Sunday, November 11, 2007


Papa felt a bit of remorse, he did the most cowardly act- he participated in the enterprise of self- censorship. Having deleted his latest post, papa quite nearly, lost the impetus to write, the one subject that really fired him from inside, however could not become the basis for his ‘world views’. Veritably, his penmanship, was from the onset, only for narratives, everyday stories that don’t say much, mostly anecdotal in form and substance
He was truly contented writing about his irrelevant exploits amidst the karaoke and dangdut halls interspersed around K.L, until he realized there are loftier subjects he could dabble- upon. Politics- being one. An altruistic notion innermost of him, yet the realities outside could not be- in agreement, most of times, with the praxis of the field of study. It’s, not about the much elevated, commandments, as regards the ruler and the ruled or the fable like, ‘The Good King and Queen’ perpetually dispatching benevolence and glad tidings over their loyal subjects. It’s, about power, raw and blatant, not really, any other way about it. Undeniably also, the furtherance to the said proposition- the entailing ‘perks’ or rather, the much ‘moneyed’ situation. Altogether, beyond papa’s, realm of ‘being’, or should a more appropriate term be applied-‘existence’. Some how or rather, the very word ‘Politics’ too, is quite inadequate without- it’s conjunctive ‘Real Politik’. Much liked, a ‘what should be’ as opposed to, a ‘what really is’ predicament.
Perhaps, this altogether ‘conundrum’ requires a unique and peculiar set of people, of whom, are inborn with the aptitudes to, actively partake, into all its intricate inner workings, the so called- ‘politicians’. Thenceforth, the most recent: ‘development,’- one side, calling, for a complete overhaul of the ‘process’, and the other- not really wanting to change. There are, granting truth be told, the preconditions to the process that must be complied with for it to ‘wholesomely’ work, failing which, would only discredit the entire operation. Thus, the one party exclaiming for the whole procedure be ‘upped’ to a level nearing ‘first world’ justifications and the other completely satisfied with a perfectly workable, albeit ‘locally accustomed’ configuration.
Either way, the process should ‘evolved’ for the better given time, but that’s really the ‘politicians’ dominions’ and their ‘cups of tea’, papa could only be the near degenerate middle aged has-been who will keep on rambling to no end, too afraid to even harbor a bit of a ‘conscience’, lest the proverbial ‘boat be rocked’.


Anonymous said...

Estomado Senor Papalados,

I'm glad you're well and still blogging. Guess we'll not be discussing the amber chapter lest
I get deleted.

Take care and wiggle or rather move those hips .

In case you might be wondering about who I am ,

"soy uno de tus muchos amigos que ha ido al compartimiento de tortura"

tu amigo,

( X )

paseos en la noche

Anonymous said...

papalados... write what ever comes across for JinAir~ will be among those who will be reading. JinAir~ do wonder who this here zorro... hhmmm but sensing that some how or rather having met before ...not refering to any specific films of course.kekekeke