Saturday, April 26, 2008


Papalados finds it quite shocking that his blogspot and e-mail address are quite blatantly displayed onto many blog sites particularly ones that utilize the word press conduit for their bloggings. Papalados suspect that this has to do with a comment he posted a while back onto Penyapujagat’s blog, of which is now known as Selangor Today. Perhaps it was just a system error or something that revolves within that sphere. It is, hoped, that the caretakers of word press could somehow rectify this niggling little thing. To the honorable bloggers out there, of, whom, are irritatingly, infested with papalados’s inconsequential being, please forgive him. For he, too is, absolutely perplexed, about it.
1,000.000 apologies..Cheers..

Sunday, April 20, 2008


What lah still want to discuss about the race’s supremacy, what is so supreme about any race for that matter. We are all one race what- the human race except for that one particular set of people lah of whom thinks that they have quite the god’s given right to annihilate another just because of a two or three millennium old spurious belief that was penned in their so called holy book. As if the almighty is ever the myopic chap. Compare that to what the Quran always stipulates: Oh Ye Who Are faithful not, Oh mamak kutty nor Oh keris wielding Labu Labi. Again if so concerned about the creed and culture why are there members from the grouping fairer sex still considerably involved in the flesh trade, the dangdut halls and also the karaoke lounges, apart from the massage parlors, quite of course. Not discounting the ones who are not from the dubious professions: the lowly office workers especially from the private sector (the government servants are already well taken care of- the bee end authorities have already seen to that) only surviving with nearly all their monies earned, spent on, the basic necessities alone, namely- food, shelter and transportation costs. Along with, the few ringgit in excess, for the kids schooling, leaving next to nothing for savings. If fell ill or jatuh sakit, susah lah, very difficult one, maybe have to borrow lah. From: Along also- very possible: maa. Apa boleh buat. Duit tak cukup. Money not enough. What do you say then- when the people, whom you are so zealous about, originating mostly from Malaysia’s sprawling cities, live precariously upon the margins of poverty and utter destitution, aggravated all, the more, should things got upset whence prices for the bare- essentials jumped up- just a little. When the delicate balance, only the teeny- weeny bit is pushed off tandem making all and sundry plunging into the depths of living hell itself. Whilst you, you ignominious cock- suckers, would always wallow in the best of splendors, chiefly, biting and sucking black and blue upon the distastefully pierced clitoris of artistes and celebrities of all makes. Some may even be sex deviates- one never knows. You are now the moneyed lot. You actually lead very different lives. What do you know about scrounging day in and day out like the masyarakat marhein- the ordinary folks, but the God fearing people: nevertheless. You have no God except for power and wealth. You only believe in living for the day and making luxurious- your empire, plus often would you quip: we only lived once. On, the other hand for us, there is always the hereafter, a cause and effect mechanism installed by God. Whatever actions or inactions partaken on transient earth would see the justifiable comeuppances in the afterlife. We are too scared of this the reason we would never sell our souls for Dajjal’s or The Antichrist aphoristically exclaimed vice- versa basket of goodies. You and your counterparts or ones that are of your ilk are verily the gogs and magogs from traditions of old- the abominable destroyers of civilizations. Furthermore, you have become incessantly filthy rich inasmuch as loosing all sense of anything minutely virtuous in your entire physiological makeup. As, the case, may be you would always end up mingling with personalities of your very archetypes. Resulting in your lot drifting further from anything godly yet propelled even more into the abyss like domains of the infinitely evil. Lucifer’s- devoted adherents, nonetheless. Being, god centric or something even infinitesimally near, you- are most definitely not. Howsoever you have the cheek to invoke slogans the like of your much misquoted, ancestry’s, all important, union. Lest your paternity house be, overran by the yellow scourge and or the, lesser numbered, dark skinned rabble- rousers. You can be so racialist whence your powerbase plus your ill- gotten, perks, are, perceivably threatened, especially so, by the impending albeit very positive yet inexorable outcomes of raw democracy realized. The groundswell of mostly urban middle class malays that are the little bit god centered rather than devilish- like yourselves. They are more inclined to be the righteous citizens compared to the Machiavellian thugs you are ever more having an affinity for. Reiteratively it is always the end justify the means for you is it not, caring less for the irreparable damages that those actions inevitably brought about. To paraphrase a prominent western scribe who wrote of people who hides behind awe inspiring notions the likes of nation hoods and or heavenly beliefs, being the banes of the earth. Yes, the emerging malays were the direct products of the DEB but an unequivocal no should you again be their unsavory ‘role models’. Besides, we are all more than ‘united’ under the blessed banners of the Pakatan Rakyat. Long live the PR, Long live Malaysia.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The padang was literally filled to the brim, with hardly even a standing room, papalados distinctly hears Dsai’s voice reverberating through the still night, crisp as ever but with words emitted fluid and not at all halting. People were all over, there was also a pasar malam outside, stretching bazaar- like, offering the lightest snacks to the most somber of clothing plus not discounting the ubiquitous political CDees alongside the sellers playing some- even. Dark blue trucks lined the partly finished road reaching into Jln TAR. The multitudinous rakyat strolled about quite nonchalantly some going away with little kids in tow along with the many more recently arrived. Police personnel were everywhere, some flocking at the food stalls, another grouping together having a bit of a small chat, their merry laughter, fading away into the evening. More were making their rounds platoon like circling around the historical Sports Club. The bright red water cannon, crowd- control, tankers, were, stationed quite a bit far from the celebrations in the like of not anticipating any untoward drama, during the course of the jubilations, yet much prepared- all the same. People kept coming in. Within the playing field, there were loud cheering, synchronized laughter and the insuppressible heavy clapping. Everyone was happily smiling. Grinning too was Auntie Meena together with Uncle Mano clapping thunderously and Mr Lim still on his handphone. Ah Chong and girlfriend were straining out their necks trying to view what was in front, oblivious to the super huge screen right in the middle. Pak Haji Dollah too was straining his ears attempting to- not miss anything that was, uttered by Aun Wah. To say that there were the few thousands in attendance would be a serious misstatement. Howsoever to be adamant about the numbers reaching tens of thousands could reach the littlest of an underestimate but many- many were the rakyat. The police just had to be the killjoy, stopping the event quite prematurely without even anyone having witnessed the countdown whence the clock strikes twelve. Even so, the magnanimous, Dato Seri, as ever, benignly yet soothingly, beseeched, the people to acquiesce and for everyone to head along to their respective abodes. Quite another day tomorrow that is. Wonder what is it that is going to happen two weeks ahead. The rakyat, ever more, kept on arriving. Putrajaya shivers.

Monday, April 14, 2008


After a heady one month of politics ‘gazing’ papalados has to admit that this particular sphere, in the, country’s day to day, existence is actually quite above him. The numerous blogs available have all the information readily accessible and even in real time should viewers care to peruse hour by hour throughout the entire day and night if they have the time. Papa actually does that, thus he finds it expedient to include political laced posts onto his blogspot. He tried to imbibe something different by somewhat attaching that little bit of twist, but, the actual- fact was just a regurgitation of what was written in other websites. A few may have been analytical yet the rest would probably be mere reiterations. However, politics sometimes could be so intriguing or it could be, mainly due, to, his age, reaching the mid century point, that he finds vast amount of noteworthy pointers in the particular realm. Compared to dangdut, politics can be so dynamic. On the other hand, there could be the similarities but only parallel to each other and never the twain shall meet. A, blogger, buddy, even suggested lacing dangdut stories with some poignantly political components but to papa, they could never do as dangdut is a topic on its own and could never be associated with something so inspiring like that of statecraft. Furthermore, papa only talks much on the ‘artistic’ side of the subject leaving altogether the salacious aspects although hinting albeit subliminally from time to time. Even amenoputras, are seldom seen, in dangdut establishments, due to, the fact, that most have gone up market, patronizing the more than few very expensive girlie karaoke clubs in town leaving dangdut much to the ordinary folks. The happenings inside those clubs can never be, guessed, as there are stories of orgy like merriment where the chaps and the girls sang and dance in their birthday suits whilst fucking like crazy at the same time. Papa actually started blogging due to his love of writing along with the realization that he could never stop doing that- meaning writing of course. Narrate he must but only so the themes that he is familiar with. Added to that it is a strictly no- no for him to propound a certain world view together with imposing upon others whatever doctrines his inconsequential mind finds relevant. People: by, and large, can think for themselves, we are all matured enough for that. So then, there is, actually no point in being holier, than, thou, alongside becoming condescending most of the time- the recent elections results, have seen, to that. Equally, the ameno braggarts have just had the humbling experience, serves them right. Papa distinctly remembers that certain swagger they always had but not anymore now. Yes, the old bastard papalados need to write but only on dangdut and his oft- repeated four step formula, howsoever, do forgive him should he, albeit once in a while highlights something that sounds the little bit political. Night- night and do not let the bed bugs bite. Wah! Still got bedbugs aaa. Spray shelltox lah. Makkal Shakthi! Hidup Pakatan Rakyat!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Henceforth the quarrel seems to have abated a little, everything has returned to some form of normalcy. There were genuine calls for Pak Lah to vacate the highest office but the top leadership took things in stride, did not overly panic and set to mend things as appropriate as possible. Pak Lah even admitted to his part in the thrashing that the party received during the last elections. Johor Umno, realizing that it could be that bit unreasonable to hound the PM ever more, took the best solution upon them to endear Pak Lah to include a succession scheme into his overall strategic blueprint.
Najib, too, has, in, his own, distinctive way- avoided worsening further the impasse within the BN coalition. He had effectively included in his list of everyday activities a program that imitated a counsel like approach. A psychological technique that induces a person to air his or grievances that in most circumstances much releases the aggrieved party’s bottled up emotions but temporarily only should measures taken afterwards do not really address the causes but more of the symptoms. An extension of the infamous psy war techniques available to all power players yet this time deployed increasingly- within the organization. The, members, were very much taken for the seemingly open approach forwarded by the top leaders as of late that they tune down their overly vehement calls for the chiefs to take stock of the party’s losses, subsequent, of which, to quietly, disappear, from the scene. However, it was commendable on the number two’s part to bring down, upon, himself, to personally visit party establishments in order to meet up with the numerous members and to openly consult their views on pertinent issues affecting the association. As to why, the party members were not that vociferous prior to PRU 12 is quite, anybody’s guess.
The public would have appreciated the BN’s much sobered approach to the current situation if not for the veritably irrational policies being uttered in the Main Stream Media as of 48 hours ago plus or minus. Apparently, they have not learned but extended to the other four of what had been, promulgated in the only fallen state- previous, to the last elections, being Kelantan- quite of course. The basic tenets of Democracy, have yet again, evaded, them. They are only beholden to their mighty leaders, the evermore despicably corrupt amenoputras and the quintessentially evil cukongs of multifarious ‘color and creed’. The rakyat is, as ever, out of the equation.
Even though Anwar has unequivocally stated that he would not be pushing for a no confidence vote on Pak Lah come Parliament’s first sitting later in the month, the PR imperatively must seize the moment should an opportunity arises during times ahead, in which, the window cold be opened only days from now. The urgency could never be emphasized all, the, more in that they have started to harp on the religious card, as of currently. The billions that would yet again be nonchalantly plundered should they remain for that little bit of a one more teeny weeny term must never be allowed lest we lose out aggravatingly, on the inner side of, the country’s coffers, come world recession down the line.
Howsoever, politics, can be, so fluid, plus, so cloak and dagger along with so secret rendezvous like that no one could ever second guesses as to what is really transpiring on the ground. On, the, other, hand it would be, good to, personally hear what Dsai has to say come Monday night whence he would be literally free in his personal capacity to roam the political landscape of the nation once more. See you at the Club’s padang.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Exactly, is that all that it all boils down to, a question of doing, one’s- mathematics. 14 parliament and 22 state seats, lacking those we could have gotten our two- thirds majority and things would be as per usual. Pak Lah in what must have the country’s book of records: understatement of the year, what about ‘Bersih’, Hindraf and the lawyers’ rallies. Do they, not come, to anything? All, to, be swept under, the proverbial carpet, none of the lessons, to be, heeded.
Perchance also, the grievances, even though, very much genuine, of the ‘lesser’ Malaysians other than bumis, might, be, left, as they, are: the perennial, cans, of worms, that come with the package. Well the counterparts in the two faraway states are all hot and bothered now, how is that for an unending dilemma. They being bumis too, just add all, the more, quaintly like, to the ‘overly contentious’ equation.
Howsoever, it must be said that Pak Lah was playing to the party audience instead of the nation as a whole, henceforth the reliance on the ‘irrelevant’ crunching of numbers, obviously very pleasing to the crowd, gullible, possibly so, but then again perhaps not.
A what if but did not become so situation. Placebos all the way, with any remedies, if ever there should be, not at all within sight. A, what, could be situation, if not for the saboteurs, precisely the stand, of what is going to happen to these ‘despicable’ traitors.
Oh! One could not really rely on hearsays said Dato Seri Najib, there must at least be written complaints substantiated with hard evidence, undoubtedly trite as ever, or just being politically expedient for reason of not further exacerbating the fragmentation of the party.
On the other hand, the number two was not unlike a tried and tested Statesman whence addressing, as shown on TV, a few hours ago, the all critical question of the erosion of the public’s confidence in the BN.
Paraphrasing pretty much what Ku Li had quoted in Gua Musang the few, days, back, Dato Seri Najib is quite on track rather than avoiding the issues, as the BN leaders, were thought, to be doing albeit until just, recently. By, and large, quite well said, and better now, rather than never.
Considering that he is, given, that bit extra coverage as of concurrently, Dato Najib had really hit it strong that without doubt him being the successor to Pak Lah, and vouched- ever more- by the number one himself.
All very well, if there were not the destructive infighting within the party, but as things had come to be and never could be resolved unless a drastic course, of action, be, set, in motion. The resistance to that must never be underestimated. Do not think Pak Lah would ever relent and with Najib strongly behind him now, the battle could only get worse.
Making concerned Malaysians, papalados being one, hedging their bets on Aun Wah, to be the personage best to take lead the country, when the full effects of the sub prime mess hit our shores, mid- year onwards.
Taking into account, that investors, are beginning to avoid the country due to political uncertainties together with neighboring ASEAN nations irked by the frustratingly stalemated power play in Malaysia.
We better be doing something quick lest our beloved nation be regarded the economic outcast or pariah (forgive the term) within the region.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Rather than do away with the thirty percent rule, the power, that be, wants it to be maintained. Perchance they need to see if it is still applicable against the overwhelming call for The President to resign. The argument being the members should not find it a problem to satisfy the rule if they are that adamant in their demands. In the, meantime should there be any hindrances that somehow could delay the inevitable, the ones refusing to change the requirements for less stringent conditions would use the time gained to consolidate further their and the party’s situation. However, there are concerns in the cyber world that close members of the first family not being visible this past week or so.
Outside observers on the other hand could not help but feel the aftershocks that somehow point to the party not being well but very poorly so. It may be that bit politically correct if one cites turmoil as the proper terminology denoting its present circumstances.
Of the multifarious fronts that call for The Overall Chief to vacate his post none are more cohesive than the two, spearheaded by Tun being the first group and Tengku the other. Although their objectives are quite clear and seemed to converge in that they want the current Premier to resign for reason of taking sole responsibility for the bashing that the party received during last PRU 12, there are- the other agendas- that were not openly vociferated, other than the obvious reason of strengthening the party’s beleaguered disposition- quite of course.
The two million over, party members, can only be divided so much, apart from the two malcontented groupings being led by the Tun and Tengku respectively. The Tengku, has his ever crucial call for Malay Unity as his all empowering raison d’etre but Tun did not say anything else other than harsh words advocating the resignation of Pak Lah. Even though Ku Li was, quite- unequivocal, in his bid for the Presidency, the, much spirited, Tun did not really convey any intention to that effect. He may be the bit reticent today but nobody could ever say what is, it going to be for the morrow. Considering that he still has that bit of juice left in him, it may- be, although very much a quaint possibility, that all of us throughout the entire motherland, see, as, yet, another bout of Mahathirism, bread and butter wise- that being so, but then again perhaps not.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


“There is, no way, the behemoth, can, be rectified, from, the inside” said Tun. “people from the outside must take the opportunity to correct, what needs, to be, corrected” he continued. “There is actually no room for objections to be heard either. Everyone, has, to, tow, the line. Only one thing left, to do- no two- way about it, deny: them 2004 that they like to lord about, give them 1969 instead or more or less”. Shouted Tun: from the peripheries. Exactly, what happened, but, an, over kill, no doubt, and literally speaking, quite- so. Five states were lost and together with it BN’s very fragile foundation. Tun has overshot the target intended into another that was not. Instead of, maiming he has dealt the killing blow. The juggernaut can never be repaired now, its wound much too fatal.
Howsoever not unlike the numerous times before, the good Tun would never say he has helped in the deicide. Considering that, there were other more glaring factors that contributed to the unavoidable demise of, the- Monolith, Tun’s part in the entire exercise must never be dismissed. Even though, the very minutiae bit. The likelihood of him saying it was unavoidable but entirely not his fault, would again, be reiterated.
Now he is calling for his successor’s resignation stating reasons of ineptness and familial preferences over and above party and state’s interests, to the extent of leading a cohesive front against the leadership of the party. Should, he be, asked why? The only retort must be, He did not plan for it but he is, called, by the, disgruntled members to take the lead. Maybe so but one can also decline for somebody else, the, Tengku- perhaps. Why could be another question asked did The Tun not support Tengku’s bid for The Presidency yet agree with his call for the EGM? To that query he answered about anybody could contest.
Whether or not he should apologize to, the Judges, he said, why, must he, or the government even. Yes, he was the Emperor then but only that he- said, on the other, hand there were others, who wanted to do what they did to the Judges. They were adamant in what they were bent upon, so it was really their fault. Correct, correct, correct, or how, was that again?
When asked why was that he said- Anwar was iniquitously, done upon and it was downright cruel as to what was inflicted onto him together with the words, his own, that he was the PM then and being one, he was, able to do things. Adding further the quaint argument of power allowing about anything to, be effected, deeds or misdeeds among others.
To that he answered it was in the heat of the event and he was just being sarcastic.
Sir, Malaysians tak mudah lupa sir, don’t know about you lah.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Papa was, on his way, back to Kuala Lumpur after a hectic two days in Muar, having completed his mandatory sawit run whence his hand phone, of which, had been quite silent since early morning, rang amidst the perpetual drone emanating from the diesel engine of his near decade old twin cab four- wheel pick-up. The, two boys, were fast asleep, rocked by the gentle swaying, resulting from the truck’s harsh suspension, loyally getting about, doing its job. The missus too nodded off, exhausted after literally running around tending to the boys, the reason papa’s sister would always tag along should the kids be included into any overnight outstation trips. However being nearly three score years of age the little monkeys, would: without fail- outrun her. At times, papa does wonder, at, his quite ‘unique’ situation of being bestowed two little boys, nearing the mid century point in his life. Not that the missus is young but contrarily so: only a few years younger but no one can really turned down such wonderful gifts from The Almighty, can’t one, particularly after being childless for that long while. They were clearly Godsend and papa and the wife would not want anything else.
Papa took the call, it was The Prince Guy inquiring, whether, papa was going to arrive that late afternoon or later on in the evening. Since the time was only about 2.30pm the likelihood of papa, being back before 4pm is quite probably than most. Papa answered exactly that whence the prince related unkel’s wishes of going for karaoke later in the night and the venue chosen was Seri Mutiara or SM for short. Papa answered by saying that he could not be sure as he could be too tired to go out so soon after the weekend’s sawit excursion but he will somehow try. The Prince, in turn, conveyed unkel’s insistence on having papa along as the outing would not be the same without him. Papa said conditional upon the missus approval as she might that bit concerned about him being too exhausted after the long trip. The Prince understood but still hoping that papa could make it.
And: so it was papa standing in the private car park situated behind the building housing The Dangdut Club and Karaoke Lounge Seri Mutiara having parked his Proton Iswara there. The three, ringgit fee paid was worth the convenience offered along with the absence of niggling doubts, should, the car, be parked at any of the free spaces abundant in the area. Not ten meters away he could see two chaps he was very familiar with, one had a visibly protruding paunch in his person and the other a not so tall bloke with a discernibly much spirited kind of stride whilst walking. Reaching not three meters in front of papa the fellows turned out to be Unkel and The Prince.
Without wasting any more time the three friends proceeded straight to the club making their way to the back entrance of the dangdut joint. As the singing hall is on the second floor, unkel took his time climbing the stairs. He has to take a breather especially after every flight due to sometimes, acute breathlessness he experienced particularly after partaking in some form of near strenuous exertions, on the whole, this past year or year and a half. He still has not complied with Doc Yunus advice of going for an Angiogram the soonest possible in order to get rid of any doubts and remedial treatment should the ailment, if any, be treatable during the process. Entreating papa and prince to continue ahead of him, unkel maintained his one flight of stairs distance from the two compatriots.
It was, when papa, passes the first floor housing the dancing segment of the club that he noticed a sexily clad girl entering the back door to the hall. She was wearing a kind of see through dress, red in color with her underclothes partly albeit teasingly visible. Her attire looked lacelike in material but her undergarments, was obviously not of the military kind. In turn, they greatly enhanced her entire outlook, together, with, the subtle wiggling of her hips: she was HOT. Realizing that unkel would have loved her company for the evening papa asked The Prince to wait up for unkel whilst he inquired about the girl. Her name was Vivian but she was already reserved for the entire evening or that was what Mummy Ani related to papa. Disheartened papa joined unkel and The Prince along the corridor prior to the next flight of stars reaching the second, singing hall floor, of the club.
Upon making their way up to the karaoke rooms Vivian was directly behind unkel obviously going the same way also, papa was quite surprised since they did not book her as she was already called for. Noticing the perplexed looks on the three friends’ faces, she conveyed to unkel that her customers, her regulars preferred to sing for that evening. The reason they arranged for the biggest room there was, in the night- spot. She continued by entreating unkel to come again the following evening and would gladly informed the mummy should unkel be able to confirm immediately as that moment. Unkel was not able to, the reason she gave her numbers to him asking unkel to call her latest before 9 pm the next day if he feels like having her company for his next albeit much soon after, bout of singing at SM’s karaoke hall. One strange thing that papa noticed was the fact that Vivian only talked to unkel throughout the entire happenstance conversation. Her eyes, was noticeably fixed on him only, with hardly, a glance, aimed towards, his two buddies, despite the prince’s near frantic endeavors albeit unasked suggesting to the girl that papa’s person being the boss among the three and the underwriter for that particular nocturnal outing. Howsoever his unrelenting efforts did not even incur the batting of an eyelid from her. His repetitive mouthing of the word ‘Dato’ alongside papa’s name the numerous times whilst relentlessly interjecting into Vivian and unkel’s much animated parleying somehow struck the rather comical note deep inside papa. Little: the prince realized the salient fact that papa, could only, be regarded, by the dangdut fraternity as one of a number of dangdut elders and nothing more beyond that. A dangdut dinosaur that did not serve any purpose apart from becoming: flower pots, ornamenting any or another dangdut joints. Should he, in any, fantastical way, be awarded, a title, the dangdut grapevines would come to know about it much earlier on. Furthermore, a genuine Dato would arrive at the club in an entourage comprising of his faithful aide, personal bodyguards and sometimes even a court jester will be in tow. The girls mingling would be the best looking and the most desirable. Not in all circumstances would be three goons with one pretending to be a notable. Somehow, the prince could sometimes be so obstinate but good naturedly- that being so. Maybe in his peculiarly blamelessness way he just wanted to imbibe that little bit of respect into the grouping but spuriously quite of course.
Coming back to Vivian how: was it that she was able to sense the little bit correctly that unkel was the one with the aphoristic fat wallet and inside it would in all likelihood be the few K, ringgit wise, neatly arranged. Howsoever the quaint albeit relatively strong aroma of new notes, could, motivate Vivian, utilizing her acute sense of smell, to somewhat, detect the cash. The adage that some people could smell money, as, yet poignantly: must, only be taken, in its literal sense. Then again, moneyed individuals, can, be, said, to have in them that certain gait, that at most times, betray their incongruously- modest dispositions. Vivian in all probabilities, being a seasoned player, must also have that keen insight to read the obvious anomalies especially among the patrons visiting the club.
The karaoke room accorded to the three compatriots had an unmitigated- flaw, the air conditioner was not functioning. Papa and the receptionist-a youngish bollywood bombshell look alike tried each and every one of the multi Japanese, Korean even English sounding names associated with the remote controls units she had with her, undertaking to jumpstart the unremitting air conditioner in the room. It was to no avail their near vigorous efforts attempting to work the electrical item. So then how: it came to be the three goons being ushered to the next available room, one mystically named after the constellations- the Cancer chamber. Unkel was the bit perturbed thinking that it could be a little portentous but the insuppressible prince dismissed it all together by saying “No Lah”. Papa asked the bollywood bombshell to call for mummy Shima saying abang zul gagap requested for her, but not before the aspiring starlet prepared the karaoke machine ready for singing. It was a good ten minutes wait before Shima entered the room and papa was just starting to croon over the song ‘Beautiful Maria’. Strangely, he could not reach the- key, it was too high, to the extent of, his throat; becoming stuck, resulting in him deciding to have a closer look at the amplifier control. Small wonder the key button was set at three steps up, that was the reason the good prince shrieked like an excited schoolgirl whence singing the song ‘jujur’ an original Indonesian number by the rock group ‘Radja’ and prince’s favorite. Unkel asked Shima to choose whomever she finds suitable for the grouping since, he and his friends, can, be, said to be a dry group- they do not drink. Knowingly, she said, she already, had someone, in mind. The short while later: entered Mischa into The Cancer room, to be, introduced to, the three chums. She was a bit tall slender and quite fair in complexion. Also- kind of, mature, maybe in her early forties even though she said she was thirty- five when inquired by unkel half way through the sing along session. Only unkel could do that could not he, breaking the biggest taboo of all- by asking a woman her age.
Unkel’s favorite number came- up, it was one of Jamal Abdillah’s signature song, one called ‘Kekasih Awal Dan Akhir’ or A Lover From The Beginning Till The End in English. The word lover may not be appropriate if taken into context, as it may carry some other connotations, a sex partner or even a kept- person( one has to be politically correct considering the global trend nowadays- tsk tsk ) among others. A love Interest should be the better meaning but for the sake of this post’s title, papa took the liberty of adding a sort of sinister perspective to the heading. Papa and the prince would not give justice to this song, as their voices do not really suit its feel rather than unkel being the more suiting interpreter, the fact being he does sound like Jamal.
However, Unkel as usual would not finish the whole song, passing, the microphone among his friends after only, singing a line or two. The prince kept on passing the microphone to papa and in turn papa to him that an irksome, Mischa, grabbed the thingamajig from them. Lo and behold, she belted the song like a pro only would, making a mouth agape unkel all, the, more encouraged that he fisted the other mike to his lips and wholeheartedly joined Mischa singing the unrestrainable number. They complemented each other, especially by each singing a line after the other and simultaneously when reaching the chorus part. Truly magical and the little bit romantic if one may say so. Both the prince and papa clapped, till their palms hurt when the song reached its ultimate segment First time saw unkel sang that commendably and what can papa say to Mischa except Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!.
It turned out that Mischa was a hotel lobby circuit singer during her other life but stopped short when she found it the bit untenable selling her face- as she would called it- each and every night. However, the folks in KK would have remembered her, say late eighties, perhaps, as she must have been that memorable of a singer. Coupled with her quaintly East Malaysian accent and her- quite, immaculate- pronunciation of English words, all songs, after that, chosen mostly, by unkel, was, attacked, by her, with much gusto and feel.
The prince and papa were also immensely joyful singing the various evergreen duets that Mischa picked from the list of songs in the computer. As the system, too, was quite wonderful, the much newer songs that the prince, would normally include, during previous sessions were not even considered, for this particular one.
Boy, can Mischa, also dance, she tackled, the, four- step, formula, ever so fluidly, after papa only had shown her the few basic movements. The slow numbers too were not thrown too waste as both the prince and papa would take it in turns dancing with Mischa every time they turned up. Howsoever the reticent unkel would always refuse any invitations to move to the sentimental numbers.
It was during a short lull and the rest were of the gang were busy talking that papa tried to highlight if any Ahmad Jais Songs in the system. They were plenty but papa could not remember the titles so he chose the one he thought he recalled best, the song: Halimun Malam. When attempting the number, papa, was stuck, at the melody so he switched on the MTV mode, it turned out, to, really be, that soulful and heartfelt. No wonder The Good Don Diego is a loyal fan of this particular Malayan singer.
The bollywood, starlet, made her entrance as expected nearing the most exciting part of the evening, a killjoy if one, may be, allowed to, quip, having with her the cost of damages to settle for the night. Unkel: being, prepared, beforehand, slipped a couple of notes into papa’s front top pocket not five minutes before she arrived. Papa handed the cash to her whist unkel just sat nonchalantly, his eyes fixed on the TV screen. Unkel has this strange thing of not being seen the one paying for everything but do not mind really as we all had a fabulous time. When inquired if the little grouping would like to continue dancing downstairs as the karaoke hall would be closing one hour before the dancing floor, unkel said no.
Well, yet another memorable evening but this time quite the best there was. Cheers unkel .Thanks for everything mate, should you want to visit SM again, just holler, for sure papa will come running and The Good Prince too- undeniably so. We would love to go sing with Mischa one more time. Yahoo!.