Friday, September 19, 2014

Can The Romance Be Forever Lost

That I could not have the feel that was paramount if ever a dangdut post be contemplated and uploaded upon this blog and that bears much the sentiments of a dangdut aficionado. Perchance that my spiritual journey been enhanced by frequent remembrance of God that I become hard and unforgiving when God is all love and forgiveness. The Arts and in its spiritual sense must include an element of tenderness and one that surpasses things material thenceforth could not and impossible to change to something hard and callous. Or that sentiments are always susceptible to wavering cum uncertain emotions. Sentiments can be emotions but ever soft, malleable and unchanging that emotions cannot ever be. Sentiments are infused with love be it nostalgia but nostalgia ever positive barring negative forever more. Of songs and splendid steps to tones and melodies yet soft, wholesome and deep, so deep that the heart feels and remembers and as a consequence words and epithets formed to enact a vista so lovely thus lasting. A narrative henceforth born that can never be replicated but in different forms from different venues in differing times.Art spiritual and never art material plus profit. And art portraying the Grand Maker of art herein his creation - the best of art. Sacred art no doubt but the profane too has art and in it a tad bit spiritual for spirituality persists in every form. 

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