Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Once Bitten Twice Shy

We, the young at hearts, eventhough married with kids, must seek a bit of excitement in our dull and much routined lives. For Papa, the seedy dangdut club is one avenue he finds very satisfying. There, he can sing and dance to his heart's contents. Just a little bit of cash expended occasionally, not at all ruinous to one's budget. After dancing, you go home, nothing more, perfectly harmless. To look for a partner, is an entirely different matter. Papa knows more than anyone else. He had the bitter experience in Jelitawan Wt - the marketing person aka the Killer Robot. It could be nothing but for the simple fact that he fell in love! Fortunately, it only lasted for less than a month. It truly ended before it begins. If not, Papa would not only lose his mind, but everything else as well!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of us was triggered by the looks of jelitawan WT. One of us even fortunate enough to share her nasi lemak ...hehehe
tq dato papa..