Wednesday, April 2, 2008


“There is, no way, the behemoth, can, be rectified, from, the inside” said Tun. “people from the outside must take the opportunity to correct, what needs, to be, corrected” he continued. “There is actually no room for objections to be heard either. Everyone, has, to, tow, the line. Only one thing left, to do- no two- way about it, deny: them 2004 that they like to lord about, give them 1969 instead or more or less”. Shouted Tun: from the peripheries. Exactly, what happened, but, an, over kill, no doubt, and literally speaking, quite- so. Five states were lost and together with it BN’s very fragile foundation. Tun has overshot the target intended into another that was not. Instead of, maiming he has dealt the killing blow. The juggernaut can never be repaired now, its wound much too fatal.
Howsoever not unlike the numerous times before, the good Tun would never say he has helped in the deicide. Considering that, there were other more glaring factors that contributed to the unavoidable demise of, the- Monolith, Tun’s part in the entire exercise must never be dismissed. Even though, the very minutiae bit. The likelihood of him saying it was unavoidable but entirely not his fault, would again, be reiterated.
Now he is calling for his successor’s resignation stating reasons of ineptness and familial preferences over and above party and state’s interests, to the extent of leading a cohesive front against the leadership of the party. Should, he be, asked why? The only retort must be, He did not plan for it but he is, called, by the, disgruntled members to take the lead. Maybe so but one can also decline for somebody else, the, Tengku- perhaps. Why could be another question asked did The Tun not support Tengku’s bid for The Presidency yet agree with his call for the EGM? To that query he answered about anybody could contest.
Whether or not he should apologize to, the Judges, he said, why, must he, or the government even. Yes, he was the Emperor then but only that he- said, on the other, hand there were others, who wanted to do what they did to the Judges. They were adamant in what they were bent upon, so it was really their fault. Correct, correct, correct, or how, was that again?
When asked why was that he said- Anwar was iniquitously, done upon and it was downright cruel as to what was inflicted onto him together with the words, his own, that he was the PM then and being one, he was, able to do things. Adding further the quaint argument of power allowing about anything to, be effected, deeds or misdeeds among others.
To that he answered it was in the heat of the event and he was just being sarcastic.
Sir, Malaysians tak mudah lupa sir, don’t know about you lah.


Anonymous said...

Words Of Prince

Well well Tun ..what can we say about him....


But he really made Malaysian Politics alive...he3..


Anonymous said...

Dear Dato',

I beg to differ on your "Malaysian tak mudah lupa" statement as you are one perfect example of the opposite.. just like you claimed that the "nyanyuk Tun" is. If its not because of this nyanyuk old man and the "fatally wounded juggernaut".. we will not be "benefitting" your very much one sided view about the current situation! This blog will not exist or even if it exists it will be too expensive for the author or readers to subscribe when the subscription is paid in advance in USD as in Indonesia or worst if you reside in Spore, when your blog will most certainly be blocked and the author left to rot in jail for expressing his views!

I am not a supporter of Tun nor do I professed to have any affiliation to the "fatally wounded juggernaut" but I thank god almighty that we live in a peaceful and stable country where we can enjoy the little pleasures in life, like the internet, dangdut, karaoke, etc with relative ease and affordable. I believed that our fore fathers, fathers and ourselves and hopefully our children, have enjoyed, in one way or the other, from the facilities and benefits this so called "fatally wounded juggernaut" have put in place that you are so passionately wanting to give the final death blow and bury for good. Or maybe like many affluent malays like yourself, Dato' have forgotten the malay culture about being thankful to those who have done good to you. Its shameful that Dato' have belittled the good (however little or few to you) that this old nyanyuk Tun had brought to this country and the malays and its even worst when Dato' showed total disrespect to this particular old man or any old man for that matter (another malay culture you have obviously forgotten) just because he has different views from yours.

I am a little curious what this "fatally wounded juggernaut" has done personally to hurt Dato' that Dato' wants to see its demise with vengance. Or perhaps Dato' is one of those Anwar's friends that have been "awarded" with lands and wealth (and possibily your dato'ship too) during his tenure in government that Dato' now so greatly missed and desperately want to regain if ever he is back in power!

Let me ask Dato' one simple question, what have Dato' done personally to help the poor malays in the rural areas? What I gathered from your ealier stories, even your farmhands working in your vast sawit plantation are imported from Indonesia !!

Anak Melayu

papalados @ zul gagap said...

Dear Anak Melayu, thanks for the c
omment, what must papa say bar the
obvious of two words and that bei
ng 'points taken'. Its much reliev
ing having encountered differing vi
ews.At the very least papa is quit e elated that his inconsequential blog does have its readers even th
ough dangdut its primary inclinati
on. For your info am not a Dato an
d the said 'plantation' is not su
ch but more like a smallholdings albeit the littlest in acreage. G
enerational too was its origin rather than 'given' as whatever the circumstances may be. Being
wealthy he is not just apt in wor
dly possessions as yet modest and
adequate. Alhamdullillah. Its an honor having you visiting this blog. Do keep on hitting and awaits with anticipation your subsequent commentaries should you find the time. You're right the good TUN has done a pretty bit for the country. Kudos to the Old Chap. Cheers..Peace and salutations.

Anonymous said...

Words Of Prince,

I sincerely welcome "Anak Melayu" for joining these ramblings by our Dato Papa Lados, I do agree to certain points on views raised by you. Frankly the Malays ... all of need people like peoples do need to re reminded ALWAYSSS...

To the "ever low down to earth"... Dato Papa..why dont you just write and concertrate on stories of our D.Dut activities...ha3,,

Long Live D.P.L

Anonymous said...


Cerita dangdut Ok, politik pun ok.

Anonymous said...

Dear dato' or whoever you are

I thank you for your response. I am happy that you didn't take my comments personally as I am passionate about my bangsa melayu and my country. This country is all you and I have.... good or bad it may seem to others.

Anak Melayu