Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Engelbert Am I that easy to forget - 2009

Am I That Easy To Forget

Well I took a drive to Waterlily or what route familiar to take to reach the old dangdut club and of which bore many epithets before Waterlily came into being and upon reaching or what that I can gather of the old place except that everything has changed. Luck that the old old block housing the establishment is still around but painted and renovated to look gentrified and there was also an impressive lodging house in front - all prim and proper and looking at least three stars! Imagine that! Where were the Tomyam stalls when at prior were many and with customers coming and going in the hundreds regard less at witching or the wee hours? But they are still there even though arranged neatly and systematically 100 meters up ahead and sparkling clean cum wholesomely attractive. It was early about ten past ten pm but no sight of the old signboard or archetypes of signboards I was very familiar with but a state of the art and contemporary neon and huge notice board displaying "Waterlily Club and Karaoke Lounge" without any of the term  Dangdut mentioned! There I stood undecided whether to enter or not until a well dressed bloke in white sports jacket took a peep out of the front door and it was an ordinary wooden one normal sized and not wide and extravagant that one expects a famous establishment. Immediately he called to me to come in but I was rather perplexed and not really sure because the main epithet that should be displayed fully was not. Noticing I was hesitating he asked whether I was waiting for someone, I wasn't really so I asked whether Dierdre was inside? He gave a nod and a light chuckle and opened the door all the way for me. I entered the club that was dimly lit as usual but saw Dierdre in front, pretty as ever but this time attired in jeans and a light colored blouse denoting a utilitarian outlook or the clothes fit for a busy Club Mummy. She came close to me or to be near in order to converse or to hear clearly words uttered amidst music so loud and lively. I wasted no time in asking for a Hostess that can dance. She pointed at two or three girls still available that I chose the one looking the most energetic and built more to a dancer's physique. We sat down upon a nice couch ample for two persons and comfortable to be spacious for three. We talked on general topics yet not saying anything but typical of such rendezvous when the couch in front seated a lonely patron, waiting, until a girl arrived and immediately both gave each other mouth to mouth resuscitation! Ah! A couple in love and what a spectacle of them passionately kissing except invoking moments of physical embrace and at the same time exploring each other most deep and secretive domains. Something stirred in me but not enough to launch a projectile since so long not becoming spontaneously aroused. Besides there was no viagra in my possession and I came for the dance not sex whence dance is invigoratingly art - philosophically and sentimentally but sex is just plain physical, brazen and harsh. Perchance the couple in front is in love and what can love be but deep cum enigmatic! However its good to be heated up for such unplanned reason! Hohohohohohoho! A cha cha number arrived and I earnestly asked Lila or the sobriquet or the peculiar words utilized for her good and prodigious nomenclature or in other words - her admirable name. There we were on the dance concourse and I gave cue by swirling to the four steps starting with left two followed right two but Lila was stiff all over and her legs benumbed and not responding! She can't dance! Immediately my thoughts came to Dierdre plus why and in heavens name that she passed me this girl when I specifically asked for one who can or more than can - sway! Surely she knows the girls if not all of them and why's that she recommended three who's supposed to prance excellence and all apparently worst off wiggling! Perhaps there aren't such women anymore because dangdut is actually not like before and disappearing and inasmuch gone when its death should be earlier. A dangdut number after the cha cha but I continue the four step just to feel once more the mighty dangdut however salsa ing alone with a partner so dumbfounded and unresponsive! Yaya mentioned that she need be inebriated to joyously move but its really more the Malay adage of " Tak tahu menari tapi kata papan jongkang jongkit" or one who cannot dance blames the uneven dance floor! We went back to our seating arrangement and I courteously waited for a while but a second later asked for the bill and drove home after which.. I feel despair much like Emile Cioran's poem of perpetual despair when mountains don't laugh and birds don't sing yet the philosopher and Schopenhauer - a fellow logician were  perennially woe betide for a world so desolate and unfeeling marking her existence only; without concern for anything living upon and below her surface. Could be that they deride God for being indifferent and aloof most times, yet, God is most merciful and compassionate if men took to care the world and mother nature and of whom are God's own alongside men.. Platitudes can be cheesy but God is his own, already existing before nothing whence Cioran felt nothingness only in hopelessness and not eagerness in God's embrace. Descartes also concludes that perception is passive which of course it can be when one observes from afar without exploring not unlike dance when it is viewed only and not danced. Around the concourse and full and complete with all the twirls and swirls and spectacular dips at the end and in the middle! Hohohohoho! Yet, there I was outside the club, perplexed, bewildered and bemused with words of The sage Lao Tzu spinning around that the only constant is change, yet, I still pine for the old dangdut knowing fully well it could not be when dangdut becomes and becomes to no longer be. Leaving me all in all a dangdut aficionado dangdut forgets! Hihihi!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Kini Dah Tiba - Nassier Wahab & Salwa Abdul Rahman

The Club Mummy Is Back!

Howsoever that a nuomena or nuomenon can be but a thing in itself that none of senses can perceive yet to perceive and sense is phenomena or phenomenon to nuomena or nuomenon. But can it be phenomena in order to sense of nuomena or nuomena perennially stands on it own. Or phenomena for all since nuomena must always be tested to phenomena. Somewhat the universe can be nuomenal but phenomenal if not the nuomenal felt. Or must all things be felt or experienced or sensed. Spiritually, materially or sentimentally. Thence that I was so much moved to hear that the mummy is back and back as such at another dangdut joint called the Waterlily and in fact one of the oldest there is but for the number of names it was called prior. The fact that I came to know of dangdut and what it could be was through an unplanned visit to Waterlily when it was mentioned by another name and under a different Boss man. Ya Effendy brought me to the place and it was totally out of curiosity that I went  but was hooked till now if not for other dangdut establishments that brought me as frequent customer. However Ya Effendy stayed sane to not be a dangdut aficionado but a top earning salary man.Bro K hollered over the phone that Dierdre of Extravaganza is now mummy or Lounge Manageress for Waterlily. I was shocked dumb upon hearing and the entire self vibrated to sudden dangdut tones, overwhelming my beingness and the accompanying nothingness that changes to dangdut melodies and steps to songs ever more.. Hope of good dancing and pleasant moves reaches me and I say to myself that I must go soonest to Waterlily when Dierdre the Club Mummy can choose the best dancer and of steps so old and classy if for an hour or two of earnest salsa cum cha cha dangduting! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Kalimah Toyibbah - Iwan Syahman

Can The Romance Be Forever Lost

That I could not have the feel that was paramount if ever a dangdut post be contemplated and uploaded upon this blog and that bears much the sentiments of a dangdut aficionado. Perchance that my spiritual journey been enhanced by frequent remembrance of God that I become hard and unforgiving when God is all love and forgiveness. The Arts and in its spiritual sense must include an element of tenderness and one that surpasses things material thenceforth could not and impossible to change to something hard and callous. Or that sentiments are always susceptible to wavering cum uncertain emotions. Sentiments can be emotions but ever soft, malleable and unchanging that emotions cannot ever be. Sentiments are infused with love be it nostalgia but nostalgia ever positive barring negative forever more. Of songs and splendid steps to tones and melodies yet soft, wholesome and deep, so deep that the heart feels and remembers and as a consequence words and epithets formed to enact a vista so lovely thus lasting. A narrative henceforth born that can never be replicated but in different forms from different venues in differing times.Art spiritual and never art material plus profit. And art portraying the Grand Maker of art herein his creation - the best of art. Sacred art no doubt but the profane too has art and in it a tad bit spiritual for spirituality persists in every form. 

Aryati - Hendri Rotinsulu

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

To Karaoke And Of Songs Long Ago But Soothing Evermore!

It was a balmy late afternoon that I took a drive to Kampong Pandan - an old cum quaint part of Kuala Lumpur and was a kampong of sorts - nostalgic of such but since has been so developed that only a tiny bit of romance associated since old remains. Prince was already at the planned venue with an office colleague but planning together an enterprise besides the industry they were currently in and I would not want to barge into their lively tete a tete. I arrived at about ten minutes past 5pm but Prince was just about leaving to collect his daughter at a nearby LRT station and to drop her at the house, however, mentioning that he would be back the next instant. His friend has already left due to another appointment not far away. I was alone in terms of not having close buddies around but definitely not lonely as there were many veterans just sitting with some playing checkers and others chatting amongst themselves. Having ordered a beautiful and not so sweet teh tarik I took a view at the stage in front where a middle aged chap was standing and holding a wired microphone while staring upon the screen of a medium sized TV set before him. He was waiting for the first of a list of songs that he passed to the DJ or karaoke operator below at the right of the stage. The intro to the song was playing but the cue to melodiously vociferate to the lyrics was not. When the words appeared and time to sing I was taken aback that the song was my ever favorite - Aryati! The chap who sang was quite out of sync with the entirety of the tune but he did make an effort yet not overly that can bring damage to the ditty. The sound system was marvelous even though the place was a sort of eatery with many stalls offering a variety of dishes along with the entire complex looking modest, equipped also, with a high ceiling thenceforth making an equally high roof, in company with, and designed foremost for the public: barring status and position. To all intents and purposes the place can only be decent and rather pleasing - actually. The final part of the song came and went but strangely there wasn't the applause after which. People continued with whatever they were doing and persons chatting, chatted on. It was like an ordinary and run of the mill happening that could be extraordinary for any given day whence a given day at the place has karaoke, alongside and perpetually, to not bear anything different. The singer too, went quietly back to his table to continue drinking his teh tarik or strong black coffee plus smoking his cigarettes and plenty left in the box. Seeming like the seniors have no concerns for any implications should the songs they sing bring utmost nostalgia that moves or to reminisce to bring about little historical facts long forgotten or could apathy be the order of the day. Howsoever there couldn't be such drama as to make the whole outlook so secretive and sinister as patrons were just enjoying themselves and to while away the lazy afternoons with none of any melodrama to associate with, and, zero of ramifications with regard to things to do to gain fame and immense sums of cash because there weren't any talent scouts nor famous entertainment company executives around. Only veterans and seniors and of whom have been around and most times in whatever littlest circumstances of life but with hearts that go deep and tender and not material that hardens perennially to not feel life and songs at all. Bob and Prince emerged at the same time and together the three of us continued to watch and listen - to likes - veterans and seniors - singing songs so evergreen and so soothing!  

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Dangdut to the fore

Whenever the fasting month arrives, dangdut clubs will be lively the sort of celebrating without any of time considerations of which, for it can be the very first day of ramadhan but the very night would find hari raya ditties already played innermost. Girls would dress in their best baju kurungs the likes of Raya gonna be tomorrow and not a full month down the road. Club folks would even be greeting selamat hari raya even though the auspicious event can never be felt when the days reaching are still considerable. Major things can change in a day let alone four weeks ahead. Yet dangdut joints live a life on their own wherein the celebrations are there to be exulted wholesomely whence things have come and a full Ramadan is Hari Raya even though Hari Raya is meant for a day of release after a month of fasting.But in dangdut's own cosmology as per Kay El (Kuala Lumpur) experience, The Blessed Fasting Month is Hari Raya somewhat Saturnalia or Saturn worship is winter solstice and not of any other time. Saturnalia connects unimaginable orgies when hari raya is a day to reflect and feel deep in the heart the elation of having gone through the sublimed maker's command to restrain - food and drink and bad thoughts and unsatisfactory deeds and misdeeds for a full lunar solar month. A concrete situation of puasa of fasting compared to a rather licentious and pagan like ancient practice. Yet dangdut could combine both if only for the sake of profit and money - mostly - blatant and vile : seemingly. Dangdut makes its own philosophy, one neither liberating nor critical although existential to its own, in that it tries to celebrate its own forceful meaning but meaningless all in all. Much like some who want to portray localised logic compared to universal schemes of thought however globalising each term and epithet can not but become. Not unlike things inadvertently turn to imitate God ness yet God ness cannot be anything other than immutable. We are all susceptible to becoming but approaches day by day to the one that cannot become. Perhaps we each can only philosophize to our own and personal - experiences and histories. This calls for an accompanying song and the one above - of boy admiring girl - so innocent, so naive but soothing so soothing and for a magical while..Hohohohohohoho!

Monday, May 26, 2014

All The Way ( Frank Sinatra 1961 with lyrics )

Pretty Lassies Songs To Sing

Prince answered but only a short message he uttered and to call Mikey the soonest as he was driving that particular moment. And so that I dialed Mikey and so quick he picked the call plus mentioning a date at a family karaoke hall in Ampang Park the old mall alongside two lovely ladies so young and so comely and all because Lenny had arranged for them to singalong with Mikey, himself and gang ala karaoke. Mikey invited me and earnestly asked that I make the appointment and to not to decline but I was so tired and sleepy from the sawit long haul to Muar and back and I was out since half past six in the morning and only reached KL nearly 4pm the same day. I said I'd try but could not guarantee joining him and gang and the lovelies. Nobody had in fact met the girls, only Lenny getting to know them earlier. They would not come for free but a modest fee and only to sing but none further. Mikey was excited and all of us also as it could only be wonderful for pathetic middle aged blokes to be in the company of youthful beauties even though to sing alongwith and for a short second in a long night of utter loneliness. Pitiful but true...hohohohoho. Mikey arrived half past 9 in the evening thinking the girls and Lenny would appear at quarter to ten. Prince was already there when Mikey turned up. Yet until 10.15 pm there wasn't any sight of the group. Mikey booked a small karaoke chamber, little but ample and to fit five souls with two so young and so rosy. And so that Mikey and Prince chatted for a good half hour before Prince had to excuse himself to make a call to an office buddy regarding some leftover work matters that needed closure. Mikey should have sang his heart out whilst things get started and the lovelies entered the room but being always impatient the pressure rises. Mikey was boiling and half an hour would seem an eternity for him and of whom would always prefer company rather than wallowing alone. The girls and Lenny and Prince pushed the door the same time with the first few words that Lenny emitted were the girls wanted more than the token sum agreed and would also go a mile more if a higher prices can be concurred. Mikey blew his stop, stormed out of the karaoke chamber while disbursing terms and epithets that will only hurt close buddies. He also demanded that the chappies pay the damages and of which Lenny the leading negotiator negotiated an amount lower that initially consented but the room fees Prince had to settle. The flabbergasted and irate pretty Ladies had to go home early and poorer than expected.Hihihihihi! Sartre quips of time, being, existing and nothingness. Time as in time present and present at hand or an adaptation of movements as time mentioned by ancient philosophers between past and future and being within which that can be in bad faith should being only for beingness for the moment and not wholesomely existing and for existence sake. Meaning one can also be existing during time of which by realizing potentialities and to work and try out possibilities. As for Mikey he was in fact in bad faith when he only wait for the girls cum expecting things to work out as he hoped with cash paid and the girls joyfully singing and the bit cavorting with naughty words and tender touches. Yet the girls are young and amateurish and they are not hostesses or experienced in that regard. And for Mikey to achieve those he must only station himself in a dangdut and karaoke lounge rather than a family biased karaoke hall. However splendid potentials can be gotten if he had played at existing to the situation when the girls were agreeable to greater sums to proceed further if only to happy hunting grounds. Or Mikey in other words can go all the way with both for plentiful cash and of which couldn't be a horrible problem for the fat wallet he always has in his person. Talk about wonderful possibilities plus to live and not to infinitely sulk in nothingness. Furthermore Mikey is single and free to roam without stigma.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Demi Roussos - Forever and Ever

After A While But Still The Same

After a while too that Prince called to inform that Mikey wanted to go dangduting and at Extravaganza the main choice but I wasn't excited at all somewhat that dangdut did not attract anymore even though dangdut is the only avenue left to exult and to dance the worries away. For dangduteers and dangdutist as the case may be that is and was for old dangduteers and dangdutists or the have been that could not find quite anything else exciting. We are all getting old and what could be in stock that pleasures too much to make one looking forward to nothing else except for holidays and sightseeing to places known only via facebook video clips. Even then most have illnesses that hinder free movement and to locales so exotic, yet, most things that pleases, depleting all in all. Yet dangdut can still be fun if only for the dances and the ladies that would be exchanging small talk and repartee so naughty but stopped short from going all the way to only the lewd conversations as in initial and no further. Oh yes the girls most times were only living up to the situation and nothing more. They are just doing their jobs and earning the incomes to be gotten. Yet the ladies are there merely for the industry and dangduteers and curious but ordinary folks wanting to 'check it out' : dangdut. Regardless of anything else dangdut will still be around for a little bit, alongside, but persisting till date. Dunno when it will stroll into the sunset as reality is, it has already reached twilight but persevering as much. And the aficionados that will visit and enjoy the dances while they last. Of course I would like to join Prince and company but slept the evening through due to littlest aches and pains that alas - came - with age. The next morning called Prince and asked whether there were changes in the entirety for dangdut but he answered "pretty much the same Bro" confirming my thoughts that the only thing that can be constant besides change would be dangdut. Same - same! Same - ever! Hohohohoho!

Friday, April 11, 2014


The Girl,The Dancer or The Dance?

Somewhat out of the usual I took Mazween's number and even did a missed call on her handset so that she would know that I was the one calling her should I ever called. And I never did and the phone number too was lost in my inexpensive,prepaid and basic function hand phone. She cannot dance the full dangdut cum chacha but should be able to, given a little bit of time but I wasn't going to give lessons or little tips for I would only dance when situation permits and when this dangdut blog needs updating. For such to happen I would only need to dance the few steps and two or three dance tones. I wouldn't be staying for long also,innermost the dangdut establishment therefore I would not be doing long bookings as per night outs. The session would always be short and not costly,the beverages mineral water and iced lychees or the girls would be sipping the fruity drinks. The lychees were visible and they would also munch on the tinned fruits. That's why a phone number to keep and one belonging to any dangdut girl is irrelevant. Not the girl's inconsequential but the thingy with dangdut and as I see it or the entire being ness of dangdut dancing and in perspective to mine only. What then can be so important to me? Maybe important only to what one thinks but then what can be so important all in all. Unless knowing and dating the particular girl, often, would give immense pleasure. Sex perhaps, but what can sex be when youth isn't any more. Money will always be money with naked evil forever clutching at its identity and nature. Or that money ontologically can only be wicked and dastardly. Money has benefits too but too much isn't always good and volatile also. Thenceforth money is non issue and for this post the only concern is dance,the dancer but not the girl. The girl dances without doubt but she will be the dancer and the person and the person: subjectively or objectively is deep. Yet no depth required only dance and art - for what its worth...

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Mazween The New

There I was sitting atop a high chair that looked like a bench but comfortable for the availability of a cushion on top and an addition that makes the entire furniture set of one small round table and two benches. Could not call them high benches as the terms may be associated with the legal profession,yet things were all dangdut and I was innermost one or the famous or rather infamous of one or two and one more dangdut establishments left but no one really knows except a few and of whom insignificant to the rest of things in KayEl(KL). Mazween walked to the table and of which was only so near about 5 feet away,immediately sat on a bench besides my bench and we sat side by side and conversed side by side on topics to break ice. But no ices to break as the girl knew I wanted to boogie the infernal dangdut steps to the dance. She looked novice and new and ne'er was her dancing gait present but a walk imitating a profession entirely different. She said she was sous chef before deciding to change profession to one completely opposed. Yet she was confident to dance an old timer's booking for the hour or two hours. There was a certain eagerness in her thus the undeterred confidence she wholesomely showed. However she need be tried upon the dance floor for the more than natural disposition she displayed as dancer to the dance. Could the dance be necessary to her or just an empty wish or necessary but not natural or natural and necessary. But what dance can be necessary to anything or things associating to dance that can be natural and necessary and in the end totally unnecessary. An Epicurean conundrum indeed. She took to dance the slow four step and did splendidly at first but fumbled a bit a minute later. She was so nervous the fact was and was also perspiring even though the air conditioner was very cooling and nice. If she can be so nervous then she can only be respectful for the art and I respect that. She has eagerness and talent but an aptitude not yet polished but will be soonest. And she did not include labels to anything she does when dangdut can be so controversial. I kept on whispering relax more than a few times but she was too eager to be perfect when to be perfect is to ease the mind to not be and only the dance remains - to move, to prance and to wiggle to tones and beats. So much so that the only beingness is the dance. Yet as of the time and temporal her limbs are still kinda stiff but will become supple and graceful when she becomes aware only of dance and dance alone. No need too much practice for her as she was eager and so much of dance inside her. Philosophy can be false when her truth and her philosophy are hers alone and she becoming queen of dangdut salsa that no one knows when dangdut kings are disappearing. But aren't we all holding our philosophies, false or otherwise, when our truths are ours and other truths are others.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014



Roxana called to meet but this there was intense seriousness in her the likes of having something important to say and must not be over the phone. Couldn't be pregnant I thought to myself as I did not even touched her let alone other things. Even Bella is still intact as far as I know as the same case with Roxana I haven't done anything to tarnish their reputations let alone their entire being ness. Philosophers of old would comment on love even though love that they quipped having only utility and utilitarian in most if not all in the their pontifications. However my love for both Roxana and Bella is love for the other or my other that would complement me as a whole or my other that would say more about me or that can substantiate my existence the while as a man with something accompanying as ever and forever more. I was looking for a Missus to live immortality in that our kids should they arrive be our continuity and our legacies - in their minutest and testaments to our sojourns upon mother planet - Earth. Such high aspirations but what that they cannot be if to live the temporal then and as humans that need pass a cycle. Time was cyclical and a cycle of youth to complete into manhood cum womanhood and to live and breed if the words were to sound hard and coarse. But that was the notion what was with the sex organs excitedly vibrating and eager to procreate all the more. Yet there were the customs and rites to follow and that they can totally not do without. Yet, Roxana was seeking an ultimatum that I gave decision as the family had introduced a suitor so suiting and so nice for her. But her emotions was for me and she need confirmation and for me not to procrastinate any more. You see Roxana was adamant and she showed that disposition throughout our brief relationship and I totally appreciated that and in fact was thinking towards her direction howsoever needed a bit more time to prepare for the eventual moment. Oh Roxana the Malay beauty - kinda hazel and acquiescing and Bella - so fair and of mixed parentage - occidental and orient. Howsoever Bella was so young and unsure when Roxana - matured and responsible. Seeing that Roxana was in a hurry as such I had to let her go in order for her to meet and marry a better man. The very next day Bella called to immediately end things and for reasons entirely her own. Later that I came to know that she was actually young and confused. But she had youth with her and so the issue was it wasn't an issue. But a broken man that I became having lost two for the the price of none but my heart. Consequently that I wander alone and lost till I found hibiscus the dangdut dancing lounge plus meeting lovely Sherry that healed my wound but that was another story and one below upon my long list of posts in my dangdut blog. Please surf earlier post for the Sherry story..hohohohoho

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Aishah - Songkok Mereng

Dangdut Finally Ending?

I was at the private parking lot beside Seri Mutiara (SM) putting on my dangdut shoes - a pvc or soft plastic shoes - cheap but remarkably black and officious but the thin layer purposely and aesthetically dyed has peeled away but since it was dark at night no one should notice. However I had to put on socks if only to showcase their dangdutness and whilst doing so, I noticed Mikey, Prince and Veteran Steven not ten meters away. They too have arrived from driving around town with no specific destination and when I called before shooting to SM that they totally agree to join me. I told them that I had to go four stepping a couple of months - since - to reach at materials to update my dangdut blog and will only spend a few minutes inside to dance to be inspired and if they don't really fancy boogeing they can wait at Farouk's cafe del monsoon drain enjoying teh tarik and maggie goreng while I wiggle on the first floor of the dangdut establishment. They agree and are also willing to dance the inspirational tones along with. But Farouk was closed and of all days when it will always be on business nearly 24/7 - 365 days a year. Things were already looking ominous. I straight away went up the flight of stairs to the dangdut hall but found a sort of strangeness inside. It was empty as it can only be as proper dangduting started at only past midnight but I can sense something not so usual unlike my past visits. I found out the bit later that Mummy Annie has left the club for her recently established catering business. And the mummy replacing her, I had no inkling as to who she was. Was she a dancer or just an executive employed to be Mummy? Can she dance and with overall feel for the tunes? Has she romance for dangdut? Or that she can choose as to who to book to boogie with and a dangdut old timer such as me. My sentiments shot straight down and myself was left literally dangdut empty at that time. I was immediately downcast and I chose to leave SM the instant. With a heavy heart I suggested to Prince, Mikey and Steven that we proceeded to Extravaganza instead. But at Extravaganza also there wasn't the ambiance I was totally familiarized with. Dierdre has also left the club to be full time homemaker and mum at home plus to take care of hubby Elvis Rosly who has since recuperated nicely. There was this tomboyish lass answering that all the dancing girls can dance when I asked as to who can ( meaning those who can dance the dangdut salsa ala four step ) and Mummies when asked such would know what was being required and without mentioning specifics. Absolutely disheartened I went to join the boys for teh tarik outside. Seemingly as I perceived dangdut is gone for an evolved one but how evolved I can only guess. To me dangdut has already reached its end and has become final - intrinsically and extrinsically, and it has reached its farthest point and not exist anymore but the clubs are still around but the players have changed and me being a senior knows only the old people and when they left the scene I knew not what to do. But the new players may bring fresh dynamism to one which is already dead. Maybe I have to go check SM and Extravaganza and stay a bit longer innermost observing and feeling the music again. But deep inside I knew that contemporary sounds and current club folks will take over. A dangdut aficionado can only  reminisce..hohohohoho

Selendang Sayang - 2 by 2 & Liza Hanim

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A First Post For The Year

I have been meaning to update the dangdut aficionado blog and the very first for the year but has been nought for ideas since so long not go meandering to a dangdut joint when innermost and four stepping a few tunes emanating from also a few of dance genres that I can arrive of materials to compose blog posts. Seemingly inside the very dangdut establishment that I can conjure disinterest things to suit my irrelevant stories upon my insignificant blog. Maybe that I am inconsequential also but what's not to take pride in unrelenting ego trips just to prove of existence whence existence itself can be unimportant except to family and work. Friends as per friends and everyday associates are difficult to attach any epithets as  Best Friends Forever, as friends can be busy with their day to day routines and concerns that they too will snigger at the ludicrousness of such cheesy nomenclatures. Only teenage girls bubbly enough to get excited about boys to tell to school buddies could be best described as BFF.or Best friends forever - what cheekiness. Even civic landscapes change much like change becoming the only dynamism left and death the sole certainty. Upon surface of the earth and observing and experiencing sun rays or moon glows that we give to mundane procedures that mark our journey on it till demise whence the aftermath of which remain conjectures and guesses to some but definitive to the faithful. Yet even agnostics and atheists need be buried and diminished into ashes so we need to visit places of worship to prepare acquaintances the very least to assist us in death when we are no longer aware and about. Howsoever,where do atheists and agnostics visit? The world now is unlike the time of The prophet SAW when companions love him more than anything else. Now people are so impersonal and the world's so detached that even the soul is a novelty. Soul is systemic to God and one without the other just dissipates so much so that everybody became soulless against all material imperatives that so determine our collective existence as per our concurrent beingness onto a decaying,decadent and lifeless system. And in that configuration we will be all reduced to total and virtual insignificance. Or in a way the nothingness of post modern or post post modern considerations when to not be somewhere agreed is nothingness and what can be more silly. He wasn't there because he was shitting in a toilet somewhere due to holiday stomach as the case may be. That's what western philosophy has come to be when God and soul is deleted. They showcase evolution and complex Darwinism that they lost footage in explaining the very notion that nothingness become nonsenseness. Whence all can be so easy with God and soul and infinity. Perchance all's modern and meta modern can still be viable and lovely when God and Soul is backdrop,background and back of mind.and much vibrant too. And what can all the above said be about dangdut? But dangdut stays amidst all dynamism and of friends and enemies not being forever and a lonely dangdut aficionado finds solace in dancing the dangdut,cha cha, joget and zapin in a dingy dangdut club somewhere along a rubbish strewn backstreet in old KayEl (Kuala Lumpur). Then again that's dangdut ego talking and nothing more. Dangdut's nothingness and nonsenseness...hohohohohohoho