Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kenny, Remy & Martin - Suratan Atau Kebetulan


Playing the monkey game seven times yet wins only once, perchance the conventions surrounding the sports may not be the sole problem one side loses ever more so, or the covenants need be revolutionized but what if one of two components is just disadvantaged to a point that it is not capable of winning if at all gaining a few psychological points if only to please itself. Or, as the case maybe the spectators hates it so that it must change its players and dirty tactics all in all. Considering that it has done quite everything cynical with even determining the referees being always on its side, it still loses hopelessly, there must be something it can do, there is but it refuses much so but now it has to adapt, no two- way but loose. The game has actually gone ahead of everybody yet it is still flip-flopping while its opponent is wallowing, confident of any outcomes of any contestations further on and they ready themselves each time for they understand the ground better and they actually rock with it. However the other contestant is just recalcitrant beyond doubt in that it believes it could not change but be smashed into smithereens the only result. So what must be done is a total transformation as regards every single thing or element; be it human or other constituents for it to reach just the relevancy stage.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



The scene albeit poignant to a form and nonetheless of Gobala being manhandled and brought down, face to the tarmac but trousers torn, his rather fanciful purple underwear exposed for the world to see, and all that he did was to lead chants of reformasi or reformation of an exhilarated crowd coming to support their political aspirant. Oh Yes! Its By Election time again and a carnival mood fills the air, so what is wrong with a bit of excitement and the expressive jubilation thus transgresses the literal boundary separating the opposing groups. Why again the need for such stringent measures whence people just want to shout and cheer a bit. Perhaps a bit of leeway by the authorities could have been appropriate but none arrives. There lies, the YB, the side of his face to the pavement, voicing out his discomfort at his state of being. They turned him after his ardent requests, presumably but his underwear can still be seen but obliquely from the side. Ronnie suddenly appears, attempting to cover Gobala underclothes by trying to stick the remnants of his torn trousers to the upper part of his thighs. Mr. Liu did mention the fact that Gobala is a member of parliament to the officers nearby, saying something like” he is an Ahli Parlimen or a Member of Parliament, you know”, but they did not reply or it was just orders and they complied. The long sleeved rusty orange but shiny batik attired assembly man nonchalantly continues his going about assisting in whatever way he can the fallen YB. His countenance a look of resignation yet a steely determination can be observed, Meanwhile Tuan Guru Nik Aziz passes by, sitting at the back of a car with a Pas official at his side,and, at the same time, positing a quizzed gaze at the going-on at the side of the road and the sight was a hurting Gobala being circled and very closely at that by Police Officers. TG perplexed eyes must only mean a yet another unnecessary aggression by an impetuous administration. Verily, God Willing, the utter blackness before the dawn!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allahu Allahu


Would it not be expedient that the Tuan Guru says of not at all unusual that the DAP uttering of words deemed sacrilegious to adherents of the formal system of religious belief in the country if not for that they are not well lettered in the intricacies of the religious conviction. By saying so the TG has in fact throw the commonplace spanner into the works of whatever his political enemies wanted materialized. And the State Commissioner and the Exec have already hugged and decide to further discuss upcoming differences of estimations prior to any public outbursts. Somewhat notions of hidden agendas and secret agencies are put aside for the time being as other important rationalizations are paramount as of now but may arise in the future whence new contingencies surface. Somehow nipping in the buds the questions at hand or the protagonists in part thereof would not be conducive and that is politics being so. However the vehement calling of traitor of someone is just too convenient whence the truly needed support of the bright eyed members is veritably lacking unless a total overhaul of methods are put into place but none really has the will nor the focus to do so. It seems the old procedures are still adhered to, even though they are lacking in all aspects with the inexorable forward march of the entire standard operating procedures and global is the cognizance rather than infinitesimally local or so the inkling may be. Thus the eternal goings on upon our civic landscape, even so the flu pandemic largely seen as divine retribution for whatever transgressions committed by whomever must be viewed as a legitimate threat to all and all steps must be taken along with the quintessential invocation to the Almighty that he continuingly accommodate us all. Insyaallah.