth there could really be nothing new to something old and obsolete but only unbounded nostalgia! However dangdut can persist following a musical genre wanting to find its own tad bit-niche in history and much of nothing besides. Dangdut pundits if there are any left will seek justifications for dangdut but only for dangdut's own reasons yet dangdut in the end will only be dangdut that is fast forgotten. Howsoever I will still be dangduting once in a while when the establishments still exist and the music still played, yet, considerations other than the antiquated wiggle moved quickly ahead. Club Bosses will always see profit so should the associating components of being inebriated and flirtatious and ones that bring in the cash began to be viewed to lose in importance: dangdut or the dance and musical genre will fast be discarded and verily and of present; contemporary club music holds sway with dangdut being only token songs. So its not hard to observe that dangdut will not be long in place and straight into the dustbins of history. Karaoke,on the other hand will be hard to go away if younger and younger singers be available and comely they are - because SEX forever sells! Nocturnal Life can only be of the said aspects and of which exalts much - wine,women and songs! Girls must be pretty,wines - vintage and expensive and songs - contemporary: leaving nostalgia useless and irrelevant!  In that respect what reason can be a self professed dangdut philosopher if not inconsequential,futile,hopeless,impractical,profitless and existing only for his unproductive own! Hohohohoho!

#KayEl - Kuala Lumpur.

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