Friday, April 10, 2009


It is as good as saying that the place you won has not got you anything else and you stay stuck at the location, the higher ups would not do anything lest you take it upon yourself to do the right thing. Leave and not take anything with you except for the occasion in history when you did win but received absolutely nothing beyond that. Just the colossal victory yet the all important spoils avoid you. And without the proverbial attendances that go with the conquest your commonplace triumph becomes an end unto itself leaving you worst off than where you were before. The powers that be had actually played a very cruel joke on you. Theirs or a certain respectable albeit stately notable’s vindictiveness knows no bounds that insofar persecuted you without respite. To all intents and purposes there are avenues but may not be the ones you are familiar and comfortable with as they may be located, aphoristically, over the yonder, right upon the other side of the spectrum. Your erstwhile consociation buddies veritably emitted their wicked smirks daring you at the same time to fully realize, external to the association, your self proclaimed potentials, those being your high intellect, learned disposition and over zealous ambitions. You were in the machinery prior and no one is blaming you for that. They quite understand your littlest predicaments for you had to play along or else you would not reach the circumstances you were luxuriating into, before you were ignominiously immobilized. Howsoever the methods will be completely different along with downright revolutionary compared to the procedures much practiced in your beloved yet exceedingly thankless organization. No, need to think too much Young Sir just go where your heart leads. You still have your youth with you.

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