Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Strangely there isn’t very much on Perkasa uttering whatever platitudes they want heard and eerily quiet- as things are now. Or is it they have lost their voices whence RPK leaked the company report and his name was glaringly etched among the top pages as he was then- a business director in a company owned by a Taipan and was none other than a famous persona and of oriental persuasion. Abraham Elly fears the Chinese so much but is not so afraid to be in cohorts with them and in mercantile endeavors no less, so where does his true standing lies and this is where his credibility crashes or when one put an effort to query a bit more. So much so that the Mighty Perkasa is lost for words as RPK has beaten them in their own turf. The battle they have lost and whimpering all in all compared to all the pomp and pageantry when the movement was first launched however not even a moan let alone a sniffle from the illustrious utusan meloya or not so straight times or if someone or anyone can get an earful of. Dead quiet but they are planning something and not only Perkasa but the powers that be or the rivals be in perpetual bloodless civil war until PRU 13 and not beyond the hitherto pallid skirmishes but RPK said even he is ready should it reaches that stage yet gung ho only to an extent however who knows perchance he has put every or any conceivable thingies in perspective. Or that he is verily prepared for each, alternate and of any possible contingencies.

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