Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ceita - cerita 2013 11

In a fixed past conformation,an agent may volunteer a different outcome should she be the initiating any decisions as to the past action that was. Yet the resulting situation that came was the effects of circumstances that were plus a future anticipated then or what is hoped to become upon deciding or that things that can be expected to be. But later thoughts tend to not elaborate on something that has happened and is fixed in the past. All or most factors leading to the outcome were of that moment in time and post such: inklings to better decisions during which are just whims and fancies and do not really correspond to the realities upon ground at prior. Not unlike precarious statements describing if I were him or her that are after the facts and none that can attract seriousness. But upon analysis and evaluation, some better strategies as regard to near similar situations and happening ahead can be deployed. I had an idea as to what I was to deliberate about, howsoever upon leaving the post so long unpublished and unfinished, my train of thought has completely gone kaput...hohoho. Perchance it had to do with the dynamics of change and past and erroneous decisions but change as per form changes and keeps changing that we are all stumped to become dumb and dumber. Yet some folks linger in their intense dumbness and extremely difficult that they can be awakened. But old and older they came to be and total irrelevance and absolute inconsequentialness besieged them. The world is always young and for the young to reason with and not the oldies to continue pursuing their handicapped philosophies as philosophies can be varied and wise. But stunted and stumbling basic principles will only attract ridicule instead of long lasting wisdom. Young folks and the intensity of minds that they bring if unhindered will make for dynamic thoughts and notions and materials for further philosophizing. Like that truth from wisdom from philosophy from life as experienced from free and fresh intellects. Knowledge from source is divine and intelligence its ray - like flashes from a supernal sun! 

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