Friday, September 14, 2007

I Just Called To Say.....

Somehow sex was never at the back of Papa's mind when he is hot on the trail of a jelitawan. It was the perennial chase, an end in itself and never the means. That's why, most of the times, Papa did not bother to ask whether the girl already called for, he knows, his little endeavour hardly bear any malice. Should the jelitawan reciprocate, the most she would do is follow him and friends go karaoke at news or star ktv. Further to that there would be the light banter exchanged over the phone. Followed by the once in a while ~to say hello call~ or the jelitawan sending a card inviting Papa and friends to her wedding. He thought that would be the outcome of his tryst with jelitawan Wt but that was not to be since he of all persons not unlike an amorously inclined 17 year old, ~fell in love~ !


Anonymous said...

In the midst of try to finish my daily rountine task...PuteraGay (PG)cannot stop.. but must continue read this ramblings by Papa....PG then concluded that should Jelitawan Watipam response to Papa love chase ...PG believed that Papa would be a unconcious dirty oldman who think that he just celebrate his 17th B'day yesterday and shall act like one..

Long Live Dato' Papa...

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Putera Gay, the prince also believed Dato Papa Lados is a very kind person...espescially to..all Apams Bacin and Apam non Bacins.....hehehe

Long Live Dato Papas ..the JVC's ambosador in d world of BLOGS.... bukan GOBLOGS..hehehe

Anonymous said...

well said pg and prince.... true to papalados nature. kind person (with motives). the thrill in the chase... not literally for he would be panting for breath. ultimate is the excitement, caught but not being trapped :) I for once agrees that this unconcious dirty not so that youngman could alway be in the teens of year... in the presence of jelitawansssss. kekekekekekee