Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Smitten by Killer Robot (the Sequel)

Akum, dear bros. It is with regret that Papa wish to inform of a most recent occurrence that transpired just this fine morning (last month). The Jelitawan Wt that most of JVC have been acquainted with, true to accepted perceptions, is just another selfish Marketing person. After closing the deal with Papa, though very modest, did not bother to answer a harmless SMS requesting her to collect Papa's photostate IC. Her answer was, she is busy with appointments and in Seremban. Without suggesting any other dates, she asked to fax instead. Papa requested a stop payment procedure from his bank. Apparently, the Jelitawan Wt doesn't appreciate any kind gestures from anyone. Papa did ~bereng~ her, but it was perfectly harmless and all in good fun. To adopt this "tidak apa" attitude is unprofessional. However, Papa stands corrected !

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