Friday, March 9, 2012


Could it be that politics assume that a group of people or people as a whole needs order or order that can govern the set of people and pertaining much to a stipulated locale. People;individually will incline towards ill intentions if not their aggregate wills be confined to a formal archetype of order. That the will of the accepted order be the will of the entire people. Yet the said overall order has to be good in perception and in action in order to be the paramount will that regulate the collective will. Thenceforth a conventional state is formed. Democracy then is wholesomely infused into the configuration be that democracy be the choice of the people over many procedures and philosophies that give to the effective running of a state. A sense of fairplay overrides the whole equation that proclaims the essential makeup of the sanctioned and esteemed method. People entirely,their minds or the minimum level that their intelligent quotient be guessed and not statistically guiled or salient facts twisted or that their cleverness that need be gauged – their notions on agreeable thus universal standards on commendable living and good governance. Time that announces a peoples’ civic maturity will arrive to mark its own. Bolehland has come as such. Be that democracy can change often the government that rule but the undercurrent or the substance underneath the surface will remain taut and none the more fickle. Bolehland has come of age. And boleh or able to be bestowed free reign to lead on its own steam from vapors that emanate from a soul that calls for dignity; not for an evil grouping but the nation as an entirety. The aristocracy that refuses to submit due to longtime abuses cannot hold anymore. It is crumbling. But the sublimed Monarchy actually flourishes in tandem with the nation’s new aspiration of a sum people earnest for world class transformation!

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