Friday, February 1, 2008


It has finally happened, just as what was predicted or rather the veritable as, yet, logical consequence, to things, even though, tried, as, he may, by papa, that is, to ignore the natural progression of events. The, quaint sentimentality, of, an old fool, thinking, albeit fantastically, that, there is, the little, bit of, sacredness, still left, in the world, notwithstanding, the abysmal, state, of denial, that, he was, luxuriating in.
After, the few, 'genial', phone conversations, they had-Yvette, altogether, stopped, answering, his call, nor his sms, it had, caught up, with her, the realization, that papa, is not going to see her in Santana, neither, so soon, nor, that often, The, truth being, papa, did not, possess that aphoristic fat wallet, as she had hoped. He is just, the next, to nobody, ordinary bloke, trying, to make ends meet, quite like the many expressionless faces she sees each and everyday traversing up and down any main street around K.L.
Not to, blame, her, really, as, it is really the name of the game, quite so, amongst the karaoke workers. To ensnare the big fish, the one, who would not mind, booking you, for, any, length, of time, and at, any, which day, be it, happy hours or otherwise, one: who, could, even make, an, honest woman, out of you- meaning; the GRO, of course.
Provided the car, the apartment and the ample bank account are, already displayed, and, duly, handed over, whence, the, body and soul, have been, surrendered to, the one, having, the big cash. Well, if she is happy, being party to that peculiarly, ‘less, than ideal, situation’- why, in, heavens- not? Come to think of it, things, could not, really be that bit, too perfect- could it. Different strokes for different folks- if you will.
If that’s the case, then papa must only be elated for Petite Yvette, all, in all, for being, that much focused and perfectly sure of what she wants and the word, is quite, as eternally, the very much relevant, along with, the exceedingly albeit quintessentially, what, every woman, would pretty much desire: security.
On, the other, hand, papa can only, offer friendship and his astronomically ‘hopeless’ golfing. Yvette has already, too, many friends, of, whom most, did not, really share, her ‘dispassionate’ zeal for golf. She, only, plays it, as her, boss asked her to, and strictly, as a marketing tool for her day job. But then again, what could be the fuss really. Papa, has only, met her once, all, the more, leading to the 'sensible conclusion' that there, verily, could be, no issue here. If not for the odd hour and a half if not two plus quarter, he sings with her at Santana Karaoke Lounge- papa could, very well, be, the ‘perfect stranger’ to her. Must, have been, the proverbial, ‘predicament’, of a writer, embellishing things, to make, his story, the bit, more- interesting.


Anonymous said...

Prince said..

Dear Dato Papa Lados..the power of money superseed everything....

As for Prince who have so much love to share... but very limited RM to give....

I better stick to my Queen of Heart..still lovely as 25 year ago.....he3

at least i dont have to runding runding...when the need arises..ha3...

Anonymous said...

Prince Said...

dear Dato' Papa.....

after a 3 am supper date with a 21 year young jelitawann...

i feel very YOUNGGG...HE3....