Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Whatever one thinks that a certain enterprise being wholesomely activated would bring the desired results perchance one could arrive at the much hoped for conclusion but then again the outcome may just be academic and a pathetic ‘given’, depending largely quite of course, upon the recipient’s intellectual level. He or she may be pleased with just the glaring aspect of the result but probably than most will not further analyze the event. The hidden apart from the starkly apparent quite makes the petty imbroglios that would ne’er any doubts, be effected further to the vainglorious circumstances. A folk hero may invoke quite a bit of controversy later on in the narrative but there are minutiae nuances in respect of his true albeit veritable lofty objectives. There as always will be the multifarious interest groups with a certain protagonist much central to the ongoing fairy tale. The assembling and disassembling and rearranging again of celestial ideals even if a few extenuating occurrences threatening to derail the entire epic like storyline, pretty much exercises of potent ness but played exceedingly so by the elites. The rest of the citizenry or the rakyat may be made to be pleased and at most times they really are- ironically speaking, with any leftover crumbs but as The Supreme Entity be witness there are decent personages who have even loftier intentions what with the oft played down civil society praxis as their heaven sent management philosophy.

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