Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Leaks and mighty leaks, info that permeates everything however utilized to the full and by one grouping to tell on the other. But there are also some pointers that show one party having more to explain and they indeed took pain to answer and the long and short of which; only voiced to people to not bother. The news, were not without their high sounding preludes and of technical aspects in and around the sophisticated gossip but no real hard data of photographs and videos included. Cocktail conversations one even assumed but damages already incurred. For both sakes, must only remain nonchalant and care less of things. Yet one took full advantage to vilify further and the other went to court if only to make the opponent show evidence, a truly wise direction to take leaving the competitor to proof wrongdoing. Drastic actions but play the sentiments well or the perceptions innermost the populace and the mighty voters that actually make the King.
A, controversially elected Deputy ups the ante by proclaiming autonomy for a component nation should the opposing coalition wins the monkey game. Leading the Deputy and 2nd Man from the ruling party perplexed for words but his Boss mentions even earlier of mayhem and unrest should they lose hold. Or none that can replace his rule and none shall too. Fatalistic to the extreme and it truly shows their fear of the entire administration slipping through their fingers. And the repercussions being so or the poetic justice they do not want to be cynically imposed upon.
The Nation’s Bulwark that they have handsomely rewarded, showcasing their unwillingness to go and to install at interim the management by defense units and not discounting also the Rulers they have been able to distress all along. To all intents and purposes the non bumis they have completely chased away and the sons of soil that continue to doubt their sincerity in always protecting them make the leading group desperate for anything.
Tactics and Strategies that persist in sum failures since start that they are hard pressed to venture every where with even the unthinkable they would want to try. Herein lies danger but they could only be in too much desperation to ignore such. God Saves Bolehland! Next they will keep reminding people to not “rock the proverbial boat”!

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