Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The swirls and twirls that can be duly observed as of now or just recently transpired but still have not been disentangled or their real purposes are not such but to be further riddled if only for the necessary interplays round about the nation’s; civic landscape, requisites perchance for the ruling coalition to continuously invoke the controversies to continue alarming the leading community so that they or the diehards amongst them ensue the under siege mentality so crucial to a racialist inclined civil procedure. All inroads being made prior by the ruling chief were hampered by nefarious acts of officials of a department under his care being too much in a hurry to stick to a deadline in which another wicked undertaking was in the works. The ex state chief however categorically denies the suspected enterprise yet makes a presupposition that the richest state or whatever Machiavellian the enterprise to undermine such- could be- it should never be compared to the untenable circumstances inside the silver state. By saying so, just what is it that he insinuates but the ruling chief being the communications kingpin whence the unpalatable coup de tat took place. Or is he just reacting to the possibility that he could be next to be hauled in to be the expendable patsy for a balanced view to prevail. But the consociation will always protect its own and a warlord is always protected no matter what yet the situation must only be so fluid, that a: precedence can emerge. To all intents and purposes there is the palpable friction innermost the supposedly formidable assemblage the fact that slurs have been hurled at the head honcho or was it the precipitation from the analogy of Laila and Majnoon thrown by TGNA at the congregation.

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